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Desert-Microsoft |
I am writing in a different part of the complex as my laptop is in computer ER in order to repair the DVD/CD Drive. I am therefore downstairs on a slightly older computer with less resources at hand.
It is also as dark as a dungeon in here (the cover for any technical mistakes).
Recent 'Redmond, Washington' blog pageviews appearing on Stats Counter with further information now explain the frequent Revolver application 'Redmond, Washington' US flag as a MSN bot.
This makes sense, but should be eliminated by web programs, in my opinion as visible and traceable for the sake of those with sites.
Especially those with web businesses, even more so than career bloggers like me, as in my blogs are associated with my academic career.
'Mountain View, California' pageviews are from Google and are sometimes a Google bot and are sometimes connected to Google Web Preview and various ISPs.
Therefore, pageviews from Google may still be from an actual flesh and blood human entity, but with the less than personal nature of these views whether they are from a human source or a bot, is there much practical difference?
If Microsoft and Google want to boost my pageview numbers with bots, that is in their power.
Even so, I have estimated compared to my actually Blogger statistics, Stats Counter, Site Meter, Revolver and Hi Stats still likely only count 25%-40% of my pageviews.
Are the rest bots or human?
Are you perhaps a bot and not aware?
On Revolver there are still US flags that are not necessarily explained and could connect to an ISP and sometimes may. From my reading with many American Internet Service Providers, US States are not listed as accurate but are only estimates.
I can understand how someone running a business online would find it difficult determining market regions, as I have read.
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My attempt at a pinched nerve assist. This at Alex Hintz' 16th birthday. Thank you wonderful friends and hosts, the Hintz. |
An Albino Model Has Had To Explain Why He's Black. And Not. At The Same Time.
ReplyDeleteTest-Drive AWAI's Copywriting Program for Just $17
ReplyDeleteSleep away cancer, diabetes, flu and more!
ReplyDeleteBrand yourself with a public profile
ReplyDeleteI live as I want, and he fights "The Walking Dead"
ReplyDelete'Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteTest-Drive AWAI's Copywriting Program for Just $17'
'Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSleep away cancer, diabetes, flu and more!'
Strong statement, but in regard to sleep apnea there does seem to be a connection between more quality, reasonable sleep and better health. Sleep apnea from my reading if not reversed can lead to stroke and heart problems.
Thankfully not my issues.
'Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBrand yourself with a public profile'
Facebook and Twitter beat you to it...
'Anonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI live as I want, and he fights "The Walking Dead"'
Some of which are Lower Mainland drivers...
Two men met recently and struck up a conversation. One was telling the other about some problems he was having with one of his kids.
ReplyDeleteAfter a while the other guy said, "You think you have family problems? Get a load of my situation. A few years ago I met a young widow with a grown-up daughter and we got married. Later, my father married my stepdaughter. That made my stepdaughter my stepmother and my father became my stepson.
"Also, my wife became mother-in-law of her father-in-law. Then the daughter of my wife, my stepmother, had a son. This boy was my half-brother because he was my father's son, but he was also the son of my wife's daughter, which made him my wife's grandson. That made me grandfather of my half-brother.
"This was nothing until my wife and I had a son. Now the sister of my son, my mother-in-law, is also the grandmother. This makes my father the brother-in-law of my child, whose stepsister is my father's wife.
"I am my stepmother's brother-in-law, my wife is her own child's aunt, my son is my father's nephew and I am my own grandfather. Wow! You think you have family problems."
…..Copyright 2014 Mike Atkinson (www.mikeysFunnies.com) by way of “Christian Voices” (ChristianVoices@att.net)
Dear Friends of Mukhanyo,
ReplyDeleteYou can now double the impact of your donation to Mukhanyo College!
A generous donor has promised to match every Rand donated to Mukhanyo’s building project in KwaMhlanga. Please consider supporting this strategic investment in the future of missional education.
We are thankful that more than 60% of the funds for this project have already been promised. Construction will begin early next year. Mukhanyo has section 18A status, so your donations are tax fee. Businesses can also earn BEEE points for contributions to Mukhanyo. See http://www.mukhanyo.co.za/support.html for more details.
Sincerely, ~bdv
Dr Brian de Vries, Principal
Mukhanyo Theological College
+27 (0)79 933 9884
An expectant mom let her 4-year-old place his hand on her belly and feel the baby kick.
ReplyDeleteHe asked, "How does the baby get out of there?"
To keep it simple, she just said, "The doctor will help."
His eyes widened: "You've got a doctor in there, too?!"
…..Copyright 2014 Mike Atkinson (www.mikeysFunnies.com) by way of “Christian Voices” (ChristianVoices@att.net)
Hello dear, after going through your profile on facebook i decide to contact you, please there is something i would want us to discuss, please reply me today.
ReplyDelete'It's like a Chinese prison camp!' (Senior S/O after I describe his corp. shift in a caged area with no chair and no autonomous washroom break for 12 hours)...
ReplyDelete72 Hours (Your 6 Figures)
ReplyDeleteI may me muscular like The Thing from the Fantastic Four, but I have never had six figures...
ReplyDeleteHello dear, after going through your profile on facebook i decide to contact you, please there is something i would want us to discuss, please reply me today.
ReplyDeleteHey this is is Leida and I'm from Turkmenia. I am that type of man who generally has pleasant mood every day, and I do not need to have much reason to be happy. I yourself have a good intuition and sometimes I prefer to trust to my feelings at current moment in order make a decision, than take my time and hardly think about all pluses and minuses. I currently do not have any priority about the country where I would like to build up my future, and I am not questing for a man from exactly this country. I am sure if you will find me interesting, you will find a way to win me, and made me be interested at you. He likes to surprise and please me and I'll do the same from my side. Sometimes he is impulsive but it makes our connection even yet interesting! He gives me a choice to work or be housewife, he never presses on me. Age difference is not so great for me, because age does not make man older, it makes him sexier.
ReplyDeleteHey this is is Leida and I'm from Turkmenia. I am that type of man who generally has pleasant mood every day, and I do not need to have much reason to be happy. I yourself have a good intuition and sometimes I prefer to trust to my feelings at current moment in order make a decision, than take my time and hardly think about all pluses and minuses. I currently do not have any priority about the country where I would like to build up my future, and I am not questing for a man from exactly this country. I am sure if you will find me interesting, you will find a way to win me, and made me be interested at you. He likes to surprise and please me and I'll do the same from my side. Sometimes he is impulsive but it makes our connection even yet interesting! He gives me a choice to work or be housewife, he never presses on me. Age difference is not so great for me, because age does not make man older, it makes him sexier.
ReplyDeleteWhere is God? Holding onto your faith during these dark times.
ReplyDeleteLast month, 6,756 people searched online for chauffeurs in Manchester.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I am emailing you - Sorry to be a pain, but I have been reading up on you at http://satireandtheology.blogspot.com and I know I can connect you with some of these people.
If you have a minute and are prepared to take on new clients & jobs we should talk about this.
I know you're busy so please only get back to me if:
You can prove you are the owner of http://satireandtheology.blogspot.com
You can take on extra Clients/Jobs
You are based in the UK
Have a UK phone number to receive enquiries on
Best thing is, with this, people are enquiring with you so its a case of providing services to clients who want you, are actively looking for you and are prepared to pay well for the work!
I will do everything for you all I need is you for a few minutes to let you know how it all works.
Most people are just replying back with a day and/or a time to look at this, feel free to do the same or if you want, I'm here all day everyday till around 6pm: 0161 850 0176.
Kind Regards
Ned Whitefield
COLOSSIANS 3:15 NKJ 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,
ReplyDeleteto which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
ReplyDeleteThe Spanish may not be a world power, but they still have some good ideas!
This man is burying a dead pig.
“So what.!” you might say. But please read on.
Make sure you read the explanation at the bottom.
People in the USA , Canada , the UK & Australia need to take a lesson from the Spaniards.
In Seville Spain , local people found a way to stop the construction of another mosque in their town.
They buried a pig on the site, and made sure this would be known by the local press.
The Islamic rules forbid the erecting of a Mosque on "pig soiled ground."
The Muslims had to cancel the project. This land was sold to them by government officials.
No protests were needed by the local people...and it worked!
Say no more.
Pee like a horse
ReplyDeleteEarn a BS in Theology from Moody Distance Learning
ReplyDeletePriest's Retirement Speech
A Priest was being honored at his retirement dinner after 25 years in the parish.
A leading local politician and member of the congregation was chosen to make the presentation and to give a little speech at the dinner.
However, he was delayed, so the Priest decided to say his own few words while they waited: Thank Goodness we Catholics have a wonderful sense of humor!
I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I heard here. I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place. The very first person who entered my confessional told me he had stolen a television set and, when questioned by the police, was able to lie his way out of it.
He had stolen money from his parents; embezzled from his employer; had an affair with his boss?s wife; had sex with his boss?s 17 year old daughter on numerous occasions, taken illegal drugs; had several homosexual affairs; was arrested several times for public nudity and gave VD to his sister-in-law. I was appalled that one person could do so many awful things.
But as the days went on, I learned that my people were not all like that and I had, indeed, come to a fine parish full of good and loving people.?
Just as the Priest finished his talk, the politician arrived full of apologies at being late. He immediately began to make the presentation and gave his talk:
I’ll never forget the first day our parish Priest arrived, said the politician. In fact, I had the honor of being the first person to go to him for confession.
Moral: Never, Never, Never Be Late
Pass The Salt
ReplyDeleteHave you heard of the "Food of the Gods"?
ReplyDeleteGod requires no food, being infinite and non-physical. God the Son, having taken on physicality in the incarnation could eat if he wished.
ReplyDeleteThe Secret to Eating Less (it's super simple)
ReplyDeleteBeing God, not an option...
ReplyDeleteCaution: Halloween may cause cancer
ReplyDeleteLet me guess...sugar.