Saturday, July 01, 2023

At the end of a hard week of work, I receive this email: You may have a double PhD, Russ, but you score an ''F'' in 'Human Relationship', Russ

I am going to quote an email, but leave the source anon. To be clear, I generally do not comment online on personal conversations. I always keep secrets, secret. But, I was not sworn to secrecy and this email shows spiritually and theologically, a significant problem in the Christian Church with too many people.

This person is good enough to pray for me and encourage me socially. I assume good motives here. This person stated yesterday via email...


She is the lady I introduced you n Harold to last Sunday in church. You may have a double PhD, Russ, but you score an ''F'' in 'Human Relationship', Russ. 🤔

My replies 

Haha, thanks! If I was that attracted I would care more. But, not opposed to chatting...

Actually my F is in age dating compliance... Dr. Russ🙏🙏🙏



Why not encourage two people, in Christ, that have mutual attraction to communicate?

Why assume because of my social position, I should be pursuing so and so? 

Does someone ever reach a social position, where he/she should no longer be socially granted the ability to have significant preference?

Who is showing the love of Christ, through the Holy Spirit, here?


Who is Harold?

I have one PhD and an MPhil. Two British theses degrees.