Mahavishnu Orchestra with John Mclaughlin is presently one of my top two favourite recording artists of all time. This pre-Mahavishnu Orchestra album from 1970 features McLaughlin with what appears to a photograph of his Indian guru Sri Chinmoy. The person in the photograph may be in an altered state of consciousness. When I first saw this album cover in a record store I thought that it was creepy, and hardly a good advertisement for any music album or religious movement, but most fans of Mclaughlin's music probably are not too concerned with what is on the cover. In the religious and not musical context, a smile or normal pose would be good, but the 'out of it' altered state of consciousness look may attract some persons already heavily interested in Hinduism and related religions, and/or may attract 'pot heads' and 'druggies', but it probably will not cause positive religious thoughts in most persons. This by the way, in my view, is not bad since I believe that Biblical Christianity is the true religious faith and philosophy in regard to the nature of God and salvation, and not Hinduism and related religions.

Sure Mike, you are using God given power, and I admit that I do not know the point of your album cover. I realize that you may not disagree with my reasoning, but I should state that I do not see how being able to smash bricks with your bare hand makes Christianity or the Biblical God true, since there are non-Christians and persons of other religious and philosophical views that can smash bricks with their bare hands as well. In a sense from a Christian perspective, anyone that can break bricks, Christian or non-Christian, is using God given power, as God is the creator of all things.

I agree that Satan is real, but he is spirit and not a cartoon character. There is also debate among Biblical scholars and theologians on whether or not hell has literal flames. That is a funny cover as the dudes are in hell, but are still well dressed in a suit and tie.

It is good to see this type of choir. But in my opinion, it is in bad taste to show a person injecting himself or herself on the front cover of the album!

With the use of the terms 'touch him' the cover is likely referring to the concept of having fellowship with God and Christ. But in today's society, a satirical, homosexual type of interpretation could be made. My Mom does not understand why anyone would view this cover as funny. I suppose this may show a difference in how generations look at the use of certain terms.

It is good at times to have persons think about death, the afterlife and God's judgment and salvation for those in Christ. However, in my view, very few persons would want to purchase these album covers that are in bad taste.

The second cover made me laugh.

Is this album cover from a Christian perspective, or is it of the occult? How many people would purchase such a creepy album? Not many, I would guess.

Flying missiles and atomic bombs? This is a very presumptuous cover concerning the Second Advent. As I alluded to in my recent article on thekingpin68 on the book of Revelation, there is much figurative language used and interpretations should be made carefully. The cover to me seems sensationalistic. Does David Ingles have shingles or is he paralyzed?

Is the idea of Satan being paralyzed found in Scripture? Jesus told Satan to leave him in Matthew 4: 10-11, but Satan presently is still active it appears from Scripture.
ReplyDeleteWow, Karate Preacher! Awesome. I'm totally sending that to my pastor.
ReplyDeleteGreat minds sure do think alike, I agree with your thoughts exactly. I would be willing to bet if I were to write that stuff on my blog you would feel the same, about great minds, LOL, take care, Rick b
ReplyDeleteThe first cover is DEFINITELY the CREEPIEST.
ReplyDeleteI guess the implied message of the karate cover is: "Don't disagree with me!"
SATAN IS REAL with the happy pair in hell looks a COMEDY album.
The Addicts Choir; Let Me Touch Him; This is your funeral; All my friends are dead; I AM LUCIFER; Flying missiles, atomic bombs and the second coming of Jesus Christ; Satan has been PARALYZED - where did you find these???
(and we wonder we people are sometimes leary of Christians!)
Thanks very much, gentlemen.
ReplyDeleteWithout my approval, Outlook Express emailed the link for this article, which I had previously sent out to some friends, to a German pastor that had completed a problem of evil questionnaire. This made me angry. I quickly emailed the pastor and asked him not to clink on the link, as it was not for him. But, he looked at the link anyway and then emailed me and asked if the survey had been a big joke. I replied that it was not and that I have both a legitimate problem of evil questionnaire and a satire site, which preaches the gospel. Sometimes Outlook can really screw up!
Richard, thanks for the laughs.
David, I hope your pastor enjoys the posting.
Rick, yes we do think alike. My satire blog is somewhat similar to your fun blog. We should continue to network together with other good blogs (such as the ones from these other fine gentlemen) and present clean, funny material and also Biblical messages.
Tom, that photo of the person, who is probably the guru, is definitely creepy, I agree. On some of my Mahavishnu Orchestra bootlegs, Mclaughlin sounds like he may be in an altered state of consciousness and it can be amusing to listen to. Mahavishnu Orchestra was an incredible band, and I met John Mclaughlin in person and he was a very nice man. I also have his autograph twice, once from mail and once from in person.
(and we wonder we people are sometimes leary of Christians!)
Yes, and my Mom thought my posting was silly, and could not understand what was wrong with the Christian covers. These covers may demonstrate some generational changes in approaches not only with the use of terms, but also with marketing. I agree that the Christian albums in this article do not market recordings concerning the faith very well.
Hello Russ, You said this
ReplyDeleteRick, yes we do think alike. My satire blog is somewhat similar to your fun blog. We should continue to network together with other good blogs (such as the ones from these other fine gentlemen) and present clean, funny material and also Biblical messages.
And another said this
(and we wonder we people are sometimes leary of Christians!)
A guy replied on my fun blog, he replied to my topic about the Not sissy poem, He almost felt I could not be like that and call my self a believer.
That is something I believe people have a hard time with, believers having fun. So I am all for networking, and I agree, people are leary of us Christians.
That is why I have my second blog, I want people to to see a Believer being honest in what he see's as fun and enjoy's in life, ranging from fun to food to fighting. Rick b
Tom, I found those album covers from various sites, and the Mclaughlin album I knew about already. David's article and the link he provided were helpful.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rick.
I have previously read the comment that you mentioned. I like the fact that a loose group of Christians, and some non-believers, can comment on each other’s blogs, and sometimes link each other. It is so much more enjoyable writing articles on thekingpin68 and satire and theology and receiving feedback, in comparison to writing articles just for the heck of it. In the case of this article it is good to have some laughs, but also to contemplate some serious spiritual issues.
I'm pretty sure there are at least two other variations of "My Goals Beyond", one of which is even worse in that it only shows the guru, close up.
ReplyDeleteRuss, you said in your comment earlier "I quickly emailed the pastor and asked him not to clink on the link." I think you meant to say "Klink on za link." Nein?
Thanks, Sir Chuckles, and welcome back from Chico (I picked him up at the airport). The error you mentioned was either a typo or another Blogger error. When trying to post this article originally, after spell and grammatical check on MS Word, it would not post properly on Blogger. This may affect the comments as well.
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I listened to the audio link for SATAN IS REAL. Even though I know better, the audio intro also gave me the impression that it was a comedy album.
ReplyDeleteWith that impression of comedy on my mind, the reference to the little old man at the end of the clip (besides leaving me hanging!) sounded like a setup to the joke about the old man and Satan.
Keeping in mind we still need to take Satan seriously, I thought that old joke would still fit in here at Satire & Theology, so here it is.
- - - -
A few minutes before the church services started. the congregation was sitting in their pews and talking. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate.
Soon the church was empty except for one elderly gentleman who sat calmly in his pew without moving, seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence.
So Satan walked up to the man and said, "Do you know who I am?"
The man replied, "Yep, sure do."
"Aren't you afraid of me?" Satan asked.
"Nope, sure ain't." said the man.
"Don't you realize I can kill you with one word?" asked Satan.
"Don't doubt it for a minute," returned the old man, in an even tone.
"Did you know that I can cause you profound, horrifying AGONY for all eternity?" persisted Satan.
"Yep," was the calm reply.
"And you are still not afraid?" asked Satan.
"Nope," said the old man.
More than a little perturbed, Satan asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"
The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for 48 years."
Hey Russ,
ReplyDeleteFunny stuff! I agree - The Louvin Brothers are looking pretty sharp to be in Hell! Maybe that's part of the eternal misery - people in Hell will have to wear wool suits in 300 degree weather!
Deana, a friend of mine from school, recently posted some album covers of her own - they're worth a read.
Thanks, Tom and Wade.
ReplyDeleteTom, your comments this weekend about the 'comedy album' have had me laughing. The audio clip just adds to the humour. The joke is good.
Wade, I like your comments and what a silly photo, I agree! Thanks for your link, and the first album cover from the linked article is really making an overstatement with the use of the word miracle, but from taking a copywriting course a few years ago, I suppose it was written to grab a reader's attention as opposed to providing a fact.
LOL. You're so hilarious dude!
ReplyDeleteCheers, Army.:)
ReplyDeleteThis is wild... I can't believe some of these are real.
ReplyDeleteY'know, Russ... when I consider explicitly Christian products/albums/gadgets that are marketed exclusively to a Christian audience, my first consideration is how they're perceived by non-Christians.
Take the 700 Club, for example. I'll catch it every so often as I'm flicking through the channels, and while I can admire their earnestness and (sometimes) sincerity, to the non-Christian many of their catch-phrases and terminology are interpreted as religious propaganda. Know what I mean?
Some of these albums are the same... well-meaning, perhaps, but not particularly palatable to a non-Christian audience. The Christian subculture has a tendency to fall back on stereotypes in a way that can easily be perceived as threatening.
The Christian subculture has a tendency to fall back on stereotypes in a way that can easily be perceived as threatening.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much, Ruthie. Good points.
I find that the media at times seems to fall back on these stereotypes as well, as they often portray conservative Christians as right-wing fundamentalists and there seems to be an underlying assumption that right-wing fundamentalists have extreme views that do not need to be seriously intellectually considered. However, as you know many evangelical and conservative Christians have reasonable and rational viewpoints, and many of them are not fundamentalists. As well, there are fundamentalists who have reasonable and rational viewpoints even though they may appear to closed-minded on some issues.