Saturday, August 25, 2012

Philosophical & Theological Reflections On Satirical Images III: Webcam

Venice via email

Venice via email

Venice via email


Bizarre Records

Very deotivational

When I was a teenager I had a German Shepherd-Husky dog named Rebel, nicknamed 'Jerkhead'. He was a very kind dog to children and most people but he had some interesting habits which involved going for runs.

My Mom and I brought him home when he was 1.5 years old. Soon my Dad had to have the backyard fence extended by several feet because Rebel could jump over it. Once Rebel could no longer jump over it he would dig under it.

Once out of the backyard he would look to do the following, or the following would occur:

Deliver a 'parcel' to a neighbour's yard.

(Yes he could have done that in our yard, but no, no, no, that would not be neighbourly, would it?)

(He was the Mr. Rogers of German Shepherd-Huskies.)

Attack a male canine.

Mate with a female canine.

Chase a feline. In particular a certain orange and white cat that my Mom also did not like that much. This cat liked to for some reason take swipes with his claws at both Rebel and my Mom.

The cat liked me though.

Have an automobile 'incident'. Once he decided to rest in the middle of the street right in front of an RCMP patrol car.

My deduction is that this is an example of employees going too far with late night humour.

However, I agree, I too will go with the salad.

I will go further, I will avoid McDonalds (for the most part).

On the bright side, a person can sit and tie his or her shoes without someone opening the door. Genius!

Religious Album Covers

I realize this album was likely done decades ago but there should be some common sense used when marketing an album that will be sold in both Christian and secular culture, which do overlap.

Romans 12:2 comes to mind:

English Standard Version

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

New American Standard Bible

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

The Christian, the follower of the Biblical God is not to be conformed to the world, as in the system of thinking in the world, but is to follow the will of God. However, this should not mean that the Christian necessarily develops and uses language such as in 'touched me' or 'touches me' in marketing which are understood in a spiritualized way in a certain Christian context, knowing full well that when marketed in a broader Christian and secular context will be ridiculed in a way that may produce more harm than good. I reason much thought (prayer) needs to be done on these matters.

Five Worst


'Bruno Maltise is a Chicago-based Christian musician, so he probably does know something about hit men. I’m really hoping the man in this picture is some sort of hit man, because if it is a picture of Bruno himself, I don’t think many people would go to see his concerts, and there would certainly be very few groupies around to hang out with him after the show.'

If that is Bruno or other, he looks like either perhaps:

A) A person made up with a lot of makeup to look like a movie hitman. Probably the horror/mobster genre.

B) An actual person that has been involved in several dramatic, traumatic, life incidents that figured what the heck I might as well use it to market an album.

Let me guess, does he mean drunk via the Holy Spirit? More spiritualized language perhaps? Is that moonshine?

I have had this image on a previous archived post.

'Brilliant' evangelism work Barry!

Reformed Presbyterian Mr. Matt smoking his pipe with his freedom in the Lord as he sees it.

Reformed Presbyterian/Baptist Russ having no desire to ever smoke and wondering if Mr. Matt should be doing so, even though he has the freedom in Christ to do so.

Matt is smoking the pipe upside down some kind of Vancouver non-conforminity thing?


  1. It would be pretty awesome to attend a service with Bruno speaking...

  2. I love the album covers.
    Cats are good for two things only,
    1. Chum, when you are deeps sea fishing.

    2. Throwing under the car tires for traction in the winter.

  3. Rick, thank you.

    Rebel and my Mom send their blessings.

  4. Rebel,
    I love the name. I have a friend I have known for almost 20 years. He lives Australia and we meet in Chicago.

    Him went there with a friend of his, they bought a used porch and meet a guy from Ireland, Then I meet the three of them.

    We were driving in the car though a pretty nice place in Chicago and and we were dressed in Jeans and t-shirts.

    So I stood up in the car and yelled out loud, We are the Rebel Yuppies.

    We have had that knick name ever since and still sign our letter to each other, The Rebel yuppies.

    I even had bumper stickers for our cars made and mailed my friend one.

  5. People from Australia and Ireland seem generally pretty friendly based on online and offline experience.

    Rebel used to look around the corner to see if I was watching him as to whether he could wander away or not, if he was not in the backyard. If he thought it was clear he would then wander away for awhile and come back and sit on the mat at the front door when he was tired.

  6. I m not good al english and I can t say you a lot of things that i think, but good job :)

  7. I see you in your video! haha ^^
    Sometimes I think the heart is going to run. I have written with "open heart". Have a good week, I wish you well in Canadá ^^

  8. It is a funny video.

    Blessings this week, Sarah in Spain.

  9. Cats are actually quite useful, as demonstrated HERE.

  10. The exact Venezuelan government under President Hugo Chavez has steadily concentrated its power, enabling this situation in which to "intimidate, censor, on top of that prosecute" critics in addition , perceived enemies, a good spanking new report says.

  11. A government that gives its critics a spanking.


  12. The ultimate area for memes and also funny pictures / videos , Post and luxuriate in the most interesting photos on the internet , Post memes , interesting movies does not work out you could make your personal teams (ploxrs) , find interesting photos , discuss interesting pictures And video clips and enjoy the lulz. ploxr allows you to publish and also Publish videos. it is possible to Publish the movies via websites including, they will better be awesome along with humorous!. [url=]Funny joke[/url]

  13. The site should use some better examples than are on presently. Pretty crude as opposed to humourous. But I can see the site has potential to be funny.

  14. I have pictures of cookies hahahaha. Tomorrow will be on the blog ^^

  15. I think Bruno Maltise would make a good funeral director in a horror film. Or maybe a butler in another Addams Family movie.

  16. Agreed.

    However, I do not want to look like reason not to smoke.

  17. Very nice fresh new pics of yourself!
    -Photo Bug-

  18. Thanks for the thought provocative posters, and the oscar nominated movie of yourself, always an interesting insert to your blog articles!!
    -Critics Corner-

  19. 'Anonymous said...
    Very nice fresh new pics of yourself!
    -Photo Bug-'

    Cheers. Better than stale.

  20. 'Anonymous said...
    Thanks for the thought provocative posters, and the oscar nominated movie of yourself, always an interesting insert to your blog articles!!
    -Critics Corner-'

    Oscar the Grouch?

  21. Jump makes us happy ^^, you should jump to release tension (if this is not well written).
    Sweet nights!

  22. I workout with martial arts weapons.

    Perhaps it has similar results.

    A good night to you in Spain, Sarah.:)

  23. Dr. Edward Daniel Taylor pleads for your financial support toward the next Daniel Amos album release, the first in over 10 years!
    As a happy listener of such classics as Mr. Buechner's Dream, Darn Floor Big Bite, Doppelganger, and even that grungy Bibleland thing, I endorse this endorsement.

  24. I love the mcdonalds sign, funny. Yes that culture is strange, but i have had a hard time explaining to friends why we get circumcisions.

  25. The weight of the people is judged mostly take their appearance. Each wants to get raging peerage in the society. It is substantial to stand by a self-dignity expanse the people in the society.

  26. bits of rubber to make balls;" and Meg tried to keep her countenance, But thou--what chance, or god, or stormy squalls by day-light, which will soon appear; go you, and bring off the

  27. That is a great tool to uses should you be looking for your blog's [url=][/url]
    website positioning higher. It assists to provide your website with additional information.

  28. 'daij said...
    I love the mcdonalds sign, funny. Yes that culture is strange, but i have had a hard time explaining to friends why we get circumcisions.'


    I like the glasses, very intellectual. I am not so much for or against circumcision, but seems to me it is not barbaric and the Hebrews/those of the Jewish faith have the religious right to perform it on their children in my opinion.

    Thank you, my friend.

  29. 'Anonymous said...
    The weight of the people is judged mostly take their appearance. Each wants to get raging peerage in the society. It is substantial to stand by a self-dignity expanse the people in the society.'

    I reason one should attempt to be of a reasonable and proper weight by proper diet, exercise, research and medical assistance when needed.

  30. 'Anonymous said...
    bits of rubber to make balls;" and Meg tried to keep her countenance, But thou--what chance, or god, or stormy squalls by day-light, which will soon appear; go you, and bring off the'

    Bizarre, but I suppose fits on this site...

  31. 'Anonymous said...
    That is a great tool to uses should you be looking for your blog's [url=][/url]
    website positioning higher. It assists to provide your website with additional information.'

    How do Euro men's shorts help my blog in website position? Bizarre.
