Coyotes routinely howl in our area. A few years ago I was out for an evening walk and could barely see some sets of eyes looking at me in the bushes. I thought coyotes were a possibility.
I suppose I was not looked at as a safe and/or tasty enough meal, because I was not attacked. That would be a lot of beef and muscle to chew through.That would be a kingpin size meal. I did have some kind of walking club with me, seems to me, which of course I waved around. In fact I think I struck that bush with the eyes in it. But I did sense a potential threat...
Downtown Vancouver: I was kindly hosted by my friend and Bobby Buff, Father, Honky-Tonk Don, the other night. When I told Don that I had to work at Missions Fest that next weekend, he stated that he did not know that Mission (the small town next to Maple Ridge) had such an event as 'Mission' Fest.
Now if only my condominium clean-up,dumping, moving old furniture, new flooring and furniture could be done with an illusion, I could save the money and just change up the imagery when people visit.
A former local Pastor of mine, walks into my place of employment. He is a friend and unofficial local, ministry mentor with a good sense of satire.
'Not too many people have a job where they can sit behind the computer all day.'
'I do not sit behind my computer all day, I chat with customers, I am doing ministry work, such as so and so. I appreciate your assistance.'
'Have you heard of software engineers?'
'If I was a professor, I would spend much of my day, behind the computer.'
Pastor: 'Yes, but not all of it.'
The staff told me he was by today with his family to have coffee and I was out. The family asked where I was. I had talked with two of his daughter's when I was out leaving business cards at churches. (There is email follow up).
Man outside walks by and looks at our sign outside: 'Bibles!?' (Indignant? Surprised?)
Theologically, I heard the following for the first time as a child at Maple Ridge Baptist Church from the lead Pastor that was later a Theology professor at Trinity Western University.
God the Son, is the infinite, eternal and omnipotent God and therefore able to outlast finite sin against the infinite God.
At the same time, God the Son, as incarnate, (becomes) is the perfect finite human being and therefore able to serve as the perfect sacrifice in atonement. Only God the Son, Jesus Christ meets these qualifications, even while working within the Trinity as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Colossians 2: 9 notes that Jesus Christ, God the Son, is the fullness of deity in bodily form.
These are also premises in my view against annihilationism as no finite amount of time by the finite unregenerate in Hades (Luke 16) can pay the penalty for sin that only God the Son, Jesus Christ can cover. Therefore, everlasting punishment remains the more reasonable explanation within the lake of fire (Revelation 20) as opposed to annihilation. Those not in the book of life remain in sin, opposed to God in sin, by significant free will choice as secondary agents (God as primary cause) and also continually pay for sin (s).
To understand Aleister Crowley, or to come as close to understanding as the man would allow, one must start at his upbringing. Born Edward Alexander, Crowley found himself amongst some of Britain’s most evangelical Christians, the very opposite of the type of people he would attract later in his life. His father was a preacher, and at first, Crowley found himself entirely devoted to the religion, out of respect for his father. However, upon his father’s death when Crowley was just 11 years old, he began firmly eschewing all sense of Christianity. He would point out inconsistencies in the teachings of the Bible during study groups in school, and would outright defy all Christian morals by smoking, masturbating, and having sex with prostitutes. For his behavior, his mother referred to him as “the Beast,” a title which he reveled in.
Aleister Crowley
(1875—1947) author and occultist QUICK REFERENCE
a diabolist and a bad but prolific poet who claimed to be the Beast from the Book of Revelation. He joined the Order of the Golden Dawn, a group of theosophists involved in Cabbalistic magic, of which Yeats was a member.
From: Crowley, ‘Aleister’ in The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature »
Subjects: Literature
Crowley’s father was an heir to a brewing fortune who became an evangelist for the Plymouth Brethren, a Nonconformist religious denomination. The younger Crowley, however, formed an aversion to Christianity early in life. As a student at Trinity College of the University of Cambridge, he began to use the name Aleister and gained a reputation for skill at chess. In 1898 he left the university without taking a degree. His own inheritance left him free to travel widely and to arrange for the publication of his writings. His first book of poetry appeared in 1898, and numerous books followed. ---
Mr. Crowley grew up in a Plymouth Brethren family, but after his Father's day and death, Mr. Crowley became firmly an antichrist.
I watched the Channel 4 documentary below which is interesting, although not exhaustive in the limited time presented.
This story to me is a classic example of a human being that takes disappointment with God, life and reality, that virtually all human beings experience (I certainly have had and do), in this sinful, tainted, fallen realm; to a rebellious extreme.
A classic negative example of life and end...
Hades: Luke 16, temporary spiritual realm for those that reject the atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ for sin and to everlasting life. The biblical, triune God is rejected.
The lake of fire: Revelation 20, the everlasting realm for those some persons, resurrected in sin and judged by God.
Both biblically presented with figurative, literal, language. Masters of Darkness: The Wickedest Man in the World (2002)
Thanks to Facebook friend, Leroy, for posting. I then 'Liked' Vintage Vortex. That is perhaps the most extreme snowfall I have viewed.
This is a day off from work, but with more ministry work, my condominium renovations and the Boss now being in residence, down the road; I am once again pondering on and amazed by God's sovereignty and sovereign power (Ephesians 1-2, Romans 1-9). Circumstances change, people age and die, but God, as necessary, remains infinite, eternal and omnipotent. At any time, I could face significantly new trouble such as from a blizzard, and my life would change drastically, and yet the Almighty God remains consistent and same.
There is no willing way I would be in such a position, in this reality, with the only reasonable exception, being I have an incredible technology with flight, on my person.
Shared more than once before in different formats...
Dogs and cats provide evidence for a premise that God has a sense of humour.
Well-done, Canada. This opposed to a Where to be bored, index... This second index would include most of the local Singles' events...
A more interesting map to me would be a divinely inspired world map of where the more correct worldviews would exist. God would have to grade. Notice, China, France and parts of Eastern Europe...
Perhaps, many a conservative, authoritarian, evangelical Christian would legally fight to make homosexuality illegal, dabbling (at least) with theonomy and theocracy; whereas those conservative, libertarian, moderates like myself, often see authoritarian, political, Christianity as counter-productive to the proclamation of the gospel, especially in the Western World. Even while agreeing with conservatives with a biblical interpretation of, for example, 1 Corinthians 6. Mandating biblical Christian doctrine and morality in the Christian Church is a different issue than attempting to mandate morality to non-believers from a biblical perspective.
Pinterest: I still would like to see Texas. I read and hear the beef is good. Feel free to invite me for work. Pay me in steaks.
14 As a door turns on its hinges, so does a sluggard on his bed.
Proverbs 26:14 uses emblematic parallelism to again mock the sluggard’s love of sleep: “As the door turns on its hinges, / So does the sluggard on his bed.” The next two verses complete the picture of the slothful person: “The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; / He is weary of bringing it to his mouth again. / The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes / Than seven men who can give a discreet answer.” Of note is the sluggard’s high opinion of himself: he thinks he is smart not to work; it doesn’t matter how many reasonable arguments are brought against him, he persists in his conceit that he is a wise man.
On my long ride home from ministry work yesterday, I was listening to a radio preacher state (paraphrased) that the sluggard is often lazy, without a job, but yet loves to give spiritual advice to those that do work!
Facebook blocked Satire Und Theology from being reposted on December 31. I challenged this and Facebook kindly fixed, January 1.
I did nothing ethically wrong, in my view. Without any feedback, I have deleted my friend's Facebook profile, Walter Thomas Franklin, that was established at my friend's request and with his account preferences, in order to support my Blogger entries, in particular with Likes!
But, I shall now do without.
The Kingpin: Hypothetically, if Chucky had 15-30 restaurant meals a week, let us state 21 times for an average, as does 007!?