Hamilton, Ontario
It looks as if Jim Balsillie will have a very difficult time attempting to move the Nashville Predators to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Balsillie has offered far more than the team is worth, and yet is facing roadblocks. This is not a Canada vs. United States issue in my mind, but an issue of the philosophy of running a professional sports league. Should a league primarily have teams in traditional markets, existing within one's means and slowly building, or should it place several teams in non-traditional markets as well?
According to:
Balsillie's offer to Leipold falls somewhere in the $220 million to $238 million range, well above Forbes Magazine's estimated value of $134 million and significantly higher than his bid of $175 million for the Pittsburgh Penguins earlier this year.
The Stanley Cup-champion Anaheim Ducks were sold for $70 million in 2005.
According to:
The latest power play with the Predators proves Bettman wants anyone but Balsillie as an owner
Jun 23, 2007 04:30 AM
Damien Cox
HOCKEY Columnist
Imagine the immense pressure being exerted on Craig Leipold, the man who no longer wants to own the Nashville Predators.
On one hand, the NHL, through misguided commissioner Gary Bettman, is leaning on Leipold daily not to sell the Preds to Waterloo billionaire Jim Balsillie.
Bettman is operating on an ABB (Anyone But Balsillie) basis, uncaring that the Predators are being dismembered, sold off piece by piece, while he tries to make sure the team moves anywhere but Southern Ontario.
Let's be clear. Bettman doesn't care if the Preds are turned into a hollow shell next season. He cares only about directing them to Kansas City or Las Vegas or some other place that won't care about them very much.
Leipold has long been one of Bettman's favourites, a member of the inner circle during the lockout, and he would prefer to leave the lodge on the receiving end of a warm handshake rather than a curse.
On the other hand, Leipold's a businessman, and Balsillie has offered him $30-50 million (U.S.) more for the Preds than anyone else.
Now that's pressure.
So while confusing reports last night initially indicated Leipold no longer wanted to sell the team to Balsillie, that was mostly Nixonian-like, mean-spirited NHL spin. These guys play for keeps.
Leipold, to his credit, didn't let the lie last long.
"We did send the NHL a letter today requesting that it not do any further due diligence on Jim Balsillie's offer for the Nashville Predators until we reach a binding agreement," Leipold said in a statement last night after the erroneous early reports surfaced. "If (Balsillie) is interested in reaching a binding agreement, we are prepared to move forward."
That sounded a lot more like "let's make a deal" than "get lost," wouldn't you say?
The reality is that the NHL knows that if Balsillie gets his hands on this team, they're going to have to concoct some other underhanded scheme to keep that club away from Hamilton. So if they can get Leipold to back away, they can pretend as though it all fell apart through no doing of theirs.
Clever, these fellows. Too bad they don't use their cleverness for the good of the sport a little more often.
Bettman and Co. should be embarrassed, of course, by what is happening with the hockey club in Music City. Last summer, the Preds were an aggressive buyer, picking up Jason Arnott and J.P. Dumont, and they further identified themselves as a serious player in February by adding Peter Forsberg.
Now take a look.
This week, they sold off negotiating rights to Scott Hartnell and Kimmo Timmonen, and yesterday No.1 goalie Tomas Vokoun was peddled to Florida for draft picks.
"The direction is obviously to have a low payroll," GM David Poile told TSN last night, noting that Leipold is "an owner who doesn't want to be the owner anymore."
Clearly, such an approach won't help the Preds increase fan interest to reach the important 14,000 fans-per-game level next season, which will probably force the team to break its lease and move.
Let's be clear. This franchise has been totally destabilized by Bettman's unwillingness to even consider than another team in Southern Ontario could be good for the game and his league.
Defeating Bob Goodenow in the lockout, it would appear, has emboldened Bettman to new levels, making him believe he can manipulate any process to his preferred conclusion.
Balsillie was completely caught off guard by yesterday's developments, but probably not surprised the NHL twisted Leipold's original letter into something that made Balsillie look bad.
This game is getting nastier by the day.
I wrote this article on Facebook.
The NHL is committed to several American southern non-traditional hockey markets in the unlikely hope that hockey will one day be a national sport in the entire US and very popular on national T.V. As a result, Canada must be negated, even though Hamilton would be a very successful franchise. Canadian franchises do not assist in the American dream, and do not generally draw well in the US. This American dream is likely to largely fail, as there is little evidence that major sports leagues can mainly develop in non-traditional markets. Look at the NFL, MLB, EPL, Serie A and others, these leagues basically began in regions where the sport had its early years and is part of culture. It seems unlikely professional hockey will ever be a national sport in the US since it has been there almost as long as in Canada.
April 2, 2016
I still reason the hockey business favours hockey markets, but reading and listening to more on building ownership I will add the following: Basically it seems, if a sports team has a good stadium ownership or lease deal, it can stay in place even with a mediocre club and/or mediocre market for that sport. This allows a sports league to place teams in markets that are mainly theoretically good image wise markets (large population, large television market, corporate support), even if not very successful entities in the sport. Bad news if you are in locale or country that is not considered good image, even while a potentially profitable market. So with the NHL, Quebec City is considered by most observers a more profitable hockey market than Las Vegas, but I could see the reasonable possibility that Las Vegas being a major city for travel would have the more profitable arena. I would rather own the arena in Las Vegas than in Quebec City.
Canada has tried the same approach with basketball. Vancouver had the Grizzlies for awhile, with such poor crowds that they would have done better with eighties hair-band reunion concerts.
ReplyDeleteRe: cartoon
That long-eared Leopold is such a stinka!
Thanks, Chucky.
ReplyDeleteI supported the Grizzlies moving to Tennessee, and the Expos moving to DC. The cartoon is classic.
Well - so much for Hockey - Canada's National Sport! You are right - the situation stinks!
ReplyDeleteBut I did enjoy your Bugs Bunny cartoon!
ReplyDeleteI should add that it might be stated that baseball was introduced to Japan well after it was popular in America, and baseball is very popular there. Japan does not have the number of major league sports present in society, in comparison to America. I think it will be much tougher for hockey to become a truly national sport in the United States than it was for baseball in Japan to become a national sport.
ReplyDeleteits not over until its over.
Thanks for the comment, and I agree. I saw the article you linked, earlier today. I hope that Balsillie takes all legal means to move the Predators to Hamilton. But he appears to me to be facing opposition from the NHL which reminds me of the approach of some religious fundamentalists. Some of these owners, at least, are so fundamentally committed to the American dream that even reason will not get in its way.
ReplyDeleteI hope that Basillie can somehow pressure his way into the League with Hamilton, despite the resistance of many American idealists. My thought is that it does not look good, but in the end enough money may work it out for Basillie. This link seems quite recent.
Its time for Canada to take back its game. We need an NHL team in the major city of every province. We could fill the arenas and bring back the excitement and realism of a truly Canadian sport!
ReplyDeleteSay Goodbye to US ownership and influence on our teams!
-Peter Puck Off-
Mr. Off,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the satirical comment. Are you a fusion between Peter Puck and Peter Popoff?
ReplyDeletesave face
There's still time for Bettman to save face
Jun 24, 2007 04:30 AM
Damien Cox
Gary Bettman, it would appear, has painted himself and the Nashville Predators into an awkward corner with no exit strategy.
Now we'll see if Bettman can show himself to be a pragmatist and a problem solver, rather than simply a bull-headed executive determined to push forward a flawed vision regardless of the cost.
While NHL spin doctors tried mischievously to portray Preds owner Craig Leipold as blowing off Jim Balsillie on Friday night when absolutely nothing of import had changed, it was Leipold who was actually seeing one of his escape options disappear.
William (Boots) Del Biaggio, the other serious bidder for the failing team, told The Tennessean that he has abandoned any interest in purchasing the Predators.
"That's (Basillie's) deal now," he told the newspaper. "I'm not going to get involved there."
Del Biaggio's interest lies in placing a team in Kansas City, a no-hoper for the NHL if there ever was one, but now says he'll wait for the next round of expansion that Bettman plans to ram down the throats of hockey fans.
So Bettman, through his own bungling of the situation, now has a team that is discarding assets at a furious pace after being one of the league's worst home draws last year despite a strong roster, and he has in Leipold an owner determined to sell the club and not to put another cent into the operation.
And he has Balsillie, a man with deep, deep pockets who was unanimously embraced by the NHL board of governors less than a year ago and has been personally endorsed by some of the league's most senior and respected owners.
"We have so many teams that are in financial trouble," said one senior governor. "Now here's a guy in Balsillie who will never, ever be in trouble."
Just weeks ago, Balsillie's spokesman, Toronto lawyer Richard Rodier, was quoted as hoping the league would endorse the sale as soon as possible so the new owners could aggressively pursue free agents July 1 and make a run at the Stanley Cup next season.
Now, with Scott Hartnell, Kimmo Timmonen and Tomas Vokoun out the door, and with Paul Kariya and Peter Forsberg soon to follow, that opportunity is gone.
The good news for Bettman is that there is still time for him to save face if he is willing to do what's best for this franchise, the league and the sport.
Wayne Gretzky, the kind of ambassador for the league and the game that Bettman could only dream of being, has personally endorsed the concept of a team in Hamilton. Other than the obvious nay votes in Toronto and Buffalo, none of the other 28 teams has, to anyone's knowledge, raised a single objection to Balsillie as an owner or his plan to move the Predators, a team that drinks deeply from league revenue-sharing coffers and offers no tangible benefit to any other NHL club.
So Bettman can either watch the Preds founder on the ice and at the gate while waiting for somebody to take them off Leipold's hands at a lesser price than Balsillie would pay, or he can park his ego, get with the program and grease the process to get this purchase completed.
The hockey fans of Nashville can then decide the future of the Predators, and if they choose not to support the team in sufficient numbers, Hamilton is ready to step up and Balsillie might yet be convinced to negotiate a reasonable indemnification package to the Sabres and Leafs.
That's the solution here. Replacing a weak franchise with a strong one makes so much sense even Bettman may eventually stumble upon the notion.