Wednesday, October 28, 2020

PhD: Twitter quote 18

PhD: Twitter quote 18

PhD version

Marcel Sarot (1997) comments that many feminist theologians see theodicy as dominated by white males, and these feminists reject notions of God’s omniscience, omnipotence, and perfect goodness. Sarot (1997: 29). 

GEBARA, IVONE (2002) Out of the Depths, Translated by Ann Patrick Ware, Minneapolis, Fortress Press.

SAROT, MARCEL (1997) ‘Evil, Tragedy and Feminist Theology: New Impulses for Theodicy’, in Theology Digest, Volume 44, Number 1, Spring, pp. 29-33. St. Louis, Missouri, Theology Digest.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

PhD Full Version PDF 

Twitter version

Marcel Sarot comments that many feminist theologians see theodicy as dominated by white males, and  reject notions of God’s omniscience, omnipotence, and perfect goodness.

Pixabay photo of Conway, Castle, Wales