That bison offers a different kind of potential stabbing...
I cited this website in the linked, June 16, 2021 article. My life philosophy and life events, has had me eventually be trained online by a MMA trainer from New Jersey. As well, since 2001, I have largely added weapons defence to my martial arts exercise routine. I actually suggested to my online MMA trainer that he have a weapons course, and he eventually did, after my training with him was completed. I had earlier karate training as well, as a teenager.
With society today, I am concerned for myself, friends and family, in regards to a potential assault. A relative recently avoided this type of situation by being aware.
In particular danger in modern times, is a knife attack, where the attacker first leads with the opposite hand. It may be with a grab, or less likely a punch. Very often, as most people are right-handed, an attack will start with a left hand grab and right hand stab (s). Or the reverse if the assailant is left-handed.
71.1% of knife attacks are led with the free hand
Website cited
Here is a very interesting take on the whole issue by Sal Mascoli in this recent video from Funker Tactical:
Website cited
71.1% of knife attacks are led with the free hand and this dramatically alters the dynamic of the attack along with your initial reaction.
A main reason I am writing this follow-up article is to state that, IMHO, temporarily forget about the free hand when being attacked and concentrate on the knife hand. A grab does not generally hurt a reasonably fit, healthy person, and the person being attacked needs to move off the line of attack, whether being grabbed or less likely, punched by the free hand.
If the attacker has a knife in each hand, this is very had news of course. But the lead hand needs to be defended in a way to get the assailant off balance, in order to also limit the force and accuracy of the knife strike from the second hand. Of course, in any knife situation, if it cannot be reasonably avoided, then the use of a legal distance weapon, for defensive purposes only, in your legal jurisdiction, is highly recommended.
The website points out that knife attacks will often consist of the 'grab and stab', in other words, the attacker usually grabs the victim with the left hand and viciously stabs many times with right. (Or the reverse, if the attacker is left-handed). I agree that 'grab and stab' is a serious threat 'on the street' (out in the world), if one is knife attacked.
For the most part, where feasible, I use a two-handed grab, leading to an arm lock (s), with often one hand higher and the thumbs are always down. My double handed grab and arm lock (s) to control an arm, in agreement with the video not to use 'karate' style blocks which leave one too open to being stabbed numerous times. Limited karate blocks are a reason I quit karate at a young age.
I will tend to use a double-handed grab and arm lock and elbow strikes to the head and neck, (possibly knee strikes as a follow up) simultaneously, more so than a controlled takedown using locks to control. I am thinking more multiple opponent scenarios, than a police officer or solider versus one opponent, perhaps. If I am being attacked with lethal weapons, my goal is not MMA style submission techniques.
I also, as noted in my article on marital arts, I would use more of a side stance. But, I weigh over 200 pounds and am stronger than the average male. For my female readers especially, I suggest legal distance weapons within your legal jurisdiction, and legal defensive clothing, as needed.
I agree with the webpage, that one should expect to be cut and hurt in any confrontation with an aggressor holding a knife. Run to safety if possible. Be alert enough to hopefully have a legal, defensive weapon semi-ready for use, before the knife (s) (ambush) attack occurs. Be wise, if you are in an area where you could reasonably be ambushed, carry legally and use responsibly.
The grab and stab is difficult to defend and any knife attack is a very difficult life situation. I think a key is to turn to the side stance, move the attacker off the line of attack, and as much as possible defend the multi-stabs as if there was no grab or punch from the non-knife hand.
As noted, another deadly variation with the use of a free hand is to fake a punch, or actually punch with the left hand and then follow up with a barrage of vicious stabs. (Or reversed if the attacker is left- handed). Again, as difficult as it would be, a double-handed knife defence needs to be followed, as would be the case if the attacker has a bladed weapon in each hand.
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