Some recently viewed videos. No one is saved by works, but by grace through faith, in divine regeneration, through the applied atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ.
Satire Und Theology
Monday, December 09, 2024
Bruce Gore: The Prodigal Son-Part II
Some recently viewed videos. No one is saved by works, but by grace through faith, in divine regeneration, through the applied atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ.
Monday, November 04, 2024
Bruce Gore: 1 Peter 3:1-12, 11/3/2024
'Peter affirms the distinct biblical understanding of God's design in marriage.'
My brief comments:
Gore explains that biblically a wife should prioritize inner beauty over outer beauty, although both have importance. A husband should seek out the help in partnership (Genesis 1:26-27, as example), of such a wife.
Monday, October 28, 2024
1 Peter 2: 13-25: Authority
The latest 1 Peter lecture from Bruce Gore.
'28:47 Good Will conquers evil'
Biblically, Christians are to always obey God, and as well, also the State where it maintains law and order. For Gore, the Church is to redeem, while the State is to restrain within law and order. The Church is to obey the State, in the context of law and order, but is not to obey the State where any laws or rules, forbid Gospel commands being followed by those within the Church.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1 Peter 2: 4-12: A lot of people stumble over Jesus
Bruce Gore
Oct 21, 2024
'Our death and resurrection in Christ open the door to an identity that shares the distinct qualities of Christ himself: prophet, priest, and king.'
34 minute mark roughly: (Paraphrased) A lot of people stumble over Jesus.
34 minute mark roughly: (Paraphrased) A lot of people stumble over Jesus.
Only the regenerate (John 3, Titus 3, 1 Peter 1) by grace through faith alone, not by human works, embrace the gospel work. (See Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Hebrews as examples)
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