Thursday, December 01, 2011

Thoughts on Joy, Suffering and Christmas

Emerald Bay, California (

November 28, 2011

A. The Joy of ?

Our church brought in a guest speaker that discussed somewhat the subject of 'joy'. Philosophically and theologically this is an interesting subject for me. I thought the speaker was good and helpful and so I am not picking an argument, but in my mind with my MPhil/PhD background in freewill and determinism I do philosophize on human 'joy'. From a Christian perspective should 'joy' primarily be understood as the responsibility of human attitude and free will (what I would deduce would often be an evangelical and secular response) as opposed to 'joy' being primarily the responsibility of God to give to persons?

Browning reasons Biblical 'joy' is more than an emotion, as it combines a sense of human happiness with a state of blessedness. In the Old Testament it is marked by festivals (Deut. 12) and by settlements of grievances brought to the Temple (Psalms 43). In the New Testament he explains that 'joy' is prominent in Luke/Acts due to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which can also be seen in Galatians 5. Browning (1997: 210).

Creath Davis explains 'joy' is a delight in life that goes deeper than pain or pleasure and from a Biblical perspective would not be limited or tied to external circumstances. Davis (1999: 588). 'Joy' is given from God as a gift and can be experienced during very difficult and extreme circumstances. Davis (1999: 588). In both Testaments 'joy' is presented as sign of one being a believer and a sign in the believing community, it is a quality of life and not simply an emotional reaction or feeling. Davis (1999: 588). This 'joy' comes from God (Psalms 16, Romans 15), and is an aspect of faith and one's life with God. Davis (1999: 588). 'Joy' is also connected to weakness and suffering when it has redemptive purpose and is bringing persons to depend on God (Matthew 5 and 2 Corinthians 12). Davis (1999: 588).

Further, Davis mentions that psychologically one cannot experience 'joy' while being preoccupied with self-security, pleasure, or self-interest. Davis (1999: 588). There is a freedom that comes when God alone is the 'only adequate center for human existence, and God alone can enable persons to experience life with joyous spontaneity and to relate to others with love.' Davis (1999: 588)

From Strong. Two of the main examples of 'Joy', one from the Hebrew Bible and one from the New Testament.

BROWNING, W.R.F. (1997) Oxford Dictionary of the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

DAVIS, CREATH. (1996) ‘Joy’, in Walter A. Elwell (ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books.

STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Burlington, Welch Publishing Company.

In my conclusion I lean to the idea that 'joy' is primarily a gift from God to believers and less so something than can be developed by human means, although I would not in any way discount prayer, study, and fellowship with other believers in the process of developing personal 'joy'. The Lord does work through his people and in other ways, persons in general. From my theodicy, problem of evil and suffering research, and personal living perspective, a practical difficulty with 'joy' is when God wills suffering for what ever good (Romans 8: 28-30) is intended in one's life and these sufferings directly effect one's security, health, happiness, self-interest, pleasure, etc. Here is where I state that although the sufferer should thank God for blessings obtained (salvation in Christ, material and spiritual blessings, lack of curses, etc.), ultimately, although the person should actively be praying, and working to improve one's life, it is primarily the sovereign God's responsibility to provide the 'joy' not primarily the person's change of attitude or actions with the use of free will.

This does mean that a person may at times for a time, which is not set, be depressed or miserable, (the Biblical example of Job comes to mind perhaps) as he or she waits obediently for the Holy Spirit of God to provide 'joy' or 'joy' in greater measure.

Cernay, France (

B. D. A. Carson Harsh Reality

Taken from MPhil, University of Wales, Bangor 2003 (now Bangor University)


2. Harsh Reality

Carson began Chapter 1, First Steps, by noting stories of people who had suffered.

He stated:

The truth of the matter is that all we have to do is live long enough, and we will suffer. Our loved ones will die; we ourselves will be afflicted with some disease or other. Carson (1990: 16).

This is a cold yet a realistic statement. Suffering touches virtually every human being. If a person believes in God, yet he/she suffers, how should this individual deal with this intellectual tension? I think suffering, in one way, should be seen as a sign of human weakness, we have a fallen nature which resulted from sin. We all pay the price, and it does not always correspond to how good or evil we appear compared to our fellow human compatriots. God makes use of human suffering despite, as Scripture repeatedly says, loving us. This suffering, from a human perspective, can help people find God by reminding them of the temporary nature of human life.

As human beings, at best, no matter how much one is dedicated to God in Christ or how much one loves others, no matter how successful a person is in life, and no matter how many goods deeds are accomplished, each person perishes in a single solitary death. This is likely in old age and, as Carson stated, people may witness their loved ones dying and may suffer with disease themselves.

If God is not to be ignored concerning suffering and death as uncaring, powerless, or nonexistent, then when one thinks of God, one should also ponder on human death which exists within God’s creation. This seemingly is more productive than sweeping death under the rug philosophically, and seeking to live the best possible life, ignoring the Grim Reaper until he won’t leave! This harsh reality should be considered by anyone serious about knowing God. I think this can be a motivator to seek God and avoid sin which can be pleasurable, but in the end is destructive.

In Hebrews 9:27 it is stated: " And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgement ." New American Standard Bible (1984).

Christian life on earth should be seen as temporal, but sin can be largely avoided by viewing daily life as within God’s directive, realizing judgement follows death.

Yes, all sin, but knowing that death is certain (hopefully later, than sooner) means that God’s ever present judgement awaits us. I admit that I sin but, by God’s grace, it is tempered by the harsh reality of eventual death and a certainty that an infinite, omnipotent and loving God awaits to speak to me in person for the first time. My suffering now is a reminder that this leads ultimately to death. . . sobering but effective.

CARSON, D.A. (1981) Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility, Atlanta, John Knox Press.

CARSON, D.A. (1990) How Long, O Lord?, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

C. Merry Christmas

I like Christmas. When I was a child seems to me at around December 1 society and the media starting celebrating Christmas. Now with commercialism and other factors I suppose it is November 1 to after US Thanksgiving when 'Holiday Season' arrives all the way up to the first week of January. So I guess I should conform...I am ready.

D. Video


  1. I can agree with "the Joy of" and "Carson Harsh Reality." I do have a hard time though with the C. "Merry Christmas." It seems to me that this very Special Event - the origin of Christmas being the birth of Jesus the Christ Child - and this is totally forgotten by so many. Reason for some who state: "We don't want to offend anyone!" What about those of use who are somewhat offended by having someone say to js at our Christmas time - "Happy Holidays!" Because I have and always will believe the birth of the Christ Child is the reason for the season, and not, as it is by most now, because this is a time to gather and exchange gifts, and party. The Christmas carols, greeting cards wishing Merry Christmas, etc are now mostly off the store shelves, and forgotten by so many. Our reason should not be forgotten. Why is the word Christmas such a hard word? We have St.Valentine's Day, we have Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we have Memorial Day in November. Those days are called exactly as stated on calendar. However, Christmas, although stated as such on the calendar, is considered by most to be 'just any ordinary holiday.'
    Please excuse me but when someone wishes me Happy Holidays, I will continue to return the wish of Merry Christmas to them, because that is what this SPECIAL DAY means to me! I will try not to be offended but it saddens me to my innermost feelings. What about you?
    Thanks for reading.

  2. Dear Anon,

    Due to the many non-Christians in Western society and the secularism in society I am not offended by the use of the term Happy Holidays.

    On the other hand...

    I do not agree with the radicals in society that are opposed to the use of the term Merry Christmas. The celebration and holiday is historically about Christ and those in the Christian Church and other should have the right to celebrate this fact publicly and privately.

    Thank you for the comment.

  3. Two football old timers duking it long can someone hold a grudge for??? I mean this is absolute absurd and it looks pretty silly for two men of this age fighting!
    -Walter U Know Who-

  4. A lesson learned, the patience of this big dog is amazing, maybe WE can learn something and apply...
    -Whad a ya know-

  5. Thanks for your insights on joy
    Dr. Murray, Joy is a Gift!
    -Happy Slappy-

  6. 'Anonymous said...
    A lesson learned, the patience of this big dog is amazing, maybe WE can learn something and apply...
    -Whad a ya know-'

    And it is a female, imagine how large the male is...

  7. 'Anonymous said...
    Thanks for your insights on joy
    Dr. Murray, Joy is a Gift!
    -Happy Slappy-'

    Agreed. Thank you.

  8. 'Anonymous said...
    Two football old timers duking it long can someone hold a grudge for??? I mean this is absolute absurd and it looks pretty silly for two men of this age fighting!
    -Walter U Know Who-'

    Funny and sad.

  9. Interesting regarding those two old men fighting, that the one with the cane lost to the unarmed guy. Of course, the unarmed guy looks to be lighter and in somewhat better shape.

    Thought you might find this interesting:
    Blogging: It's Not Just for Tech Savvy Youth, It's Also for Experienced Journalists

  10. Very good fighting point, Sir Jenkins. I suppose a cane strike would be better with a two-hand strike. I actually have been working out with weapons more recently, such as wood stick, metal baseball bat, and metal clubs as opposed to hitting the bag much. I also generally spar once a week.

    Yes, blogging features a lot of youth, especially females. But there are all types as well.

    'The blog is a conversation.'

    Good point.

  11. 'chucky said...

    Little doggie num nums.'

    Well, many of us probably had similar thoughts.

    Part 2

  12. Weight fails

    Very painful weightlifting accidents, but very real and very serious, caution and safety are top priorities when weight training.
    BE SAFE!
    -Gym Ratt-

  13. Not joyful, yes. I feel bad for the people that fell backyards with the weights.

  14. FAIL Compilation 2011
    Incredible Fail Compilation

  15. Best of just for laughs 2011 part 1
    I'm laughing watching this
    Very real humor, very real laughs
    -Sir Laugh A. Lott-

  16. 'Anonymous said...
    FAIL Compilation 2011
    Incredible Fail Compilation

    I am now even more assured of the need for my careful lifestyle. Even so, still my share of incidents have occurred.

  17. 'Best of just for laughs 2011 part 1
    I'm laughing watching this
    Very real humor, very real laughs
    -Sir Laugh A. Lott-'

    A well-done reality comedy program from Quebec. Merci.

  18. Gary

    'Death, the Afterlife, and Near Death Experiences

    From the "Big Questions" live radio program provided by Winsome Media'

    Part One

    Part Two

    As theistic support and counter to naturalism.

  19. Looks like the French are in a bit of a fix...

    I think France is over-reacting by banning public prayer. This is like using a sledgehammer to fix a problem that only requires a regular hammer. The fix may be worse than the original problem.
    They should simply enforce laws against blocking access in public places.

  20. Thanks for putting Dr. Habermas and his comments on near death experiences on your blog...a learning experience...very interesting.
    -Always Learning-

  21. 'They should simply enforce laws against blocking access in public places.'

    Saint Du Chuckletts, I think that is more reasonable. I would like to see Christians being able to worship in a church setting, for example, outside in France.

    'Thanks for putting Dr. Habermas and his comments on near death experiences on your blog...a learning experience...very interesting.
    -Always Learning-'

    You are most welcome. I hope you enjoyed the marshmallows, Stravinsky and the Walrus. Thank you, thank you, very much.

  22. The Video of the two men fighting, I saw that on the news, that was funny.

    Well here is a recap of the last year or so with the new things going on. A little over two years ago I lost my Job, it really was a blessing, I was with the place for six years and during the six year they started hating me and things were going down hill, Long story short, They were informed of my food blog, I never posted any of their recipes or ever talked about them, but they were not happy about it. I have a friend who is a lawyer, we talked about it, he said they need to get over it. I was getting 16.20 an hour and I think they were looking for an excuse to get rid of me. After I lost my Job I went back to school and got my degree, but was out of work for a month or so and then found a part time job, so we lost our house. But that really was a blessing. The house was built in 1890 and was falling to pieces, it was full of mold, we were getting sick and then after we moved out started feeling better. Then after we moved out it was in winter and were taking care of the house till the bank took the keys, well one of the old school radiators broke and water was every where. Those cannot be cheap or easy to fix.

    A married couple who are friends of ours let us move in and live rent free till we found a place. We did not save any money since we still had bills to pay like the phone bill, car insc, and we bought things for the house like TP and other stuff, plus all the food. They sat down with us and asked us when we think we would get a place of our own. We figured April of 2012 at the latest and figured we would us tax return to move. Well they got pregnant and it seemed we could still stay till April, but no sooner did they have the baby which was a day or two after Thanksgiving then the husband came to me and said, Rick I'm sorry but the baby really did change things, can you move out by the end of the week? I thought, wow, thats short notice and we have no money. He later that day came back and said, That was short notice, you can stay till then end of the second week.

    Well we started looking right away, and God really blessed us, We found a sweet 4 bedroom 2 full bathroom Apt. It was 1095.00 a month everything but electric was included. Some places will give you a free months rent after one year, this place gives you a brand new plasma TV that they order and deliver. If you stay for a year or longer it is yours to keep, you move before a year and you can use it until you move but need to return it. Out house was 1000 square feet, this place is 1700 square feet. We had to pass a back ground check to move in and we did. Their is only one two car garage for the entire 4 unit Apt. No one was/is using it, so we asked if we could have it. They said it would be 50.00 dollars a month extra because it is so full of garbage from a former tenant who was evicted. They figured the owner would spend about 500.00 to remove the garbage. I told them I have friends that would help me remove the crap and clean up the place, so they said, it's yours for free and they wrote it into the lease on the spot. Then the place has both the cast iron radiators and electric base board heaters. So I asked how this works, if they pay for heat, but I pay electric and some of the heat is electric.

  23. Cont,
    The land lord said, thats a good question, and since we pay heat, I guess we will pay electric also and wrote it into the lease. So this will save us about 3 hundred dollars a month. Then they are going to let a friend move in with us and he will take one bedroom and pay us 400.00 dollars a month in rent to help us out. So God really blessed us. Then add to that, a friend of ours gave us 1095.00 to pay the cost of the security deposit. No more shoveling snow or moving the lawn. So now we have a sweet, huge place to live for about 700.00 a month everything included plus a garage. We live on the third floor and the way our place is set up is, the second floor is the kitchen and one bathroom, we go up from the kitchen to the living room and the other bathroom and all the bedrooms. Really nice set up. So now I can focus on making better food and posting more and better items on my food blog since I am not killing my friends fuel bill cooking at his house. But that all will start around Jan when we get unpacked. Take care and Merry Christmas and have a happy new year. Rick B.

  24. Mohammad, an Arab child, entered his classroom on the first day of school in Oklahoma.

    "What is your name?" asked the teacher.

    "Mohammad" answered the boy.

    "You are in America now. From now on your name will
    be Johnny", replied the teacher.

    In the evening, Mohammad returned home.

    "How was your day Mohammad?", asked his mother.

    "My name is not Mohammad, I am in America and now
    my name is Johnny."

    "Ah, are you ashamed of your name, are you trying to
    dishonor your parents, your heritage, your religion???

    SHAME ON YOU!" and she beat him. Then she called his
    father and he too beat him.

    The next day Mohammad returned to school. When the teacher
    saw him with all the bruises she asked...

    "What happened to you little Johnny"?

    "Well ma'am, 4 hours after becoming an American, I was attacked by Muslims .

  25. 'They were informed of my food blog'

    And a professional one it is...

    'I have a friend who is a lawyer, we talked about it, he said they need to get over it. I was getting 16.20 an hour and I think they were looking for an excuse to get rid of me. After I lost my Job I went back to school and got my degree, but was out of work for a month or so and then found a part time job, so we lost our house.'

    Rick, I respect you in your transition from Rick Baker to Rick Le Chef. I am sorry about the loss of your house.

    I am glad you have been blessed.

  26. 'Really nice set up. So now I can focus on making better food and posting more and better items on my food blog since I am not killing my friends fuel bill cooking at his house. But that all will start around Jan when we get unpacked. Take care and Merry Christmas and have a happy new year. Rick B.'

    Good to see the progression, Rick. Thank you and Merry Christmas and blessings in 2012.

  27. '"Well ma'am, 4 hours after becoming an American, I was attacked by Muslims.'

    Will this blog now need to install new special kinds of anti-virus, anti-spyware security software?;)

    Cheers, Rick.

  28. Cool comic, over on TheKingPinned blog, from Chuck. [re: Superman vs The Flash (1976)] I remember that famous race, though I never owned the comic, and I don't think I ever knew the outcome.

    Congrats to Rick on getting such a great house after losing the previous house. Truly, the Lord blesses those who are His.

    And LOL at Rick's Muslim story.

    A friend of mine and his wife visited a church for the homeless that meets in a public park under a pavilion. The church was started by a couple that travels around the country starting up homeless churches, and it is sponsored by a local Methodist church. Sat. morning (Christmas Eve day) as they were meeting, the local police dropped in on them and demanded to see their IDs.

  29. Hope you had a great Christmas, Russ, as well as everyone else here.

    I went to church Christmas morning, then I spent the day at the couple's house that had to show their IDs to the police the day before. They and I have attended a few different churches together, for a few years now. They often take me out to eat, and they have helped me out in many different ways. They also invited their neighbor, who is a widow, over to their house for Christmas, as well as two homeless people who they picked up from downtown. They go witnessing downtown on Friday nights, and the husband talks to and knows most of the homeless people there.

  30. 'Cool comic, over on TheKingPinned blog, from Chuck. [re: Superman vs The Flash (1976)] I remember that famous race, though I never owned the comic, and I don't think I ever knew the outcome.'

    The first two races are a draw. Further races are won by the Flash.

  31. 'Jeff said...
    "Saying Merry Christmas is worst then fornication or killing someone" Islamic scholar'

    Holding to an educated incorrect post-Biblical understanding of the nature of God and preaching publicly on YouTube to others against Christ would be a sin I would be really be concerned about.
