Golden Gate Bridge (photo from Ron Niebrugge)
Please check out my latest article on thekingpin68 that provides some updated information on my problem of evil questionnaire.
By Jerome Bernard
Washington - The Pentagon had once considered the creation of a hormone weapon that would turn enemy soldiers into homosexuals who'd rather make love than war, according to government documents.
The US Air Force's Wright Laboratory in Ohio had asked in 1994 for 7.5 million dollars to develop a bomb containing a powerful aphrodisiac chemical that would cause "homosexual behaviour" to affect "discipline and morale in enemy units."
The document, obtained under the US Freedom of Information Act, is now drawing scorn and ridicule on the Web.
The Department of Defence played down the proposal, which was unearthed by the Sunshine Project, an organisation based in Texas and Germany that monitors research and development of biological weapons."
The DoD never 'investigated' such a concept, rather one individual provided a short concept paper with a wide variety of examples that was rejected," military spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Brian Maka told AFP.
Maka pointed out the idea was one of several proposals for non-lethal weapons, including a chemical product that would make enemies highly sensitive to sunlight, or another that would make bees particularly aggressive and prone to attack humans.
But Edward Hammond, of the Sunshine Project, insists the Pentagon is not being truthful. "These statements are untrue. The proposal was not rejected out of hand. It has received further consideration," he said on the group's Web page.
Hammond says the concept was included in a promotional CD-ROM on non-lethal weapons in 2 000 and was submitted to the National Academies of Science the following year.
Bloggers are now having a field day with the love weapon.
"If we have a spare gay bomb, why not drop one in the mountains of Afghanistan," asked one blogger, who described himself as a black homosexual living in Washington."
The idiot who came up with the idea really should be bitchslapped and forced to listen to Judy Garland records for the rest of his life," Ed Brayton wrote on the Huffington Post website.
But not everyone is amused.
"My sense is that the story speaks to the Pentagon's outdated ideas about sexuality, and about the relationship between sexuality and being a good soldier," said Aaron Belkin, a political analyst at the University of California in Santa Barbara."
To suppose that spraying someone with a chemical can make them gay is ludicrous, and to suppose that making someone gay will turn them into a bad soldier is ludicrous as well," Belkin told AFP.
In March, General Peter Pace, the Chairman of the armed forces' joint chiefs of staff called homosexuality "immoral" in an interview with the Chicago Tribune that stirred renewed controversy and rekindled debate over legislation allowing homosexuals in the military as long as they don't discuss their sexual orientation.
A Democratic motion calls for a reform of the so-called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" legislation adopted in 1993 under then-President Bill Clinton.- Sapa-AFP
The statement below makes sense to me.
To suppose that spraying someone with a chemical can make them gay is ludicrous
I am not a scientist, biologist, or familiar with the technology mentioned in this article. But, I doubt that any weapon, gas, or bomb would turn heterosexuals into homosexuals, although I do not doubt that this bomb could potentially do tremendous physical and psychological damage to people. From a Biblical Christian perspective, homosexuality comes from a corruption of nature as in Romans 1:24-32, and it is stated in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that homosexuals shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. It can be reasoned that homosexuality is one result of a corrupt nature and resulting wrong choices and acts. Even if the gay bomb could alter heterosexual persons significantly to be sexually confused and interested in homosexuality, it would not mean that other religious, moral, and social factors would not prohibit persons from abstaining in being involved in homosexual acts. I have known persons that have struggled with homosexual desire, but in Christ have avoided this sin. I am thankful that I have no such desire, but as with many men, heterosexual desire can be a struggle.
The idiot who came up with the idea really should be bitchslapped and forced to listen to Judy Garland records for the rest of his life," Ed Brayton wrote on the Huffington Post website.
That is classic.
When I think about the term the gay bomb, I am reminded of the Maxwell Smart movie, The Nude Bomb (1980).
"To suppose that spraying someone with a chemical can make them gay is ludicrous
ReplyDeleteI am not a scientist, biologist, or familiar with the technology mentioned in this article. But, I doubt that any weapon, gas, or bomb would turn heterosexuals into homosexuals."
I agree although I, too, am not an expert in any of these areas. But, then again, it doesn't look like Aaron Belkin (a "political analyst") is either. And this non-expert has to disagree with that non-expert on what effect such a weapon could have.
It's one thing to claim that a hormone weapon would not work, but to pretend that even if such an aphrodisiac weapon did work that it would not be disruptive within the enemy's ranks is really a stretch.
I noticed how quick the political analyst was to throw in a political attack about the "Pentagon's outdated ideas about sexuality, and about the relationship between sexuality and being a good soldier." Perhaps the military knows something about what things disrupt morale and discipline within the ranks, as well as what added impact there would be during a conflict situation.
For anyone daring to brainstorm or "think outside of the box" - beware!
Non-lethal weapons - what were they thinking?????
Well I guess not everyone needs to be a Judy Garland fan but if anyone out there is, there is an exciting new group on Yahoo called The Judy Garland Experience. The group features ultra rare audio files, amazing photo's, lively discussions, and the most eclectic bunch of Judy fan's you will find anywhere.
ReplyDeleteThe membership includes Garland family members, historians, authors, film makers, other celebrities, and fans of all levels. The only person missing is you!
This week in our audio section we are featuring Judy's November, 1968 concert at Lincoln Center where she tenderly pays tribute to Harold Arlen, Her complete performance in 1953's psychological musical, Lady In The Dark, and some other odds and ends including an oh so rare concert performance by Judy's friend Anita O'Day. Please stop by our little Judyville and check it out, you may never want to leave.
is that a photo of the test site? ; )
ReplyDeleteIt's one thing to claim that a hormone weapon would not work, but to pretend that even if such an aphrodisiac weapon did work that it would not be disruptive within the enemy's ranks is really a stretch.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Tom. I agree. Biological weapons such as this are dangerous and the results somewhat unpredictable.
Dan B, I publish your comment for the sake of humour. Thanks.
Anonymous, that is a very good comment. I thought that the photo was appropriate. Cheers.
Tell me it's not true. We as a people waste such large amounts of money on such stupid stuff, while people are starving and homeless.
ReplyDeleteWhy dont they simply recuite a bunch of homosexuals and tell them to go over to these places and simple engage in a form of free love. At least the homosexuals would be willing to sleep with the enemy as an act for their country. Rick b
Rick, thank you for common sense ideas. I think the gay bomb is probably a waste of time. This sounds harsh but from a war theory perspective, I would reason that killing the enemy soldiers with biological weapons would generally be more effective than attempting to alter physical and psychological states.
ReplyDeleteThis just arrived through email:
ReplyDeleteDear Beloved,
I am Dr. Paul William 61 year's old merchant. I have been diagnosed with kidney Cancer a Disease that has defiled all forms of medical treatment, destroying my heart and kidney. My doctor's report indicates that I have but only a few months to live. Though I am very rich, but right now some of my properties and investment are being diverted or confisticated by Family members and business associates. I realized that I have to make trade-offs Contact me via my mail.
I apologized if the content here is contrary to your ethics, but I had to reach you through this medium. I came across your personal contact via international personal research profile in my Earnest search for a
trustworthy and honest person to handle my business.
As a mission to fulfill my commitments to affect lives, I have in deposit with financial Institution huge cash deposits which i intend to distribute to charity through you. You will receive 20% for your support despite my adversity and dismay with your support I can Achieve it by the grace of God. Contact me via my private email: paulwilliamdr@yahoo.co.uk
I have in safe-keeping every document that will facilitate the released of the funds with the finance Company. My health has deteriorated real badly,
that I cannot do this myself anymore.
My contacting you is divine and my faith is in God. More details will be communicated to you once you indicate your intention to assist.
Please send me your contact information as:
1. Your full name and address.
2. Telephone number and fax.
3. Region.
4. Age.
Contact me via my private email: paulwilliamdr@yahoo.co.uk I will not contact anybody until I hear from you.
God bless you for commitment.
Dr. Paul William.
Hey Russ,
ReplyDeleteThe Email you posted for us, I get those all the time, ever since I started blogging. My reply to those Email where the person claims their gonna die, I write back and tell them, your gonna die, so who cares if friends and family fight over your stuff, your not going to be around to see it anyway.
Then the rest I simply tell them they are liars and con artists who will end up in hell for trying to decive and rob the children of God. No matter what I say, even blogging about scammers I still recive them. Rick b
Russ, I think for fun we should both post topics about this guy and invite friends to do the same, maybe post it on face book, give out this guys address that he gave you, and ask everyone to over whelm him/her with Emails. Yes it is revenge in a way, but no one gets hurt. Rick b
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rick.
ReplyDeleteThese jokers keep sending the same type of garbage out to people. I have posted a few scammer emails as articles and quite a few in comments and your idea is a good one. The only scammers I have personally found that at times back off when their material is published, is the eastern European female scammers. I inform the young lady that I realize that she is using a script and perhaps that I have seen her personal info on a website warning people of dishonesty.
How is being bitch-slapped and made to listen to Judy Garland records for the rest of one's life a punishment? Granted, the bitch-slapping might get old, but I plan to listen to Judy Garland sing for the rest of my life.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Garland's music is considered by some to not be the preference of heterosexual men. But there is nothing wrong with her music. It is not my favourite type of music, but I acknowledge that she had talent and skill.
Here is yet another scammer email:
I am Mr Francis Okoh,member of the contract award committee, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Nigeria. I am in search of an agent to assist with the transfer of 12.6 Million United States Dollars and subsequent investment in your country.You will be required to:
(1) Assist in the transfer of the said sum
(2) Advise on lucrative areas of investment
(3) Assist in purchase of properties.
If you decide to render your service ,then i will be ready to give to you something tangible for your assitance.Please let me know of your interest to assist me with this by indicating your full names,your occupation and also your contact telephone numbers.After receiving this information,i will let you know the necessary procedures.
Mr Francis Okoh
Oh. My. Gosh.
ReplyDeleteTotally thought you were kidding. This can't be for real....
What an enormous waste of time and money.
I agree Ruthie, it is a waste of time and money. I would be concerned with what the actual results of the bomb would be.