Domenico di Michelino Dante and His Poem (1465) fresco, on the wall of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence (Florence's cathedral).
Dante Alighieri is shown holding a copy of his epic poem The Divine Comedy. He is pointing to a procession of sinners being led down to the circles of Hell on the left. Behind him are the seven terraces of Purgatory, with Adam and Eve representing Earthly Paradise on top. Above them, the sun and the moon represent Heavenly Paradise, whilst on the right is Dante's home city of Florence. The illustration of Florence is self-referential, depicting the recently completed and much celebrated cathedral dome inside which the fresco is painted.
The subject of everlasting hell is related to the problem of evil. I am dealing somewhat with the subject on my PhD dissertation and questionnaire, but I discussed hell in a lecture with notes here.
More recently, Albert Mohler did a program dealing on why in his opinion, everlasting hell has somewhat disappeared from the theological scene, although it appears to be a Biblical doctrine.
Also, here is short review of the new film 300. I have not seen the film and comment on a reason why that is so.
Interestingly, Dr. Mohler indicates that Dante's imagery provides a misleading concept of hell. I believe the term cartoon was mentioned on the program.
ReplyDeleteDo you know that Scott Derrickson is making Milton’s poem Paradise Lost into a movie? Since you mention Dante I thought this movie would be of interest to you.
ReplyDeleteI am actually intrigued with this movie because Scott Derrickson is also the director of The Exorcism of Emily Rose, which is a move I really liked.
Here is a link of some information about the upcoming movie.
Your Brother
Thanks, Timotheus.
ReplyDeleteS&T, Dante I think saw hell as an abstract concept, like the hell of tainted personal past and haunting personal demons and thoughts. Kafka's nightmares could be considered a form of hell. In the biblical sense, it seems hell and nature work in tandem.
ReplyDeleteWW, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI have not read Dante, but Dr. Mohler spoke of him. In my article concerning hell on thekingpin68 I dealt with four views. It seems that in the Bible there is described a hell for unsaved souls known as Hades (Luke 16:19-31), and a final hell for unsaved resurrected persons known as the lake of fire (Revelation 20). I do not wish either for anyone, but I am forced by Biblical theology to acknowledge that although both Hades and the lake of fire are described figuratively, they are actual places.
So, I agree that hell is part of nature and reason that hell will be both physical and spiritual in the lake of fire.
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Hi S&T, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter Weekend, have a good one.
ReplyDeleteThanks WW.
ReplyDeleteI noticed you linked me, and so I linked you on both my blogs.
Happy Easter.
Today's edition of "The Current" on CBC Radio One featured a discussion of Hell, in response to the Pope's recent comments about Hell being an actual place.
I only heard the beginning while driving to work this morning, I'll listen to the rest later.
Cheers, Saint Chucklins.