Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Kicktipp six: Media ignoring facts on Russia/Soviet Union

Decent day. I have one correct result and correct goal difference. I am at 53% correct results with 9/17. . A word on Russia and football. I am not a Russia supporter with football, whatsoever, but I am a facts man. I find it a little annoying that in general, the commentators portray Russia as having a poor international football history. This is half truth. The Soviet Union or Russia has not been in the FIFA World Cup Final. The Soviet Union with which Russia usually shares its football records. has won the first UEFA European Championships in 1960 and was runner-up in 1964, 1972 and 1988. The Euros arguably are not as prestigious as the World Cup, with a smaller global audience, but are also arguably a higher level of European only competition. Second only to the club team UEFA Champions League with high salary and high value, club teams.

Maple Ridge, not South America: The Alpaca

Sunday barbecue event, the neighbours, not the barbecue...

They act together and keep an eye...
They seemed almost friendly, but I would take no chances...