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Cactus Club Cafe, Friday. I drank coffee only. |
Having now presented two recent lectures in regards to Biblical manuscripts and as well, several articles on Dr. Russell Norman Murray over the years; it seems to me that a typical conservative, scholarly position is that the original autographs were supernaturally inspired by God, inherent, and written using the intellects of the writers.
I agree with this position.
Many fundamentalist embrace a similar view, on that issue, although in some cases, hold to dictation theory which would negate, for the most part, the intellects of the writers. But in contrast to most conservative scholars, many fundamentalists equally hold to the view that the maintenance of the manuscripts is as well, done by supernatural means.
Whereas, my Reformed, moderate, conservative position on the maintenance of Scripture is that God as the first cause of all things, has maintained the Scripture by natural means. This has an allowance for some historical scribal errors, and alterations, although key and central biblical theology has not been impacted, in order for the gospel message to be preserved.
A fundamentalist view, for example, would be that the King James Version only, is the true word of God, reasoning only the manuscripts which support that version have been supernaturally maintained by God. Based on the textus receptus, largely based on Byzantine texts.
Revelation 22:19
King James Version (KJV) 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain
This verse from the King James Version seems to support a theology, that indeed the text can be altered, although I would reason that it would still be maintained as virtually accurate. It is a context of the bible can be corrupted but will be reasonably, accurately maintained, based on copies of originals, as the Kingdom of God will be culminated and this requires person's to know the true gospel through Scripture.
At Cactus Club Cafe on Friday night, the food was the standard 'excellent'. Our group tried to get into Earl's Restaurant but it was too full with longer line-ups. This too has excellent food. At Cactus, 'Mr. Lee' stated that as I looked like an executive, I should ask the server to ask the disk jockey (DJ) to turn down the pounding hip hop/hip-hop music slightly. In the photo, taken by Mr. Lee, the DJ is straight ahead, being ultra cool and wearing the Oakland, soon to Las Vegas Raiders cap...
I took my newish executive ranking (from work as well) seriously and I asked the server about the issue. She stated that she had just asked the DJ to turn down the music. She could not do her job properly. So, the trillion dollar question is why did (I drive a six-figure BMW) Mr. corporate real estate, Lee, feel that I would be the more effective man to speak up?
Is this that Kingpin thing again?
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