Monday, April 27, 2020

My suggestion

New York Post: April 26, 2020


North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is either dead, brain-dead or just fine, depending on which Asian media report you believe.


A Hong Kong broadcast network claimed Saturday that Kim died, citing a “very solid source.” A Japanese magazine, meanwhile, reported late Friday that he is in “a vegetative state.” On Kim’s home turf, the North Korean media has acted as if everything is perfectly normal.

Satirically, 'a way' to make much sense of these three reports is to assume...

a) The Hong Kong broadcast is correct, Kim is dead.

b) The Japanese magazine is correct, Kim is in a vegetative state.

c) The North Korean media is correct, Kim is perfectly normal.

My suggestion

Kim Jong Un is now a zombie...

(That can pass as 'normal' in a communist state if the state-controlled media states it is so)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

You are welcome

This pandemic is an ideal time to call, email or message people and suggest that you would ‘love’ to get together with them, but obviously cannot at this time and probably cannot for months.

When this pandemic ends, you can suggest that you wanted to get together earlier but are now too busy because you have urgent post-pandemic, apocalyptic life catch up to do.

This probably provides days, weeks, months, or years, 'buffer', depending on the person or persons under consideration.

You are welcome.

@Bobby Buff

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Bad hair months?

Pops is really starting to look like Bernie Sanders...Also, as like in the 1970s, when
I was little, my hair is starting to bother me when I can feel it on my forehead.
More time needs to be spent with the tap and a comb.

Monday, April 06, 2020


Not a coffin.
Paraphrased discussion from this early evening

A mobile phone call to Arizona from British Columbia...

A senior: Happy Birthday!

Uncle/Dr. Russ: Happy Birthday! (Dear nephew)


A senior: Yea, I got to get myself a girlfriend; some old lady.

Uncle/Dr. Russ: Yes, nephew, he needs to have himself quarantined in one of those
locally quarantined old age homes.

Nephew: Laughs out loud. (I imagine he will tell his Father)

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Pandemic bullets and special thoughts

Pandemic bullets and special thoughts 

• My deduction is that this is quite a mentally conflicted time for Mr. Bobby Buff. On one hand, being a (borderline?) germophobe/germaphobe (I have told him many times and for years that the smell of gasoline is better than the perfume smell of the hand sanitizer he uses after he fills up), he must be terrified of COVID-19, or worse yet, if Chuck's often well-kept and stylish, but often reddish dome finally explodes, could this lead to COVID-20?

• On the other hand, this COVID-19 pandemic provides Mr. Buff with perhaps the best reason ever to avoid associating with his friends and to stay on a strict, every day is the same, schedule. In decades past he would hit the gym, but as that wound down, he was associating more. Not now...same with all of us.

• Bobby confirmed to me via phone that he has traded his bulk stock of Crisco, for his now bulk stock of hand sanitizer.

• Chuck is also quite mentally conflicted, I reason. If he keeps his dome well-kept and professional looking (like a CEO states one mutual friend), no matter what this computer genius and choir star does, somehow radiation from the sun still burns through his cap while Chuckles chauffeurs his brothers around British Columbia.

 Chuck, therefore, 'transitions' into the 'Red Skull'.

• If Chuck, reasons that he needs to cover up the dome, as much as possible, and lets the fur grow back, he risks once again morphing into Mister Hooper, from Sesame Street, the Shake n' Bake guy, and perhaps worst of all, once again being accused of being my Dad.

 Chuck was not pleased! After all, he looks like the Red Skull and not the Kingpin. Being confused with one another is 'highly offensive' for both of us.

• I love Deeaann and Banajela, and I miss their superstar daughter's on-stage performances. I also miss their fine dinners and desserts.

 The last superstar daughter show I viewed was very good at a local Surrey church. Granted Deeaann did a fantastic job with his first impromptu acting gig and ended up being the star of the show.

 But I went to the show to see his superstar daughter and Banajela sing like professionals. Instead, the star of the show was a balding, anorexic-looking, Trudeau-voting, computer guy carrying a briefcase...

 Meanwhile, not much has changed for Manson...just no shows to attend.

Thursday, April 02, 2020

My pre-Reformed stage

Near the fireplace...
Apparently as a toddler, at least on one occasion, as I was probably angry with my mother, I ate parts of some of her plants and then hid in the wood fireplace and closed the gate, covered in ashes. I then waited for my parents to find me, I am told.

My mother has told me that in the past, I blamed God for everything.

(My pre-Reformed stage)

Incidentally, no one has invited me over to their home very recently...

King James Version

Job 2:8

And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself withal; and he sat down among the ashes.

King James Version

Job 42: 6

Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.

English Standard Version

Jonah 3: 6

The word reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.

Saturday, February 04, 2017 Eats plants & hide in the wood fireplace, covered in ashes