Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve Follies

New York-Daily Muse
The Daily Muse


New Year's Resolutions in Christ: Unofficial

1. Keep improving my career (s) outlook with my PhD and ministry work and EST/BST license.

2. Keep improving offline social circles. New church homes. Uplifting.

3. Keep improving my blogs. I reason from Google/Blogger statistics 2013 has been my best year as far as pageviews.

Overall, and in particular with my other more academic blog.

Thank you.

Statscounter states differently but I know with the use of several programs, as documented in posts and comments, Google/Blogger provides the more accurate numbers.

A little 2014 challenge to those that read and will not comment, email me or social media connect.

I could use the input and support.

Even you single young women with significant  Blogger and Facebook pageviews that are seemingly afraid that I will attempt to marry you online if we even chat or connect at all.

I am not an online minister, so you are safe...

If I was not of high quality, then why are you checking me out?

Ah...ponder on that philosophically.

See all this education has some unexpected benefits.

Then there are the oldies which I am 'sure' are most of those pageviews...

'Gertrude, take your Ben Gay and Prep H, clap the clapper and say goodnight.

I have learned more blogging than I bargained for, have I ever.

A guy did the same thing first day of EST (Enhanced Security Training) course...bloodied his nose.

My thought...'Police Academy'.

Note, I am not stating she is stupid, that is from You Tube.

Cardiff City FC Manager Fired:Guardian


'The battle between Mackay and Tan has been traced by some back to a conflict that arose in early October over player bonuses. Mackay reportedly kicked Tan out of the Cardiff City dressing room, telling him that he was not welcome there even if he was the club owner. Another report surmises it was Mackay laughing at Tan’s suggestion that Cardiff players ought to shoot from the center line more often in order to score more goals that poisoned Tan against the manager. It has also been suggested that the primary conflict rested with a dispute over who was responsible for how much money was spent in the acquisition of new players and the add-ons that might have brought the contracts over the intended budget. Regardless of the actual reason, the decision to fire Malkay Mackay as manager of Cardiff City FC is one in a line of unpopular decisions by Vincent Tan.'


On talksport the other day a couple of commentators were saying the owner looks like a 007 villain, a Canadian commentator stated he looks like Arnold from Happy Days. I think he needs some better PR. 

During the Sunderland @ Cardiff match, a commentator asked if the owner, Mr. Tan had robotic arms underneath the black gloves, like a James Bond villain.

It was stated Mr. Tan showed up at the home stadium for the match, really early, for fear of fans. His own club's fans wanting to do bodily harm. The fans want the blue home kits back. Tan brought in red. Yes, such a big deal in Wales, believe me. Now blue is the colour of the alternate kit/third colours.-Daily Mail photo.

Vincent Tan-The Telegraph

Moving painting?

Increasing the zoom/size seems to increase the effect on my laptop. Effect is minimal with small size.

Now if your head is already spinning before viewing this you may have partied far too hard...

The Mirror: Croc under bed



'Eight foot crocodile hides under sleeping man's bed for EIGHT hours

Sep 18, 2013

The clever beast spent more than eight hours lying quietly and his presence was only discovered by a maid the next day' No big deal for Australians, they would keep it around like a guard dog, mate...


The Mirror Da Silva leg break video

National Post

Google Images 

I have thought that bone on bone leg kicks were dangerous... With some light sparring could easily see the potential and attempted to avoid it. Better to use side or front kick to knee I suppose as opposed to roundhouse kick.

Great ad for not being a professional fighter...


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Philosophical & Theological Reflections On Satirical Images: Christmas 2013 Continued


The tenth post in this series and I had no intention of posting on this topic this evening. However, I went to Dean and Anjela's church today, 'The Village' in Surrey, that like Northview in Abbotsford that I also have been attending, is in our Bible belt.

Bible belt by our standards, not American standards. Both churches are mega churches, the Surrey church with over 2500 attenders and the Abbotsford one 2000-3000 I estimate from what I have read. Both must be largely fueled by Trinity Western students from my deduction, reasoning and observation skills.

Now after a nap I need to add more content.

I have standards...

Dean and Anjela invited me over to meet their new cat, of all things. Chucky had to decline to rush home....This is what Anjela handed me and I thought, well Merry Christmas to you too 'little sister'. I know her and daughter Sophia see me as a big dumb dog, but Christmas dog food?  I left it for their pug on Christmas Day.:) 
Red and green-Earth The Incredible Planet, Google+
Red and green-Earth The Incredible Planet, Google+
Maple Ridge-Walking home late at night in -3C.
From email-Something my old dog Rebel would have done...infamous for his 'take offs'.
From email--Could Chuck Norris and Chucky inhabit the same  near space in Maple Ridge without risk of cosmic collision and calamity? Even made worse if Bobby Buff ran into Mr. T at the same time.
From email-Not far from what I had to go through this morning in Surrey in an attempt to find parking. No spots left and like others I had to park over yellow lines. But a full church...
Facebook-Typical. A comment from a Facebook friend in regard to the dog food..'njoy Russ:)'
Facebook-I agree with the above statements, but would not use much of his style.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Philosophical & Theological Reflections On Satirical Images: Christmas 2013




The ninth in this decently successful series which has 25, 000+ pageviews, mind you 20, 000+ with the first post.

Series is 1-6 and then Bible and Sport. I will probably continue with it as long as the significant pageviews continue.

It is easier to write than many essay posts, in the sense that I can comment on images, but difficult with finding good concepts and in the past, more so, it could be technically difficult to write with images and text and Blogger html conflicts. To Blogger's credit, there have been some improvements with the interface.

The series tends to be more fun to write than most of my articles (selfish mode).

Scary how many of my images connected to this blog show up on Google Images while searching for new material. I hope I do not copy from myself...

Facebook-An image posted in my News courtesy of The Jeff. I wonder on a possible radical Christian fundamentalist theological take on this imagery. Perhaps 'Satan Clause' in a passed out gluttony represents the over-commercialization of Christmas. As opposed to just a funny and well-done Christmas image. 

Well, I could guess what is in the coffee and it is not lemonade... And who the heck writes this kind of material?!
Facebook-Reminds me of when I had a few of these from Disneyland when I was barely in school. They actually seems to me looked pretty good. A problem was that once the viewer broke, one was stuck with useless slides.
Hotel Suicidal?
Apparently not a follower of the New Testament Great Commandment...
Now admittedly I am still learning cooking skills, but this even raises red flags with me...
But adults are fair game? Is this from the Manson family?
I agree, sour milk and moldy bread will give one those thoughts...
Albert Mohler.com-The site discusses how legal same-sex marriage could lead to judicial battles for legalized polygamy. I think a reasonable philosophical point, although presently polygamy does not have the political power that the homosexual lobby does. In light of Scripture such as Genesis 1-3 (Adam and Eve), Deuteronomy 17: 17 (King), 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1 (Overseer) the Biblical mandate is one wife, one husband or singleness (1 Corinthians 7). However, I had a quite conservative Missions professor at Trinity Western University opine that strictly speaking polygamy is not sinful. He stated that in Africa and India, India his main experience, many Christian men had multiple wives. He did not think it right for  these men to divorce the second wife on, especially in light of the families. I see the point that divorce is a greater evil than polygamy. I also see the cultural context of the faith and the need to adapt. But in my situation, for example, the Biblical commandments would apply to me. It could be stated I am neither a King or a Overseer, but I would be obligated to follow the Biblical standards of Genesis and 1 Corinthians 7 which would be one wife. Satirically, and ONLY satirically, do not get any strange twisted ideas  and accusations here; does this give me a potential legal out and Biblical out if I wish to marry one young lady from North America and one from Europe, for example? I mean there is a shortage of  good Christian men with PhDs out there and more educated women than men according to some studies.;) I was going to do the post  just on this topic. Probably a good idea I changed my mind...

Reddit.com-What is this, a Darwinian Evolutionary Christmas?

Christmas tip?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Non-Conformist Of The Year 2013: Christmas Edition

Kobe, Japan-Swide.com
Kobe, Japan-Swide.com

My friend JB states he has an eclectic iTunes collection on his car stereo. It is mostly pop and art rock.

So, I will list my randomly playing iTunes list as I type this post.  

Eclectic I think...

I am also curling and lifting my fifty pound dumbbell, drinking Perrier, but that is another story whenever we start discussing dumbbells.

Brahms Hungarian, Dance #16, Fischer, Classical, Beatles, Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite/I Want You-Love, Art Rock, Allan Holdsworth, Temporary Fault, IOU, Jazz-Fusion, Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker Suite-Dance Of The Reeds, Classical Compilation, Soft Machine, The Man Who Waved At Trains, Bundles, Jazz-Fusion, Jethro Tull, Jack-In-The Green,  Unofficial Live 1977, Progressive Rock,  Beatles, Ticket To Ride, Anthology 2, Pop Rock, Rush, A Farewell To Kings, Unofficial Live 1978 Detroit, Hard Rock, Beatles, Strawberry Fields, Yellow Submarine, Mono Version, Art Rock, Rush, Seven And Seven Is, Feedback, Hard Rock, Schubert, Symphony #5, Classical Compilation, Police, Message In The Bottle, Greatest Hits, Art Rock, Vivaldi, Four Seasons, Anton Nanut, Classical, Rush, The Necromancer, Caress Of Steel, Hard Rock, The Decoding Society, Gossip, Montreaux Live, Jazz-Fusion, Vivaldi, Trio Sonata, Jakob Lindberg, Classical, Rush, The Trees, Vital Dreams, Unofficial Live 1992, Hard Rock, Rush, By-Tor And The Snow Dog, La Villa Strangiato CD, Unofficial Live 1980, Hard Rock, Mozart, Symphony #40, First Movement, Classical Compilation, Handel, Messiah, HWV 56, London Handel Orchestra, Classical, Mahavishu Orchestra, Lotus On Irish Streams, Unofficial Live 1973, Jazz-Fusion, Beatles, I Want You, Abbey Road, Art Rock, Rush, The Trees, London Unofficial Live 1982, Hard Rock, Jean-Luc Ponty, The Struggle Of The Turtle And The Sea, Part One, Enigmatic Ocean, Jazz-Fusion, Ronald Shannon Jackson, Mental Holiday, Taboo, Jazz-Fusion, John McLaughlin, Phenomenon Compulsion, Electric Guitarist, Jazz-Fusion,  Rush, 2112, Unofficial Live 1976, Hard Rock...

Another year is almost over.

A useful year for me, I have some ministry opportunities in regard to Blogging and related, and as well with my government security license have career options within the related fields of justice, security and by-laws.

I am also homecaring full-time.

Blogging has been fairly steady with between 15, 000-34, 000 pageviews per month, both blogs combined, with the numbers increasing substantially in December.

There is a variance and usually the Summer sees a slight decline.

The Non-Conformist Of The Year 2013

Chucky-4x winner and 2013 Winner


Chuck, Chucky, Chuckles, Chucklins, Saint (the previous four names), Pope Chucklins, Cardinal Chucklins...

While presently looking for software testing, engineering employment, Chucky recently announced on Faceplant, I mean Facebook that he just purchased a new vehicle. He had mentioned to me previously while he was visiting that his Mother wanted him to purchase a new vehicle. One that was easier for her to be 'taxi'd' in by Saint Chuckles.

I assumed, foolishly it appears, that this would take place when Uncle Chuckles is back collecting a pay cheque.

Speaking of Facebook, while checking out profiles, I do this quickly and totally unbeknownst to me two 'Friend Requests' were sent on profiles I visited, when I never sent a request. I found this out when I returned soon after both times and then checked out the application history and then made sure they were both deleted quickly.

So, a lesson and another reason to be careful on Facebook.

Facebook, have you heard that you cannot force relationships!?

Come on...

Anyway back to Chuckles...

When he announced the new vehicle I thought that he and his Mother had finally really gone bonkers.

I apologize in fairness.

Totally bonkers...

Even my Mother thought so....

Everyone was so supportive in comments and I was like what the heck? (Fundi friendly version).

But when he visited he told me the car was a gift.

Okay that makes sense, but that episode still sealed your status for 2013.

Pope Chucklins rarely leaves home, in order to care for his Mother, only going out for groceries and the trips to the new casino to gamble away the Mennonite family estate...

Okay the part about the casino is totally, totally 'fatricated' and not true..

His residence is now virtually Stalag 13 with Chuckles playing the roles of both Colonel Hogan and Sgt. Schultz.

'I know nothing...nothing!'

Bobby Buff-10x winner

Bobby and family have suffered some loss in the last few years and my prayers are with them.

But as I have told him more than once, even when he passes away to Paradise the Bobby Buff legend will continue to live on.

I appreciate his social efforts, as in attempting to get together when he states we will visit, without any plan changes.

I think he is up to 60% now keeping an appointment without cancellation or rescheduling.

I appreciate the effort...

Congratulations, that is quite the accomplishment, being that we are only a ten minute walk apart...

Mail Online

Other notables:

Mr. Matt

I have become better friends with Matt this last year which has been a blessing. Mr. Matt is Biblically based, but states he is charismatic, which I am not, although I am open-minded.

He also runs across as in those performing 'evangelism', living in downtown Vancouver, some crazy cults...

He likes to evangelize back...

Not sure if this is the one he mentioned, but it is a cult...

Kingdom of Jesus Christ


'Kingdom Rising 28th Anniversary Message of the Appointed Son of God'

 'Why was I ordained? Why was I chosen? Many people would be so happy to announce that I am “Chosen by God,” that I am “His Servant” and I am “The Son of God.” That is very nice to hear but there is an entailed responsibility when it comes to my choosing and ordaining. He ordained and chose me for a specific purpose: That is for me to go – which is the first thing that came with my being chosen and ordained. I had to “go.” That is why I cannot stop and I am still going to this very day. He let me go, so that I can produce fruits. He said, “My Son, go preach! Go deliver! Go enlighten! Go and make fellowship! Go share the Word to the world!”'

Contrast with Matthew 24 from the Biblical Son of God that Biblically died in atonement and was resurrected, as we await a Second Advent that is true to Biblical teaching...

Matthew 24:23-27

English Standard Version (ESV) '23 Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand. 26 So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.'

Therefore I can reason that when the actual Biblical, resurrected God-Man returns to this earthly realm,  contrary to the fraud from the Philippines, it will not be through a website, but will be an obvious supernatural appearance into the natural realm.

Super Secret Fan Club-1x winner 

Edith and Martha? Is that you? Bertha, Freda, Ada?


Even though somewhat mysteriously Facebook profiles of suspected Blogger pageviewers that are younger women, seem to appear on my account more often than the typical profile, I am still leaning toward, see previous post, the philosophical idea that perhaps the Super Secret Fan Club is made up of sweet old ladies that love to lurk at my Facebook and Blogger writings...

I mean have you not read about the old lady internet lurking craze online?

'I'm watching you sonny' (waving cane behind the webcam).

Does this not make more sense...?

Kobe, Japan-Swide.com

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ministry Writing, Baby Fighting And The Canucks

Vancouver-Via email
Vancouver-Via email

Ministry Writing

Discussing ministry writing in a group with a friend and founder of a local ministry, the founder stated I could likely approach in a different forum than my blogs, dialogue, primarily in written form, with unbelievers as in seekers, as opposed to critics.

Writing more to seekers with potential questions and less in the context of academic apologetics, theology and philosophy of religion.

To some extent, this has been an aspect of my approach. One may notice that I do not debate on Facebook and Google+ leaving these for social media use as they are primarily intended, only promoting my blogs on these sites.  I have commented on this previously.

My ministry approach is to debate only when necessary and I do not seek it out.  I also attempt to debate respectfully, seeking the truth over an intellectual win. Therefore, in agreement with this founder that made a very good point,  I could reasonably write materials that are more seeker orientated and less critical and academic. It simply depends on the ministry context.


Baby Fighting

The Father seems very loving and concerned about his baby. The baby, a male I assume (not certain), appears to very much love the Father.

Some positives with the play fighting approach, in my opinion are the father bonding with his baby. The father is toughening up the child in a good way, as in life the use of physical force can be a necessary evil and it is good for a child to have some knowledge of this reality which he/she may face in the future.

As for negatives, personally I would never toss a baby around like the father does. I am not stating he is taking any serious risks here, but I would simply play fight with a son, daughter, nephew, niece or friend, in a more gentle manner. I am more conservative with my approach.

As a toddler I would play fight with family and it would hurt sometimes, but I was never hurt as in being bruised or injured. That was how I play battled with toddlers, more so my nephews, but sometimes nieces; where as with nieces and female children of friends, it is usually more mental battles as in pretending not to love me type of thing.  But then mysteriously they are still hovering around, sitting next to me, in my lap, etc...

I would handle a baby more softly than a toddler, simply because they are more delicate, but I admit I am not a medical expert on babies and toddlers.

The Canucks

Forbes National Hockey League list 2013 from Journal De Quebec

Canadian teams 2013 Forbes/Journal De Quebec 

Some surprises with this list, in my humble opinion. The Vancouver Canucks at number 4 and worth 700 million. Up 105% in value.

The Vancouver Canucks are now, if Forbes is correct in their evaluation, worth roughly equal to some of the top clubs in Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association.

With a salary cap there is some forced equality needed for smaller market franchises to survive with larger market franchises, but I reason the ownership, management, fans and casual observers should have even less toleration for lack of championships with Vancouver. The club should become more dominant in the League as they have more financial resources than most.

The Winnipeg Jets in the top twenty at 340 million. Up 70% in value.

I had read and heard the Jets were continuing to increase value since the move from Atlanta in 2011. This is Winnipeg Jets version two as the original franchise has been in Phoenix since 1996, and Phoenix is not doing financially as well. The Ottawa Senators are also version two. Winnipeg is still the smallest club in Canada and in the smallest Canadian market at present.

Interesting now that Colorado, formerly Quebec, is behind all the Canadian teams in this year's ranking.

Would the team be worth more today in Quebec City?

As noted on my sites previously, Quebec City is seeking a franchise as it is roughly the same market size of Winnipeg.

As well the new Rogers-NHL Canada national broadcasting deal for twelve years includes a French language part of the deal.

TVA/The National Post

'Part of the Rogers deal includes a sub-licensing agreement with TVA Sports, which is in turn owned by Quebecor Media. Pierre Karl Péladeau is chief executive of Quebecor, and has been involved in the drive to repatriate the NHL in Quebec City, where a new, NHL-ready facility is already under construction.'

This Forbes news demonstrates the NHL should primarily focus on Canada for new franchises, but because of Canadian corporate protectionism and the League obsession with becoming an American national sport with a large television deal; this will not happen. The philosophical approach of the last fifty years shall continue.

Real geniuses...

Version 1: Original

Version 2: Some work done...

Phony...at Bible School he flashed his oily bod Phony...his world was always really really small Oh now school days are done, and the mill days are here Yet the crisco grease shines so insincere Phony...though it's true, we still love you

Phony...thank you for the music which you play Phony...thank you for the laughs you brought our way You always give your all in all Even sitting with the family watching Hee-Haw Phony....yes it's true, we still love you

Phony...always want to stay in Maple Ridge Phony...nervous about crossing any bridge It's a big world out there, and lots of things change But sometimes your life has to get re-arranged Phony...yes it's true, we still love you

Friday, November 22, 2013

Rethinking Google+ & The Trialight Zone?

Via email

Now that Google+ in template, design and presentation works much more like Facebook, it has become more useful for me as a blogger. For months I ignored Google+ for Facebook alone (although I was an early Google+ member when invited by English friend Mr. X), because its attempts at being original and distinct from Facebook seemed not useful and uninteresting. Overall, the website and related applications were not going to assist with blog ministry, career plans or socially.

Although I had the first stagnate account, the one associated with my other blog, eventually I signed up to Google+ with every Google related email address after being promoted to each time I would sign in. My second account was with this blog. The other accounts are basically a blank page and do not serve much purpose other than potential extra Google+ Friend or some other Circle for a web contact.

As noted in the post Google+ Followers via Wikipedia:

In regard to Google+

'As of May 2013, it had a total of 500 million registered users, of whom 235 million are active in a given month.'

'Facebook In regard to Facebook 'As of September 2012, Facebook has over one billion active users,[10] of which 8.7% are fake.'

Two to one is not a bad ratio for Google+ to be behind, considering Google+ are at roughly the 500 million mark.

Google+ recently has seemed to assist with my readership, probably as much as Facebook. Perhaps because Google and Blogger are connected it assists with finding other Google Bloggers, many that have Google+ accounts. Yes, I post article headers on Facebook, but persons there are not as likely bloggers.

I reason that Google+ is the possibly, philosophically and psychologically at times the social networking 'Friend' Twilight Zone, or 'Trialight Zone'.

In other words, if someone does not know one personally in the flesh but thinks another might be interesting professionally, as in blogging and career plans, and/or socially, with those many contexts, one may Friend or place them in some other Circle on Google+, also known as the Trialight Zone.

Facebook is only a future possibility...

Google+ = social networking probation...

I noticed almost immediately that not all of my Google+ Friends are ever listed. By this I mean those that have me in their Circles, not those I have in Circles. This is something I do not like about Google+, although of course like most bloggers I appreciate the numbers regardless, but I like to know what I am dealing with. More accurately, the person...

Looking at  Google+ 'Account' it appears one can select what type of Circles appear and if one appears in other Circles. So this would explain why in my case there are always less profiles appearing than my number of Friends.  I only have a Friends Circle.

There is a possibility that in some cases I am 'Trialight Zoned'...

Okay, yes I realize an account owner may have other reasons for Circles to not appear that have nothing to do with me...

I am not the centre of the Universe (Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5), but the Trialight Zone angle is a reasonable possibility in some cases and probably more humourous and interesting.;)

My blog related accounts:

With my other blog:


With this blog:


Brain Test-Left Or Right Brain

I scored 81% left brain, twice. This could explain some of my problems.;);> I can see the dancer rotate both ways, but usually clockwise.

Schlitterbahn Kansas City Waterpark, supposedly world's tallest.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Live from Vancouver, Mr. Matt with Dr. Russ

Ah...Matt, the video when you were editing did you switch/reverse the perspective or something?:) Klassic, man.

I am just home from Matt's apartment in Vancouver. I notice there are a few bugs with the video production, but note Mr. Matt did it with one take and did a fine job and with fine public speaking. He also did the editing under some production issues as in slow loading. I tried to be clean and satirical, but the man in the background humour is something I like, but some older folks, for example, like my Mother if she could hear well-enough might think it is pointless.;)

Matt's link is not translating properly at this time on Blogger in the main body, perhaps because it is new. But his URL can be found in comments and with a highlight and right click, one can be redirected.

Vancouver-Via email

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thoughts On New Casino


Fascinating movement of floors, apartments and differing views. Thank you, Auntie Edna.

Photos from Google Images





Funny series of commercials. I do not drink Whisky, by the way.

Thoughts On New Casino
The new casino on a walk route. The through road is brand new as it used to be a dead end surrounded by forest. Red trees included for artistic purposes.

The building, road construction and eventual opening of the casino in Maple Ridge, almost in my neighbourhood and in that of Mr. B. Buff has brought about some dialogue between myself, Uncle Chuckles, Mr. B. Buff and JB.

None of us are personally interested in gambling.

We all agree contrary to some fundamentalistic and conservative evangelical Christians, gambling in itself is not necessarily sinful, but that would be in strict philosophical terms.

It is socially and philosophically connected to many sinful practices. I think I can safely also state that none of us would place gambling on equal unethical, immoral terms as partaking at a house of prostitution, or partaking at an illegal drug house.

The consensus theologically and philosophically being that gambling can be reasonably and very cautiously approached in a similar way as video games, that being a certain amount of money may be spent with the idea being primarily for entertainment purposes and not primarily financial gain purposes. Noting there is no typical financial gain associated with video games unless one is in a major tournament. and earning money there would be unlikely.

I do realize one could be a paid game tester which is reasonable work.

A profession Uncle Chucklins has suggested to me more than once! And I have not played many video games since I left for the United Kingdom.

'Unjust gain', is a term I have seen and read from Mennonite and Baptist North American sources in regard to gambling and is attempting to profit financially with gambling as a career or hobby financially when one can statistically and philosophically reason that the odds are against him/her and always in the favour of the 'house'. And in favour of the State.

I have seen and heard of persons that reason they have a system to beat the odds. But if this is true, I reason he/she will soon be barred by gaming establishments.

Blackburn warns against the 'Gambler's Fallacy' as in the probability of some outcome always remaining the same, and a 'roulette wheel has no memory'. Therefore if patterns appear to change it is not because the wheel is hot and it is also not the law of averages as in things will become more in the favour of the gambler. Blackburn (1996: 133).

Therefore, unjust gain and attempts at such should be avoided within the context of gambling. Is is misdirected use of time and money.

I have seen and read the implied argument that if one supports a casino in any way shape or form, one is supporting a form of government abuse and tax of the people.

Therefore even playing one slot machine or having dinner at the restaurant would be sinful, it seems to follow.

Also that by supporting the casino one is contributing to the sin of others and is therefore sinning.

This reminds of somewhat, although not a perfect or near perfect comparison of persons that purchase products from a company/corporation that has some unethical practices and/or supports some unethical, anti-Biblical views.

I reason here one in Christ needs to seek truth and balance in prayer, asking for the best and good finite motives and related actions and acts.

I have only gambled once and that was in the late 1990s when my brother gave Pope Chucklins and I money and we tried slot machines in Reno. We were both very frustrated by the gaming culture in Reno and lack of intellectual, artistic options. I made sure I did not lose any of the money I was given and so obviously I did not play very many slot machines!

I reason we did not sin.

Generally, I would not gamble and support the industry and have within my conscience, no desire to lose money, or have unjust gain. This is not a claim of being sinless, however.

With a talk/drive the other night, my one friend wanted to see the casino, not to gamble. The building and outside presentation are an improvement to Maple Ridge, my friend and I both admitted. I was impressed by the friendly and professional looking security staff. This being on my mind as the legality, licensing and security of a casino is under the regulation of the Ministry of Finance, Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch in British Columbia, and most of my Justice Institute course dealt with legal issues.

The establishment was clean and professional looking.

When I first discussed work possibilities with my Work BC agent, that was very helpful, she suggested applying, once I have my license as a security worker, at the newly opened casino.

I am opposed to this for some primary reasons:

1. I wish to use my license for other work such as by-laws and not security work. I wish to have set hours which would allow me a second career, perhaps on the weekend in ministry.

2. I do not wish to be involved with work in a casino because of other ethical and moral considerations. Mainly because of potential fights with drunk patrons, and I do not wish to hurt someone with my martial arts target training approach, be hurt, face legal issues, or have to use first aid, as that was part of my recent EST course as well.

3. Being an employee means I would be very committed to the industry and the negatives such as the taxation by the State, and the addictions of others. It is questionable if it would be a greater good with that level of involvement.

I do acknowledge it is possible that it could be a greater good for me to work at a casino due to Christian witness.

4. I do not wish to expose myself to the noise pollution.

This being stated, I like all Christians am to always be a witness, if I am called by family or friends to visit at that casinos restaurant, which in the case of the new casino in the mind of my friend and I looked like a very good restaurant, would I be sinning in eating at the restaurant?

I reason not because the greater good is to eat with friends and family. The lesser evil would be supporting the industry with payment for a meal.

Yes, similar type of reasoning could be used in taking children to Disneyland or Disney World, even though ones disagrees with some of Disney's corporate policies and/or entertainment produced. One is considering greater goods and lesser evils. The fulfillment of children being a greater good outweighing supporting a corporation with some lesser evils, in that context.

These are considerations in a fallen world in light of the problem of evil.

For one to gamble in moderation, and not in unjust gain, without sinning there would need to be a greater good that outweighs the bad in supporting the industry and its negatives, supporting the government tax, and supporting the addition of others (some may be addicts).

In the most strict philosophical sense I would reason this would be possible. Perhaps for example, it is a stress relief for a worker for 15 minutes after work some days and the person overall stays in the black or close to it. It may, I have to philosophically admit, for the sake of stress mean a greater good is for the person to participate in this form of entertainment moderately.

However, personally ethically and philosophically, I would look elsewhere for entertainment and stress relief, but I am acknowledging that this issue is not black and white, but gray/grey.

Therefore, once again as is my general intellectual approach, I favour in regard to gambling and casinos a moderate conservative philosophical and theological position as opposed to a radical liberal or conservative view.

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.