Bobby Buff-10x winner
Chucky-2x winner
Documentary Man-2x winner
Jeff Jenkins-2x winner
Zombie-2x winner
Cousin Buff-1x winner
Manson-1x winner
thekingpin68-1x winner
January 11, 2010
2009: Mr. Jeff Jenkins (2x winner)
Jeff is also a very fine graphic artist.
I have still have not met Jeff in person, and when I do will wear a bullet-proof vest and have the bomb squad on speed dial, but for the second straight year he is our winner. For his 2008 write-up and all the other write-ups about these clowns please see below.
Hey, Jeff, please don't open any anonymous packages at your door.
Well, I thought that my blog posts concerning theodicy, the problem of evil, free will, determinism, the NHL, Latter-Day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, save the gay whales, and relationships were controversial enough, but THE JEFF blows that away. Here are some recent post titles:
Islamic Slavery
Islam: Tears of Jihad
Muslim Brotherhood 'Conspiracy' to Subvert America
Barack Obama the Beast of Revelation...okay, that is not on Jeff's blog.
The Jeff
Now, I provide his link while selfishly stating that you are better off reading my wonderful, awesome, 'fatastic' blogs thekingpin68 and satire and theology. So if you have ten minutes to spare please give Jeff's two minutes and mine eight.
Jeff mellowed a bit in the fundi department this year which was nice to see. Thankfully, however, he still does not think that humankind evolved from apes, although when I think of couple of my male friends...I do wonder.
The also-rans...
thekingpin68: Yes, I ran a fair amount in 2009 as my dental apnea appliance is moving me in a healthier direction. I of course remain macho theology/philosophy man. I would have blown a gasket had Wales given me a MPhil in January 2009 instead of a PhD with revisions. Now I just need that final word from Wales.
BTW, Wales is a country Americans as opposed to save the gay Whales.
Bobby Buff: I am glad you have that 'radio' installed in your chest for your ticker. But, I do not know why you cannot connect it to my computer speakers and play us some good music. Thanks for all the smart*** blog comments in 2009.
Saint Chucklins: Perhaps you should open up your own Mennonite/Presbyterian monastery/psych ward, with funding from governments of course. See previous entries.
January 4, 2009
2008: Mr. Jeff Jackson (a.k.a. Jenkins) (1 x winner)
Mr. Jeff Jackson is my supportive friend and has the Thoughts and Theology blog. He is the first person that I have not actually met in person to win the non-conformist of the year award. This award that has existed, at least in my mind since 1989, has been dominated by Bobby Buff, who also has various other aliases, but in my mind Jeff deserves it for 2008.
The award existed in paper text format for years and has been on-line since 2006.
From Jeff's one profile picture I must state that it is nice to do the cross-cultural friends thing with someone that at least looks part black.;) I reason I am doing my bit for world peace and for peace and diversity within the 'body of Christ.'
Hey baby you're cool.
What has Mr. Jackson done in 2008?
He has supported my blogs thekingpin68 and satire and theology. Thank you, Jeff.
He has taken a stance against the acceptance of homosexual practice in the church and in society to the point of sometimes 'fundi' zeal. He attempted to take my head off/choke me out/Chuck Norris me/toss me like the Lochness Monster tossed that British presenter/force feed me an entire bottle of 'Happiness' spice from Rick Beef one time in a post where I stated that in Canada as we now have same-sex marriage, I would rather have the compromise in our very secular and non-Christian society of same-sex civil unions. Of course I would more prefer neither same-sex marriage or civil unions, but Mr. Jackson was worked up over the issue in Florida and let his canons rip!
Jeff acted like the last man remaining in a Zombie movie!
Sometimes Mr. Jackson needs to have a cold shower running because he gets so overheated as he begins to burn his keyboard. He actually fried a couple of the deadly spiders that infest his house by breathing on them. He would have snacked on them if he had a bottle of 'Happiness', but he did not.
Mr. Jackson also can go nuts on Facebook. He is a great supporter of my blogs on Facebook, thanks Jeff, but he goes a bit crazy with the applications...wow, he has stated he often has about a hundred messages to deal with. Perhaps Mr. Jackson should get a job as a graphic illustrator for Facebook.
Mr. Jackson is wisely not a supporter of the theory of macroevolution, however, if he saw my hairy friends Chucky and Deeaaaan, he may reconsider.
Chucky stated: Golly gee whiz, that Bobby sure features prominently in the awards, don't he?

2007: Chucky (2x winner)
Sir Charles Nelson Chuckles
Congratulations, Sir Chucklins!
Chucky is so committed to his family that he has dedicated himself to near monastic like existence. He even forsakes many job opportunities in order to stay closer to Maple Ditch and assist his family. He has also forsaken purely hypothetical opportunities for true love, although they were seemingly few and far between, kind of like Manson’s nose hair trimming escapades, Zombie’s Bible studies, thekingpin’s dates, and Bobby’s trips over seas. It is tough finding a compatible Christian woman in ‘Vangoober’ (as the NBA commissioner kind of sounded like he pronounced it).
Chucky is such as nice guy, that in 2007 he visited on-line an atheist blog to assist a Christian blogger who was facing abuse, and Sir Charles was called an a hole is the process. Chuckles will walk ‘into it’ for a fellow human being, and that is the good Mennonite way! They should be called Men no knights. Chucky would give you the shirt off his back, and Bobby Buff would definitely give you the shirt off his back. Some guys are so hairy or have so much stomach muscle that they should never give someone the shirt off their back.
Bobby Buff had a rough 2007, but still managed to shine…thanks to Crisco. He helped lead a peasant’s revolt against a tyrannous industry and now works for higher wages and with more reasonable hours, and yet an evil still lurks.
Cousin Buff our 2006 champion, had a lavish wedding attended by the College of Cardinals and Pope Benedict XVI. I asked the Pope that since the NFL’s Saint Louis Cardinals moved to Arizona, if the College of Cardinals would ever consider moving to the United States for a better lease, and more revenue from outside sales, and he gave me a flat ‘no comment’. Cousin Buff’s wedding featured dancers from 190 nations, although the Palestinian dancers would not go on the same stage as the Israeli ones. Cousin and Bobby Buff did an impromptu dance with their shirts off all greased up to raise money to pay for the wedding and reception. Cousin Buff and his new bride went to her Asian homeland to rent a huge truck and deliver garbage into neighbourhood bins. It was called ‘Project Buff Up’.
Documentary Man continues teaching at a preppy school in central Florida and avoided having his tires slashed in 2007.
Zombie is still paying his debts, although he does not seem to own a heck of a lot despite all the payments he makes. Zombie’s finances are perhaps like one big hole in the ground.
Philosophy Man and the Bulgarian Princess had a beautiful baby girl and not the triplets as speculated. The two month old has already shown a great interest in samba dancing and has the run of the house. She is being taught, sub-consciously as we speak, how to nag Daddy…;) Thanks for the New Year’s party!
Thekingpin68, yours truly, has had his sleep apnea relapse. With all the taxes we pay in this country the government will not pay to have my jaw moved forward. I need ideas for collecting the $15,000 plus needed for the jaw surgery. I need to finish my PhD and find work…duh.
February 10, 2007
Philosophy Man and his dear wife Bananjela today sent out one of those this is how our year has been emails to friends. It was well done and highlighted some nice new pictures on their website. I admit myself to have sent out those kinds of mass emails with bcc when I was in England, as in this is how crappy my year has been, but thankfully things are somewhat better now. Thankfully, or perhaps not, depending on your perspective the email gave me an idea for a satirical, somewhat fictional account of the year of the non-conformists.
Here it is:
Greetings this is thekingpin. I am sorry for writing this impersonal mass, bcc email but I have spent much of the last two evenings and mornings staying up sending out problem of evil questionnaires to those persons I know worldwide. I was therefore tired and was faced with the option of writing to each and every one of my dear friends personally, or trying to win an Actual Soccer tournament on my Mac clone. Clearly you can see which choice I made. Please don’t feel bad as losing occasionally does not make you a loser.
2006 was fatastic for me as I lost almost 20 pounds after my two sleep apnea surgeries. I also lovingly welcomed several large dark clumps of vitreous floaters into the back of my eyes, especially the right. It is so cool trying to read and having those pretty artistic black wispy lines floating back and forth. I really appreciate my local eye doctors telling me how acceptable they were and warning of me of the evils of heading down to the Excited States to have them removed, even though these local doctors were not technically familiar with what the doctor in the Exited States did, and were not willing to find out. Thanks to the wonderful surgeon here my nose no longer closes up at night, and without my tonsils and uvula I no longer wake up at night gasping for air and scaring the tar out of anyone who happens to hear me.
Academically it appears that things are going well. I am cool with the department as long as I don’t talk about everlasting hell, evolution, abortion, ufos, homosexuality, Michael Jackson, or why England has not won the FIFA World Cup since 1966.
Chucky’s star has continued to rise in the church choir circles. Chucky Saint Divine: Choir Boy for the 21st century. As well, he is becoming known on the net as Sir Charles Nelson Chuckles the debonair comic book collector. Clearly this man is on his way up. He has purchased a new pair of glasses, which give him that baby eyes look, as opposed to the other pair of Lennon’s, which at times give him the snotty French debonair comic book collector look. With French accent, “Oui, Oui, you English pig dog, how dare you want to trade that modern age comique for my bronze age masterpiece!”
Documentary Man’s star also rose in 2006 as he is becoming known as the most overeducated and intellectual prep school teacher in America. Since it is too much of a pain in the ass to get a PhD and teach graduate students, Documan wisely simply teaches the youngsters at a PhD level. Documan had a difficult time in the beginning convincing the administration that a 50% grade in his class was an A, but they eventually went along with it.
Bobby Buff is quickly become known for his book and CD; congratulations my friend. Bobby’s deal with Crisco has paid dividends as each book and CD has a Crisco coupon within. Crisco donates 1 cent from all sales to the Columbia Bible College: East Maple Ridge project. Bobby hopes to one day build a satellite Columbia site in East Ridge and coax all the old retired professors from the 1990’s out of retirement, or out of the grave if need be by prayer, in order to teach there.
Cousin Buff has continued with his environmental awareness and rumour has it has been visiting several lonely garbage bins throughout the Lower Mainland.
Philosophy Man and Bananjela have continued with their environmental work as well. There is hope that eventually their family shall increase in size and they can buy the lot across the street and build a centre for environmental awareness and samba.
Little John has had a good year of work and his career is blossoming. He is planning a few trips and may one day work on his PhD. Have you looked at Brown University?
2006: Cousin Buff (1x winner)
He dethrones his cousin, Bobby Buff, and the throne is a sensitive subject in our group!
Bobby Buff wanted:
The body of Arnold...
The voice of Elvis...
The spirituality of Jesus...
He received:
The body of a 'Big Jim'...
The voice of Buddy Holly...
The spirituality of Mister Rogers...
Sir Chuckles of Haney, thinks I was lenient in not giving the 2006 award to Bobby Bluffeuffofus because I somewhat overlooked the seriousness of Bluff stating one night that his children, presently under the age of 10 years old, would not in the future attend college or University.
The Garbage Man cometh!! We have a new, first time winner of the non-conformist of the year award. Cousin Buff, congratulations!! Why is Cousin Buff our 2006 winner, especially since I saw him less than five times this year? At the Buff family fire a few months ago, Cousin Buff was ranting and raving on cousin Bobby Buff's new book, 'Son, don't just bluff look buff'. Cousin Buff went on and on, "wow, wow, wow, wow". Meanwhile Chucky and I looked at each other thinking, the book is good, but not that good. One would think that Cousin Buff was considering Bobby's book for Biblical canon status, or perhaps if not canon, Bobby's book should considered for Church Father status, as the volume would be credited to the Greek Father, "Saint Bobbus Bluffeuffofus". One would think that Bobby would soon be on Oprah flogging the book. Cousin Buff and his girlfriend apparently set up a table at his church presenting Bobby's book. Yes, of all the books in the world, they push the book of a 160 pound, greased up, well meaning weight trainer who wants his sons to grow up right, and slight. Were the writings of Augustine, Luther, or Calvin at the table? No! Instead the table featured the work of theological wizard Bobby Buff. Months later, I heard from Bobby that Cousin Buff listened to the pre-production version of Bobby's new CD, "Plastic Retractions" and once again the response was "wow, wow, wow, wow". The CD is good, but by no means should be confused with a classic. Perhaps it would be "plassic"?
The main reason Cousin Buff is the winner for 2006, is that he has shown an uncommon care and concern for the environment. Cousin Buff failed to make it to the dump to drop off garbage in the back of his pick-up truck at the end of a work day. He knew that the dump would be closed for the weekend and was so concerned with environmental problems such as garbage odour, sabotage from rats and dogs, the ozone layer, and global warming, that something had to be done with the trash that night! After viewing a hockey game with yours truly, Cousin Buff, driving us home in his truck, searched the local area for a garbage bin located in a empty industrial park lot with no security. Cousin Buff, with his compassionate heart saw an empty, and lonely garbage bin on an industrial lot and quickly unloaded his twenty bags of garbage into the formally ignored, and overlooked bin. Cousin Buff then floored his pick-up truck on the wet streets and headed towards home. I laughed so hard as Cousin Buff modestly did not want anyone to see his love for the environment or his compassion for that formerly lonely, unappreciated, and empty garbage bin. Cousin Buff you deserve this award!
I had my nasal reconstruction surgery done in July and I am recovering. That combined with my March uvula and tonsil removal means I have slightly more energy and have lost 16 pounds. I am no longer a great candidate for DQ magazine. Bobby has been a T.V. star this year as a fairly lame man on the street interviewed Bobby about his book. At the end of the interview the man on the street wisely stated that "Bobby's world was the only world Bobby knew." How amazing that the man on the street figured Bobby out in less than a day! Bobby thinks I should be non-conformist of the year this year, but I think not. Bobby has still produced some gems. He loves his children tremendously and is a great father, but his desire/obsession to impose his "phony lifestyle" upon them is fascinating. While driving in the car one night, Bobby, Little John and I went by a technical high school, and the well meaning Bobby stated that his kids would go there, because they would not likely go to college or University. Keep in mind his kids are not even 10 years old! So, because Bobby and Daddy, work at the mill, Grandpa worked at the mill, Great gramps smuggled moonshine, Great, Great gramps trapped raccoons, Great, Great, Great gramps smuggled and sold manure, Great, Great, Great, Great gramps fought for the south in the civil war, then Bobby's boys won't go to college or University. How does Bobby know? He is a prophet or the amazing Kreskin? Or does God always let Bobby know what is going to happen by intuition? If so he should start his own pseudo-Christian cult, The Church of Bobby Buff, Latter-Day Fakes. Did Bobby find mystical golden weights buried on his parent's estate? Hmm, come to think it, looking at this list, Bobby you're right, your kids won't go to college or University.;) Anyway, Bobby is sure to bring his kids up in a godly household, and if they rebel it will be of a serious nature of crossing a bridge and moving to another town, or even worse moving to a big city for a job. I can imagine Bobby having to drive out to Vancouver on the weekend to see one of his kids...
2005: Bobby Buff (10x winner)
Wow golly gee, Bobby is a professional labourer, body builder, Elvis fan and newly published author, with this book 'Son, don't just bluff look buff'.
Chapters include:
Like me don't use "roids", because "bitch tits" are a possibility
I love myself am real significant, I think so anyway
Be yourself, and don't be too realistic
Never give up! Be obsessive
Crisco is crucial for personal self-esteem
Bobby congrats!
Bobby-"Thank you, thank very much".
The 2005 candidates (cheesy music playing from The Apprentice)
thekingpin (1x winner)-Although I am a muscular force and work out a lot and eat a little, the results of sleep apnea make me look more like a DQ (Dairy Queen is an American fast food place that is not located world-wide) model than a GQ model. I am looking forward to getting some energy and losing some weight. I have my throat surgery in March and will actually breath well while sleeping for once is my life. This all could avoided if the MDs would have heeded the calls of my Mommy when I was little and removed my constantly swollen tonsils, but no, no, "We know better in the early 1970s, after all look at our Charles Manson inspired hair styles". In 2005 I have actually come close to finishing my PhD, so I can actually get a real job, wowee! I have a part-time job in security and have had to put up with crap from drunk idiots smashing up the can after a wedding, and people who refused to close the fire exit door. I also need more plastic surgery on my weak eye lid, with the idea being for the eye to close better while sleeping and for me to have a shot on being on the cover of DQ. I was cornered at church by an emotional chick that claimed I must get on the C-PAP machine, or else she would be angry with me in heaven forever, if I died young. She said @#$% the money, just get the machine. I don't want it anyway, and I can't sleep with cotton in the ears, forget trying to breath with that thing. I appreciated her intentions, but can't afford C-PAP even if I wanted it, but she would not listen, and what she was saying made slightly more sense than John McLaughlin's 1972 bootleg, pot influenced religious rant at the Whisky A Go Go club.
Chucky (1x winner)-Boop, boop, boop, Chucky's year has been so tough that his blood pressure is now sky high, and that perhaps is why his head is sometimes so red it looks like it could blow up. Chucky has also had to look after his sick Dad and help out his family, for which he deserves much credit. He has as well had to beat off some 40 something chick chasing him all over...go Chucky go! Hey Chuck, Ron Popeil sold that spray that covers up bald spots remember?
Documentary Man (2x winner)-The defending champion gets a break since I have not seen him since 2004. thekingpin-"Hey, thanks for the photo copies from Harvard for my PhD".
Documentary Man-"Shhh, I am in the middle of my daily 5 hour walking and kneeling prayer". Documan and Mrs. Documan are currently in California and may be meeting in-laws...EVERYBODY PRAY! See 2004.
Philosophy Man aka the late (real name)-Your puppy is a real piece of work with his championship dumps on the carpet and eating the New Year's Eve grub...good luck with the training sessions. It may be easier for you to train Chuck and I to find Christian women to date...
2004: Documentary Man (2x winner)
In 2004, he has been married twice, and been in several controversies concerning religion. He has attempted to persuade some of his critics of the truth of his arguments using theatrical prose and poetry, but often has dug himself a bigger hole. Now he must wait for his green card, and can hopefully stay a choir boy until he can go back to the USA. However, this will likely only be possible if he can avoid Bible study discussions, vicars, and family members.
Bobby stated: Hey, Documentary Man, the years (2004) not over yet, but I admit that taking the title from you this year would be quite a feat even for me, Bobby Buffster. thekingpin stated: There is no way I could win the award this year (2004). Documentary Man is marrying twice with godly intentions but controversy, and Bobby did his protest at the mill baba. Bobby stated: Congratulations Documentary Man on getting married. I wish all the best to you and your new wife. I hope that you will place your comments here on this highly commendable website. Beware of the WebMaster, He may spin a web of nonconformity upon us all!
COUSIN BUFF: Well I think the King Pin has out done himself this time. Non conformist of the year hey. Well it seems as though if this king pin finishes his schooling and finally gets his dream job. He might become the conformist of that year. who knows when that will be though. lol kidding buddy it will be soon Im sure. Oh imagine the auther and creator being elected for something he invented.
2003: Manson (1x winner)
"Call and confirm" : For me to be expected to call you to confirm, when you were supposed to come out to visit me, sealed it Manson.
2002: Documentary Man (1x winner)
The Documentary Man visits Canada, as well as making a splash in NYC. "Do you speak English?", NYC female Burger King server to Mr. Oxbridge of the English upper class.
2001:Bobby Buff (9x winner)
I return to Canada to find a Bobby who is more willing to spend time, but now I hear comments such as him having the "best build of all his friends"...nuff said.
2000-Chucky (1x winner)
DECEMBER 24 2000, IS A DAY THAT SHALL LIVE IN INFAMY. The bottle incident, Mr. Freeze...nuff said.
1999-thekingpin68 (1x winner)
I was squabbling with both Trinity Western University and Manchester University over "well meaning" advisors at the same time, so I win.
1998:Bobby Buff (8x winner)
Bobby begins to question some of his phoniness as some of his friends move away or threaten to (like me). His plan to keep all the same friends, in the same town, all his life, now goes to pot, as does his hope that we can set up a major Bible College in his parents back 40.
1997:Bobby Buff (7x winner)
Bobby wonders if having children will cause him to lose weight.
1996:Bobby Buff (6x winner)
Married life and Bobby now feels he has even better reasons to be as he is...in his own little worl...there.
1995:Zombie (2x winner)
Two time winner as marriage hits the rocks faster than the Canucks in the playoffs.
1994:Zombie (1x winner)
Trojan condoms and April 5 1995...nuff said. However, my squabble with Columbia Bible College over me taking Greek via correspondence cannot be overlooked, as I was called a Bulldog by a professor known as the Undertaker.
1993:Bobby Buff (5x winner)
I invited Bobby to go to the UK with Chuck and I after we graduated, but he declined stating that he was "too disciplined" with bodybuilding.
1992:Bobby Buff (4x winner)
Getting Plastic Man over the Pitt River bridge was an amazing feat. He needed to attend Missionsfest to pass a course, and he had to temporarily consider my assertion that the McDonald's truck we passed on the highway was a roving McDonald's restaurant.
1991:Bobby Buff (3x winner)
"I'm not showing off my muscles at Columbia with my muscle shirts, Russ". What a load of cow pie, as he admitted many years later.
1990:Bobby Buff (2x winner)
Getting Bobby out of the gym or away from watching He Haw reruns was quite difficult this year.
1989:Bobby Buff (1x winner)
When I met Bobby for the first time I figured that he was a godly Christian guy, and a "big phony". Well, sometimes first impression are sometimes true.
I am so muscular, that I have a twelve pack.
ReplyDeleteA TWELVE PACK is this some new genetic terminology for drink all you want eat all you want and still have room for the dessert. Must be nice to have abs too make richard little jealous.lol I only wish I could preform such duties and still have abs of steal. Later!
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmmmmmm...I see some possible trades among the seculars...Bobby: Some of Kingpin's weight in exchange for ability to get a normal night's sleep, and a bonus can of Criso.Chucky: Some of Manson's vast music collection in exchange for a razor & shampoo.Documentary Man: Some of Bobby's glistening muscles in exchange for an actual degree and some extra butter (Hey it's almost as good as Crisco!)Zombie: Some of Philosophy Man's reasoning ability in exchange for a year's supply of pop (great for the small intestine!)
ReplyDeleteBobby Buff's biggest slam ever has put him into the lead for the 2006 Non conformist of the year award.The Story...He goes to the gym one morning and as he's signing in, the girl behind the counter asks him if he needs the room upstairs opened up for him. He politely says "No Thanks" and proceeds to do his workout. Later Bobby finds out from a friend that the only room upstairs is the "Pole Dancing Room!!!" Oouch what a slam...Thats even worse when Bobby was in the health food store looking for protein powder to build muscles,and the lady asks him if he was in aerobics! Oouch again. Bobby's back hurts.article taken from Fraser Valley Gossip News 2006Bobby Buff was not available for comment.BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: From the Office of Bobby Buff. He has announced his official retirement from Bobby Building..er. I mean Body Building. His workouts now will be focused on Fitness not Building huge muscles, Bobby comments that the change is due to several factors....ya Bobby like your're now 150 pounds not 175!!
ReplyDeleteThe body-building world mourns...
ReplyDeleteSo one night Bobby, Big J, and Chucky were all hanging out with Rosco, and Bobby says "You know what I'm getting for my Birthday?
ReplyDeleteand Rosco says, "Weight Gain (powder)?" We all laughed, but Bobby's back was hurting again, yet another slam.
-Article taken from
the Gossip Gazette 2006-
Golly, I may only be simple, but it seems to me, that Slicky Slickster is on the way to being the Non Conformist of the Year for 2006....Why?? Several Surgeries, and Chucky gets an email from a refreshed King Pin at 9:00am in the morning...Guess who's sleeping all night now??? Mr. Slick is definitely on the way to Non Conformist of the year!!
Non Conformity Updates:
ReplyDeleteChucky is currently completing a computing contract and is about to be out of work. Thats okay, because "Young Drivers of Canada" is looking for driving instructors.
Unfortunately, Slickster thinks he should pay attention to the road more rather than falling asleep and looking up into the sky while driving.
Car and Driver Magazine 2006
A new business coming to town?
ReplyDeleteRumour has it that a new business is coming to town to replace the pawn shops that are being closed down...an alternative night club...
called "The Crisco Disco"
Readers Comments welcome
The Hotty Heifer News Paper
Here is my famous jingle, with a twist:
ReplyDeleteChuck don't want be loved by you.
Chuck don't want be touched by you.
Chuck don't want to be alone with you...at all.
Bobby Buff is like Forrest Gump.
ReplyDeleteBobby publishes a book and gets on TV, while virtually doing no research for the book.
Run Forrest run!
Pump Bobby pump!
For Bobby Buff, "I can't spend time with my friends, because I have to promote my book," is the new, "I can't spend time with my friends, because I have to lift weights."
ReplyDeleteA memorable line from Bobby's TV spot:
ReplyDelete"...it's the only world he knows..."
Wow -- seems like Mike McCardell knows Bobby almost as well as Kingpin & I do!
In 2005 I was diagnosed with three stage sleep apnea. My first surgery took place in March as my uvula and tonsils were removed. This eliminated stage one. In July I received nasal reconstruction surgery and this eliminated stage two.
ReplyDeleteI shall keep having body parts removed or altered until I no longer have sleep apnea.
Bobby is now working on a new CD.
ReplyDeleteHis first track is entitled:
Like a Spurgeon, preaching for the very first time.
Bobby congratulations on scoring 98% on your course. You are a janitorial genius.
ReplyDeleteBobby is now officially a janitor, as he has a career back up to pushing logs at the mill.
Personally, I think it gives Bobby ample opportunity to wear muscle shirts on the job, just like at the mill. I am guessing that being able to wear a muscle shirt on the job is almost as important to Bobby as the amount of money he receives on his pay cheque.;)
I should mention that Mr. and Mrs. Documentary Man are doing very well as teachers in the state of Florida, which is the former state of Bob Ross, and the infamous Tom Vu. I leave it up to you to speculate on any possible connection or hidden esoteric meaning.
There is no word on whether or not Documan has been nominated for any award of excellence as of yet, but he has caught some little punks plagiarizing. Would it not be funny if someone bought a copy of Bobby Buff's gift book and then handed in portions of it to Documan for an assignment. Documan would look at the work and think that something smelled phony and therefore could be the original work of only one man...
Chucky is sadly under a lot of pressure and is fatigued. He therefore gets head colds. Sometimes it looks and sounds like he needs his head lanced.
ReplyDeleteA warning to Bobby:
ReplyDeleteYoda (man): "Hmm, beware of the power of the phoney side".
Evil Umpirer: "Experience the full power of the phoney side".
Dark Later (after the rub on tan): "Now feel the wrath of the phoney side".
Hyndai Council: "We will not grant you the title of Phoney Master". I would though Bobby!
Bobby Buff, the superhero!
ReplyDeleteAccording to:
Monday, November 28, 2005
Who wins in a fight? Mr. Fantastic or Plastic Man?
Mr. Fantastic is pretty darn smart, but Plastic Man's powers are SOOOO much better.
So who pulls it out in the end?
posted by Brian Cronin at 6:40 AM
Brian (not Cronin) said...
I think we need to know the venue to answer properly. Cuz if it's in the Baxter Building, or the Watchtower, or even a warehouse -- any place where Reed can McGyver together a weapon, you have to give the advantage to Reed.
If you're talking about a steel cage match, or something equally controlled...I still gotta say Reed, because he actually has tactics, as opposed to improvization and goofiness. In the Silver Age, he was supposed to be a Judo master, which might help. How do you hurt either of these guys in a fist-fight, anyway?
11/30/2005 3:23 PM
Bill Reed said...
Elongated Man.
Well, Plastic Man is easily more powerful, but Reed's a genius, so... It depends.
Same goes for the inevitable 'Woozy Winks vs. HERBIE' debate.
11/30/2005 5:32 PM
Anonymous said...
1. Mr Fantastic
2. Plastic Man
3. Elongated Man
4. Bobby Buff
2/20/2006 3:00 AM
chucky said...
The Bobby Buff mentioned here gets his superpowers from radioactive Crisco.
See http://kingpinned.blogspot.com for some descriptions of superhero team-ups involving Bobby.
7/01/2006 1:59 AM
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Chucky and Philosophy Man are inviting people to their 40th birthday party. They are just friends and not a couple!
ReplyDeleteChucky says: Please no gifts, just bring yourselves.
I was not planning on bringing any gifts! I was thinking of bringing myself and perhaps Bobby Buff. I figured my presence would be more than a good enough gift for two middle agers, and poor little Sister Anjee. Bobby of course would without any doubt see his muscular presence as more than a sufficient gift for ones such as you two.
Dear Chucky,
ReplyDeleteI am greatly confused,
these streets and directions are very foreign to me.
I don't recognize them as being any streets or restaurants
in Maple Ridge. Perhaps you've made a mistake on the location
of your party. Please....only Maple Ridge Adresses and Streets
east of the Pitt River Bridge.
Hillbilly Buffy
Hello Chucky,
ReplyDeleteThis strange place you speak of,
please tell me its East of the Pitt River Bridge.
Because if its not I will have to take an extra
dose of my medicine that combats my phobia
about travelling west of the Pitt River Bridge.
Hillbilly Buff
Hello, dear friends of Bobby,
ReplyDeleteI am just back from the Chucky and Philosophy Man 40th birthday party. Anjee, the wife of Philosophy, was there with her usual enthusiastic, communist inspired, Bulgarian smile. Zombie was there with his pleasant lawyer girlfriend who made sure he did not commit a social misdemeanor. It was a great and rare opportunity for Bobby Buff to show his gleaming muscles outside of Maple Ridge, as this party was all the way out in the old prison in New Westminster, a whopping half hour drive away. Bobby wondered if there were perhaps demons still associated with this place which formerly housed some of BC's worst criminals. Well, I don't know how demons work exactly, but at the old prison there were a lot of guys with free time to work out and to be buff, and therefore Bobby Buff fit in quite nicely there. Cousin Buff came to the party in his work truck, speaking of which, the other day Cousin Buff and I were coming back from a hockey game and Cousin Buff wanted to get rid of the load of garbage on the back of his truck. Cousin Buff had tried to take the load to the dump earlier, but did not get there in time, and it was closed for the long weekend. He therefore decided to find an industrial park with a bin. It is my hope that the trash collectors charge by the month, and not the load, as Cousin Buff dumped his 20 bag load into the back of an empty bin and high tailed it out of there, spinning his truck tires on the rainy road.
Happy 40th Birthday Chucky!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for inviting
B Buff and Cousin Buff to a very
fun party. By the way I still have
not received an invitation to the
2006 Non-Conformist of the year awards. I have read that the awards program this year is going to be on CBC. It is going to be on
instead of hockey night in CanaDA.
No, you have it wrong Bobby. The awards are going to be at CBC, our old school, and they have stated that if you host the awards with your shirt off all greased up, they will finally award you with your BA after 15 long years. However, you must wear a bow tie.
ReplyDeleteTALLY HO!
ReplyDeleteAs the Non Conformist Awards Show of 2006 gets ever closer, the stories are coming out in the tabloids and on TV:
Tonight On Global TV: An exclusive look into the life of thekingpin68, his many surgeries,
his battle with anorexia and how he over came it,and his ongoing assault charge involving a hockey stick in the 1990's at CBC,
As well you will meet his Mom aka BOSSS, who actually knows more about philosophy than thekingpin68, because of Pin's alleged "typing sweat shop"
in which he forced his own Mom to type for days without sleep!
As Well: Who are the many women in Pin's life who this King Pin has turned down????? Meet them all as they are interviewed in their favorite restaurants
eating, and eating, and eating!!!!
And finally, what are the poles saying about who's going to be Non Conformist of the Year for 2006? Who are the hopefuls? Who are the Doubtfuls?
Who are the Dumbells??? As the day gets closer, who will receive the most sought after award second only to the Academy Awards??
Bobby, what do the Poles have to do with the award? Leave those poor people out of it!
ReplyDeleteYes, I have not had too many athletic looking women contact me on the internet, or in person.
Its the same old contestants for this year's non conformist award:
ReplyDeleteThey include Bobby Buff, Cousin Buff, Flabby Buff, Blubber Buff,
Blast N Buff and Bust N Buff.
I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired of this BUFF STUFF!!
Ok, I assisted Bobby with that last comment;).
ReplyDeleteBobby has more glaze than a Tim Horton's doughnut.
ReplyDeleteWith Bobby winning 10x, and Cousin Buff 1x, Bobby is 10x the phoney his cousin is.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Russ,
ReplyDeleteActually, it is philosophically incorrect to ascribe morality to inanimate objects such as roads.
When you proposed the question "Is the road bad," It is difficult to provide a response that is suitable, for I cannot ascribe an attribute that has been reserved to living sentient beings who can be "good" or "bad" and thus can through the "act of will" in accordance with their nature commit deeds that are either "good" or "bad." Since a road does not have a cognitive or spiritual ability or nature to be defined within the realm of "good" or "bad" I am unable to provide a comment or response that would be sufficient for your question. If in your question you are hinting towards defining a weather condition which may influence a physical place with a prominent and inadequate condition which in turn may lead to "unpleasant driving conditions," I can answer that. In regards to the roads being "dangerous" or "inadequate" for driving upon, my comment will be as follows. Roads within our geographical area can be rated with differing driving conditions. Side streets have a higher and denser degree of ice which has been compacted and integrated with the existing snow which was already present. These roads do contain somewhat of a challenge when operating a motorized vehicle upon them, but if one drives with caution, care, and discernment, the occupants of that existing vehicle should theoretically be able to arrive to their desired destination safely and on time.
Main roads are somewhat easier to navigate upon, since there have been several snow removal vehicles treating the roads on a continuous basis. It would be the expressed opinion of this fellow driver to stay on main roadways which my present an overall easier and more pleasant driving experience. Thank you very much for your questions.
Sincerely, B. Buff Dip., BSW, DAD, MVP
LOL! I'm honoured... these year-end bio-summaries are always good for a laugh! Good likeness, BTW, how long did it take you to find that pic?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Chucky.
ReplyDeleteTen minutes.
Hunka, Hunka, Hunka,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Sir Chuck on your
win of "Non-Conformist" of the year for 2007. I thought for sure
Dr. Slick or Cousin Buff would take it this year for sure. I think it should have been a three way tie. Maybe Buff will be back next year with win 11.
-The Legend of Buff-
There are no three-ways! Do something very silly Bobby, and you could be back, my friend.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Herr Chucklinz.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone deserves to win it would be you. I still think KingPint
is a close second though.
Jam E. Jamz (Whyte Zombee)
Dear Zombie,
ReplyDeleteYou are correct that I, thekingpin, was second this year. Herr Chucklins edged me out at the finish line.
Zombie, how smart of you to stay under the radar.
Thanks, Russ, for electing me the non-conformist of the year award. Otherwise known as "payback time."
ReplyDelete...to the point of sometimes 'fundi' zeal.
Yep, that has gotten me into trouble more than once.
In fact, in just the past 2 days, God has shown me a lesson in humility.
From Jeff's one profile picture I must state that it is nice to do the cross-cultural friends thing with someone that at least looks part black.;)
LOL! People that have met me in person have thought that I was Cuban, and others have insisted that I must be Native American, but you are the first person that has ever said I was part black! LOL!
In fact, on my mom's side, my ancestors came over from England. One ancestor is John Greenleaf Whittier. My dad's side is not as well researched, though one ancestor is John Forsythe...not the actor, but a former governor of Georgia, for whom a street in Georgia is named after. Someone told my dad that my dad was descended from a British king, but my dad never knew whether or not that had any factual basis.
You are welcome, Jeff. It is my strongest satirical post and we all get smacked.;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for being a friend.
It is my strongest satirical post and we all get smacked.;)
ReplyDeleteAKA, "Russ's Blog Commentors Roast."
From Jeff's one profile picture I must state that it is nice to do the cross-cultural friends thing with someone that at least looks part black.;)
I'm probably going to regret mentioning this, but my grandmother on my dad's side grew up having black slaves in their house. And my last name is Jenkins, which is a common last name among many black folks. Hmmm....
ReplyDeleteI reason Jackson is similar to Jenkins in the context you mentioned.
Thanks very much, Russ!
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I'm very surprised that Rick has never won the award. Of course, he has never been controversial on TheKingPin68 or Satire and Theology, but he certainly has been a bulldog with a vise-like hold elsewhere, throwing his Mormon and Atheist opponents around like he does on the Judo mat.
I have still have not met Jeff in person, and when I do will wear a bullet-proof vest and have the bomb squad on speed dial
Barack Obama the Beast of Revelation...okay, that is not on Jeff's blog.
Now, I provide his link while selfishly stating that you are better off reading my wonderful, awesome, 'fatastic' blogs thekingpin68 and satire and theology.
That's right...build me up, then tear me down. ; )
So if you have ten minutes to spare please give Jeff's two minutes and mine eight.
The award existed in paper text format for years and has been on-line since 2006.
OK, so where's my certificate??
From Jeff's one profile picture I must state that it is nice to do the cross-cultural friends thing with someone that at least looks part black.;) I reason I am doing my bit for world peace and for peace and diversity within the 'body of Christ.'
OK, so you have called me "part black" in the past. At BJU, everyone thought I was Native American, and did not believe me when I told them I was not. In Miami, at least in my younger years, all the Cubans thought I was Cuban, and were disappointed (and sometimes irritated) when I told them I was American. And, just last week or so, someone on Facebook called me a Mexican. I wonder what I'm going to be called next time.
He has supported my blogs thekingpin68 and satire and theology. Thank you, Jeff.
You're welcome, Russ. And you have equally supported my blog.
He has taken a stance against the acceptance of homosexual practice in the church and in society to the point of sometimes 'fundi' zeal.
Yes, but I haven't killed anyone......yet.
He attempted to take my head off/choke me out/Chuck Norris me/toss me like the Lochness Monster tossed that British presenter/force feed me an entire bottle of 'Happiness' spice from Rick Beef one time in a post where I stated that in Canada as we now have same-sex marriage, I would rather have the compromise in our very secular and non-Christian society of same-sex civil unions. Of course I would more prefer neither same-sex marriage or civil unions, but Mr. Jackson was worked up over the issue in Florida and let his canons rip!
ReplyDeleteAnd, at least partially as a result of your influence, Russ, I have since calmed down, I think. Or at least mostly, since I did rip into a couple of Muslims since then, but one of them told me that all Christians and Jews would be slaughtered like pigs.
Jeff acted like the last man remaining in a Zombie movie!
Mr. Jackson also can go nuts on Facebook. He is a great supporter of my blogs on Facebook, thanks Jeff, but he goes a bit crazy with the applications...wow, he has stated he often has about a hundred messages to deal with.
I've stopped counting now, and stopped trying to keep up with all of them. I think it's in the thousands now.
Some guys are so hairy or have so much stomach muscle that they should never give someone the shirt off their back.
Bobby Buff had a rough 2007, but still managed to shine…thanks to Crisco.
Wow, Russ, your sense of humor is improving.
Academically it appears that things are going well. I am cool with the department as long as I don’t talk about everlasting hell, evolution, abortion, ufos, homosexuality, Michael Jackson, or why England has not won the FIFA World Cup since 1966.
LOL! Good one!
Documentary Man’s star also rose in 2006 as he is becoming known as the most overeducated and intellectual prep school teacher in America.
wow. Whoever he is, he sounds like he should be the arch-nemesis of Brainiac.
Documan had a difficult time in the beginning convincing the administration that a 50% grade in his class was an A, but they eventually went along with it.
Bobby Buff is quickly become known for his book and CD; congratulations my friend.
Seriously? Wow.
Bobby’s deal with Crisco has paid dividends as each book and CD has a Crisco coupon within.
and coax all the old retired professors from the 1990’s out of retirement, or out of the grave if need be by prayer
The spirituality of Mister Rogers...
Cousin Buff was ranting and raving on cousin Bobby Buff's new book, 'Son, don't just bluff look buff'.
Out of all your blog posts that I have ever read, Russ, this article was by far your funniest.
How do you get it to post in 2010 and still have the comments even back from 2006? Do you just change the date on the same article, and just add more to the body of the article?
Thanks, Jeff.
ReplyDeleteThe article was published in 2006 and I add to it yearly.
OK...Doh! I see now it's still posting in 2006. I just clicked on the link you posted on my Facebook page, and I didn't even look at the date of your article.
ReplyDeleteYes, I take more humour risks with this article.;)
ReplyDeleteIt is friends.
Also congrats to Jeff as well for his talented graphic manipulation. How about posting some of his work here?
ReplyDeleteWishing Jeff a warm congrats on his title of non conformist of the year for 2009! Welcome to the Hall of Shame!
ReplyDelete-B BUFF-
THE JEFF, deserved it.
ReplyDeleteAlso congrats to Jeff as well for his talented graphic manipulation.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Chucky!
Wishing Jeff a warm congrats on his title of non conformist of the year for 2009! Welcome to the Hall of Shame!
Thanks, Bobby Buff! And for that, I'll even let you hold my trophy!
THE JEFF, deserved it.
Thanks, Russ, and I promise, you'll get your check soon! It was well worth the $180.99.