Saturday, September 09, 2017

Cannibalistic churches/UFO churches

Actua Soccer 3: The NCH software does not appear to be an upgrade 

September 8, 2017: Ten minute matches

Everton 0 v. Isle of Man 12
Isle of Man 14 v Everton 2

0: 7 New head-set test.
0: 32 My silly posts gain more pageviews? Like this review of an obsolete game? Again...
0: 55 New NCH video software.
2: 00 I need reasonable videos for work and my websites.
4: 00 Florida.
4: 45 Too many Christians are too political, too often.
10: 12 Academic theology/philosophy is not easy because one sees someone else do it.
12: 00 Bob Ross.
13: 30 On being a philosopher of religion.
16: 25 Thoughts on editing my work.
18: 00 Stacked teams.
19: 00 Obsolete game, playing tips.
24: 50 Yahtzee and the Boss gets cocky.
26: 00 Medical tip on the UTI, thank you, nurse.
27: 30 Being cheated in computer soccer.
33: 52 Universal cheating?
34: 18 Silly sunroom. Sauna meets cooler...
39: 00 When Manson played computer soccer, things were helter skelter.
41: 00 Human players may fight with this cheating.
Pinterest: But is the Bible taught in context? 

The Reasonable. Non-religious nuts are also unfortunate.
United Methodist Church: Let us bring back the church of the middle ages.
St. Paul United Church of Christ: These cannibalistic churches are a dangerous trend today...
Readington Reformed Church: Good one, but air conditioning would help too. There are too many stuffy churches.
First Reformed Church of Bethlehem: I would not mind Rush hour so much if there was good Rush playing...