Friday, September 01, 2017

The Boss is a Yahtzee cheat?

The walk today by the Fraser River.

One of my jobs is homecaring for the Boss (Besides my work in academia).

To keep the Boss's elderly mind working, I decided a few weeks ago to roll out the Yahtzee game, which I think is from the 1990's. The dice were starting to take a beating and far more importantly, I remembered the colourful green and red dice from our old 1980's version. Where did this 1980's version go? I would never throw those dice out! I remember specifically purchasing those green and red dice as a teenager. Black and white dice become as boring as a black and white website.

While I had escaped to the United Kingdom for academic research, the 1980's Yahtzee was perhaps sold in the family garage sale along with for certain my expensive ball hockey equipment and a wood chair I had made in secondary school.  I never would have sold any of those items.

I missed the green and red dice. In the spring/summer, especially, I will walk 30 minutes to one hour and buy as many groceries as possible that I can carry with two hands. I began these walks when I lived in Manchester, England.

Today, I was nice enough to bring the Boss some new colourful dice for the Yahtzee and let her roll. As Mom was rolling, as part of my homecaring work, I began to prepare a meal for the Boss. I would return to roll on my turns. I caught her rolling and rolling the dice apparently past three turns as if she was going to keep rolling until she earned a Yahtzee. I informed the Boss that it was three rolls for thirteen turns, but she complained that she only took four rolls.

Yahtzee cheat?