Friday, August 02, 2019


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Global News


August 2, 2019 8:05 am Updated: August 2, 2019 9:40 am 

Japan allows scientist to grow rat embryos spliced with human cells 

By Meaghan Wray 


Japanese scientist has been granted permission to bring a human-animal hybrid to term. 

After a ban on the practice was lifted this year, Hiromitsu Nakauchi — who leads teams at the University of Tokyo and Stanford University in California — is planning to splice human cells to see if they will grow beyond the current limit of two weeks, Nature reports. If Nakauchi accomplishes this, it will be the first successful experiment of its kind in Japan.


His ultimate goal is to grow a human pancreas inside an animal so that it can later be transplanted into a patient.


Nakauchi’s research has raised concerns about the potential for human cells to travel beyond the targeted organ, resulting perhaps in the animal’s cognition being affected.

I have difficulties accepting as normal and good, any kind of significant human-animal hybrid.  My view is that humanity and the animal kingdom were made by God, ontologically different, and should remain as such (Genesis 1, Romans 1).

His ultimate goal is to grow a human pancreas inside an animal so that it can later be transplanted into a patient.

However, I can acknowledge at the same time, both potential health benefits for humanity through this type of research and simultaneously, the potential for morally and ethically questionable, animal treatment and suffering in animal testing. As in the example above.

Satirically, as I am such a good friend, I need to look out for my pals here...

Would my friend, that would put classic Marvel and DC comics in the Louvre, 'The Jeff', from a sunny, Atlantic, American state, wish to use medical science to become the first non-fictional, hybrid...

The Scorpion?

Perhaps he could then have his own reality television series?

Does my friendly neighbour known as Walter Thomas Franklin/Bobby Buff, that could never reach his goal of 200 pounds (achieved easily as a non-goal by the Red Skull and The Kingpin), even when he ignored his friends for most of the 1990's to 'rock out' the gym, have the desire to bulk up becoming a hybrid with a muscular member of the animal kingdom?

He would have to be a hybrid with a shark or like though, because as a bodybuilder he has the right to remain virtually hairless...

In the future, would calling someone a dirty rat be potentially plain literal language?