Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Bullet Wednesday: Only take what is given to you

•  Photo: Arne's source of food, drink, social life and temporary shelter (until he has to walk home) in Norway. (Arne photo)


• Everything good I have comes from God, and everything bad I have comes from God. 

• I am not in regards to my successes and failures, denying my own secondary causation. I am not denying my sinfulness; (Roman 3: 23) 23 for all [a] have sinned and fall short of the glory of God... New American Standard Bible. (NASB)

• But I am acknowledging God as sovereign and providential, as the primary cause (the first cause) of all things, either by divine direct will or divine indirect (allowing) will.

• I am not denying in reality, in many cases, secondary causation from other finite sources, finite entities, including human beings, angelic beings and demonic beings.


• Only take what is given to you.

(I am not claiming this was a supernatural message from God, but this statement did come to mind while praying and is in regards to relationships. I am thinking of me specifically and not 'you' in a generic sense.)

archive search: compatibilism

archive search: incompatibilism

archive search: hard determinism

archive search: first cause

archive search: primary cause

archive search: secondary cause

archive search: sovereignty


a Romans 3:23 Or sinned