Wednesday, September 04, 2013

World Statistics Blogging & Otherwise

Moorea, French Polynesia-Facebook


Blogger & Revolver Statistics

Blogger statistics, which I would reason are likely the most accurate as my sites/blogs are both from Blogger, state the United States of America provides more audience, more readers than any other country, with Canada being second with both of my sites.

Revolver statistics are not in agreement with Blogger in regard to my other blog, Dr. Russell Norman Murray. Although Revolver does not provide the in-depth statistics that Stat Counter and Site Meter do in regard to pageviews, it does record temporarily many pageviews that the other services do not. Histats as well records some of the statistics that the other services do not, but none of the programs record all visits and pageviews and therefore by me using four free programs and Blogger statistics which are just data statistics as the prime source, I have an idea of the true state of my blogs statistically.

Revolver statistics in regard to audience/visits for this blog

1. United States 41.36%
2. Canada 25.26%
3. United Kingdom
4. India
5. Australia
6. Germany
7. France
8. Philippines
9. Brazil
10. Spain

With this blog and with the relative abundance of computers, and reasonable member numbers of Evangelical Christianity, Reformed Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church in the United States of America, it is not a surprise that more readers arrive to Satire And Theology from the United States of America than anywhere else.

I still have not figured out why my key readers/pageviewers may very well be quiet 90 year old grandmas from a couple or so States mainly...;)

Perhaps because I am temporarily homecaring?

1 Timothy 5:7-8 English Standard Version (ESV)

7 Command these things as well, so that they may be without reproach. 8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

James 1:26-27 English Standard Version (ESV)

26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. 27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Canada as my home country providing the second most visits/pageviews and audience members makes sense as my own pageviews are counted. I do not attempt to turn those off because for one, I am not the only person on the router network and others read my blog while on the network.

I have local friends that read my posts.

I also have friends in the United Kingdom that may read my posts at times.

Revolver statistics in regard to audience/visits for my Dr. Russell Norman Murray blog

1. Canada 41.76%
2. United States 33.34%
3. United Kingdom
4. Australia
5. India
6. Brazil
7. Germany
8. Philippines
9. Netherlands
10. Indonesia

If the Revolver statistics are correct over the Blogger statistics with my other blog, which I certainly doubt, it raises the philosophical possibility which I completely deny up front, that I am stalking myself...


From the site 25 things you wouldnt believe about these countries-selections

Oldest sovereign State in the world Egypt-3100 BC, Beherira Desert-trekearth

Most educated people with 50% past post secondary-Canada-I think I did my part-Vancouver, BC-trekearth
Fastest Disappearing Nation-Ukraine-Quote: 'With a natural decrease in population of .8% annually, between now and 2050 Ukraine is expected to lose around 30% of its people.' Sad to read.-Krym Alumpa, Ukraine-trekearth
Most people behind bars-The United States at 2.2 million people with 5% of the world population but 25% of the world incarcerated population. Honda Bridge, Florida-trekearth
The land of no rivers-Saudi Arabia-Saudi Desert-trekearth
Most lakes in the world-Canada-No shock with all the rain here in the Lower Mainland, there could be many human made lakes. Firelake, BC-trekearth


  1. There are also different shapes and sizes to play with.

  2. One Dozen Mini Cupcakes

  3. Heya i am for the primary time here. I found this board and I to find It really useful & it helped me out a lot. I'm hoping to present one thing again and help others such as you aided me. My web page - whole house water filter

  4. 'Anonymous said...
    One Dozen Mini Cupcakes

    Sounds good...

  5. 'Anonymous said...
    Heya i am for the primary time here. I found this board and I to find It really useful & it helped me out a lot. I'm hoping to present one thing again and help others such as you aided me. My web page - whole house water filter'

    Well, this is my secondary blog, but I try to make it primary class.


  6. Aw, this was an incredibly nice post. Taking the time and
    actual effort to create a very good article… but what can I say… I
    procrastinate a lot and never manage to get anything done.

  7. Visit Ghastly-Gorm Hall with Goth Girl plus lots of glorious goodies
    The Book Depository

  8. Hi Russ

    Thanks. I have now read through your blog. Am not forwarding it anywhere.

  9. As incredible as it sounds, men and women took baths only twice
    a year (May and October) Women kept their hair covered, while men shaved
    their heads (because of lice and bugs) and wore wigs. Wealthy men could
    afford good wigs made from wool. They couldn't wash the wigs, so to clean
    them they would carve out a loaf of bread, put the wig in the shell, and
    bake it for 30 minutes. The heat would make the wig big and fluffy,
    hence the term 'big wig... ' Today we often use the term 'here comes the
    Big Wig' because someone appears to be or is powerful and wealthy.

  10. 'As incredible as it sounds, men and women took baths only twice
    a year (May and October)'

    See my Non-Conformist of the Year posts, not so difficult to believe...


  11. The girls are really excited as there is a hob and grill, no shower, no loo! Motorhomes with four or more berths can cost over £30, 000, state-of-the-art moving palace, with hidden Sony Bravia flatscreen TVs, rear-view camera, and ultra-high spec entertainment system.

  12. I doubt the girls are really excited about no shower, Jack...

  13. "There are also different shapes and sizes [of countries?] to play with."

    This sounds like when they drew up all the new borders after World War 2. With Obama and his puppet masters seemingly bent on starting World War 3, maybe there are plans to redraw them again?

  14. "I doubt the girls are really excited about no shower, Jack.."

    I agree with you there.
    Having been recently watching old Hawaii Five-O episodes from the '60s and '70s, I notice that their common parlance to refer casually to another guy is "Bruddah". I recall "Man" being common in the '70s. I think in an earlier decade they said "Bub".
    I suppose Jack became common with the expression "Hit the road, Jack".

  15. I do not think the American or Western people have the stomach for more war at this point, sir.

  16. Jeff Berlin fills in for Geddy Lee in this Big Band rendition of Rush tune "YYZ"

    (That's "why-why-zed" for you 'mericans -- airport code for Toronto )

  17. For those of you with stuff stored on Sony Minidisc, which is no longer being supported by Sony, here is information on <a href=">copying from MD to MP3...</a>

  18. I stalk myself from time to time.
    (googling self)

  19. Hey I found a long lost cousin!

  20. And that version of YYZ has different bass solos and drum fills based on the fact the bass player is different and the drum kit is smaller than usual.

    Have to admit the visible (was using invisible before) Histats version looks very sharp on my blogs.

    Chucky asked why the 'Pages' number are lower than the other programs.

    Because it was placed into my blog template later and counted later.

  21. 'chucky said...
    For those of you with stuff stored on Sony Minidisc'

    Thanks, Uncle Chuck...

  22. 'Anonymous chucky said...
    I stalk myself from time to time.
    (googling self)'

    Not as exciting as a pretty, intelligent female is it?

  23. 'chucky said...
    Hey I found a long lost cousin!'

    Traced back to Genesis era...

  24. Should we lower Traffic KickStart's price?

  25. My little miracle (free money-making system)

  26. 'Anonymous said...
    Should we lower Traffic KickStart's price?'

    Should you kick traffic start lower?

    Do I care?

  27. 'Anonymous said...
    My little miracle (free money-making system)'

    Ernest Angely meets Tom Vu...

  28. Warning! Your messages are about to be deleted!

  29. Delete those ones, yes, fortunately Google and I own this blog, Google the network and I own this content and alter the template. I have control over these comments...

    By the way, I read a rumour online today from 2011 that Google was considering changing the name of Blogger to Google Blogs.

    Never happened.

  30. My brother recommended I might like this blog.

    He was entirely right. This post actually made my day.
    You cann't imagine simply how much time I had spent for this information!

  31. Start your own online business...

  32. 'Anonymous said...
    Start your own online business...'

    If I was a hyper-charismatic, which I am not, I am not even technically, charismatic, I would now think there was a demon of online business.

  33. Burgers and Fries at Fatburger
    Fresh burgers made with AAA Alberta beef and cholesterol-free oil in retro-style diner

  34. Had it, good, but in my humble opinion I prefer local excellent burgers served @

    Cactus Club

    Romer's Burger Bar

    Two of the best cheese burgers I have had anywhere.

  35. Re: Your Plug In Profit Website ...

  36. Off topic, but would you say the Sword of the Spirit is exclusively Logos, or exclusively Rhema, or both?

    Also, would you say that the Word of God is three things: the Bible (Scriptures), the Gospel and Jesus?

  37. Never looked up 'sword...' before.

    Ephesians 6:17 ESV

    And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,

    Ephesians 6: 17 reference from Strong

    page 61 and from web

    machaira: a short sword or dagger
    Original Word: μάχαιρα, ας, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: machaira
    Phonetic Spelling: (makh'-ahee-rah)
    Short Definition: a sword
    Definition: a sword.

    3162 máχaira – properly, a slaughter-knife; a short sword or dagger mainly used for stabbing; (figuratively) an instrument for exacting retribution.

    pneuma: wind, spirit
    Original Word: πνεῦμα, ατος, τό
    Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
    Transliteration: pneuma
    Phonetic Spelling: (pnyoo'-mah)
    Short Definition: wind, breath, spirit
    Definition: wind, breath, spirit.

    Page 78 and from web

    4151 pneúma – properly, spirit (Spirit), wind, or breath. The most frequent meaning (translation) of 4151 (pneúma) in the NT is "spirit" ("Spirit"). Only the context however determines which sense(s) is meant.

    [Any of the above renderings (spirit-Spirit, wind, breath) of 4151 (pneúma) is always theoretically possible (spirit, Spirit, wind, breath). But when the attributive adjective ("holy") is used, it always refers to the Holy Spirit. "Spirit" ("spirit") is by far the most common translation (application) of 4151 (pneúma).

    The Hebrew counterpart (rûach) has the same range of meaning as 4151 (pneúma), i.e. it likewise can refer to spirit/Spirit, wind, or breath.]

    God the Son is the Word from John's writings.

    The Scripture/Bible is the word of God all through the New Testament.

    The Gospel contains an aspect of the word, key in the word of God. So it could called the word.

  38. nice pictures :)
    What I like about blogger is that people from all countries can visit you and it's fun to see visitors from countries as distant in statistics, sometimes I wonder how they ended up on my blog. If i get a scholarship maybe i could study in Canada, I'm very excited! Have a great week Dr. Russell Norman Murray

  39. Thank you, Miss A.

    I hope this goes very well for you.:)


  40. Wοаh! I'm геallу loving the
    template/theme of this blog. It's simplе, yet еffective.
    A lot of tіmes it's tough to get that "perfect balance" betωeen useг friendlіness аnd apρeаrance.
    I muѕt say yоu hаѵe
    done a fantastic job wіth this. In аddition, thе blog loadѕ еxtremely quick for me on
    Operа. Οutѕtаnԁіng

  41. Yes, I do not like cluttered blogs.

    Too difficult to follow.


  42. Subject: Funny stuff, puppies & kittens and mirrors

    Watch this at full screen. Just terrific!!! Funny!!! Funny

  43. This raises the difficult philosophical question from the 1990s...

    When Bobby Buff in his bodybuilding prime looked in the mirror, was he the only person in history to be 'in love' with himself?

    Just wondering...

  44. Thank you, Dr. Murray, for addressing my previous questions.

    To delve further, Rhema and Logos have been used synonymously, but I understand that they are actually different.

    Apparently, Rhema is referred to as the "spoken word," for example, the revelation received by the disciples when the Holy Spirit "spoke" to them. Logos can apparently refer to both the Bible and to Jesus. Logos can refer to Christ, the subject from Genesis to Revelation, so apparently there is a tie-in or crossover connecting the Bible to Christ, or some similarity between the two. I'm wondering if this is basically a play on words of some sort. Rhema is said to be the revealed word of God, as an utterance from God to the heart of the receiver via the Holy Spirit, as in John 14:26.

    So apparently, Rhema is the spoken word and Logos is the written word. Therefore, when Christ was on earth, His spoken words and teachings were Rhema. The Bible is apparently Logos, and Christ is also Logos. But some seem to imply that Rhema is like a revelation received, or at least the means by which a revelation is received. Some (i.e., Charismatics) apparently say that Logos is useless unless Rhema is utilized, via the Holy Spirit. Hence, when someone does not understand the Bible, they say it is (if I understand correctly) because of a lack of Rhema. Or, if the Bible just sits on the shelf, it is Logos, but not Rhema, and not affecting anyone, so therefore Logos by itself is useless, some say. I would agree that revelation or understanding of the Scriptures can only come via the Holy Spirit, but whether it can only come via Rhema, I am not sure. For example, can you not read the Bible silently, without any spoken word, and still receive revelation or understanding or light from God, through the Scriptures which you are silently reading to yourself?

    Further, Logos, meaning "word," can apparently include thoughts, principles or speech, and also has to do with human reasoning and intelligence. For example, learning about God and His principles and values by reading the Bible is apparently included in Logos. But Rhema, which also means "word," is different from just the written word. For example, some have said that when a Christian is reading the Bible and feels that God is speaking to him/her personally through that verse at that time, that is apparently thought of as Rhema. I read that Logos is meant for everyone, while Rhema is for an individual, directed by the Holy Spirit. Rhema seems to be regarded as spiritual insight or an "Aha!" moment when a light bulb goes on (so-to-speak) when struggling with or reading a certain passage of the Bible, or else praying about a problem and God showing them the answer, or even God showing or directing them what specifically to do. Charismatics might call that a 'word of knowledge' or a 'word of wisdom,' though I think there is doctrinal error tied into that part of it.


  45. (cont.)

    It has also been said that Logos is that which gives general knowledge, general understanding and general wisdom about God, while Rhema is that which God uses to impart faith into a believer’s heart so that he or she then can be spiritually reborn, cleansed, saved, and justified, with the Spirit of Life living inside a believer, equipping him or her so that a believer is ready to receive spiritual insight about Logos.

    There does seem to be some crossover or intersection between the two, as Logos can apparently also be the act of speaking, and Rhema can, it seems, also come from just reading the Bible silently. Acts 10:44 says, "While Peter was still saying these things (rhema), the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word (logos)." Here the Logos is equated with the Rhema that occurred through Peter's words. And in 2 Peter 3:5 it is the Logos that was spoken and the heavens came to exist. So in this case, Rhema and Logos are basically synonymous, it seems. Again, in Hebrews 12:19, it says, "...and the sound of a trumpet and a voice whose words made the hearers beg that no further message (logos) be spoken to them." So here, Logos is equated with Rhema.

    The Rhema of the Old Testament prophets was written, yet they are referred to in the New Testament as that which was spoken by the prophets. So Rhema can be seen as referring to that which is written. Although the prophets spoke those words, to the people that Peter wrote to, and to us, they are written.

    When the Bible talks about the Word of God (i.e., Ephesians 6:17), is it talking about that which God has spoken, or that which is written? Regardless, whether it uses Rhema or Logos, it still points to that which was originally spoken by God, does it not?

  46. Bible Suite


    rhéma: a word, by impl. a matter
    Original Word: ῥῆμα, ατος, τό
    Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
    Transliteration: rhéma
    Phonetic Spelling: (hray'-mah)
    Short Definition: a thing spoken
    Definition: a thing spoken, (a) a word or saying of any kind, as command, report, promise, (b) a thing, matter, business.

    4487 rhḗma (from 4483 /rhéō, "to speak") – a spoken word, made "by the living voice" (J. Thayer). 4487 /rhḗma ("spoken-word") is commonly used in the NT (and in LXX) for the Lord speaking His dynamic, living word in a believer to inbirth faith ("His inwrought persuasion").

    Ro 10:17: "So faith proceeds from (spiritual) hearing; moreover this hearing (is consummated) through a rhēma-word (4487 /rhḗma) from Christ" (Gk text).

    [See also Gal 3:2,5 which refers to "the hearing of faith" (Gk text) – i.e. a spiritual hearing that goes with the divine inbirthing of faith.]

    Word Origin
    from a modified form of ereó
    a word, by impl. a matter
    NASB Translation
    charge (1), discourse (1), fact (2), matters (1), message (2), nothing* (1), remark (1), say (1), say say (1), saying (1), sayings (3), statement (6), thing (2), things (4), word (18), words (22).

  47. Jeff, a key seems to be

    '4487 rhḗma (from 4483 /rhéō, "to speak") – a spoken word, made "by the living voice" (J. Thayer). 4487 /rhḗma ("spoken-word") is commonly used in the NT (and in LXX) for the Lord speaking His dynamic, living word in a believer to inbirth faith ("His inwrought persuasion").'
