Thursday, December 14, 2017

Don't eat yellow...

The government has to tell parents this fact?
When I have toured Britain while on the top deck of a double-decker bus, a person could be struck by the overpass if standing when one should be sitting. There were no warning signs...

But of course, eating yellow snow would be worse than a potentially fractured skull or related...
Pinterest: I am thinking...too much substance abuse and snow sports. The local government will not invest in more street lights. This sign is cheaper. Oz and the Wicked Witch are to the right... Most males know to go behind a bush, if absolutely necessary; not in public. The dog walking bird and that dog, should go on tour. The six-pack people were awarded their own special walkway by the government.

Too bad the bottom images were removed...I wrote:

One has to develop a walk slide technique while staying low to the ground (I live in Canada).

This cat might also be upset because well-meaning 'Mom' put him/her in that Christmas suit...a violation of the cat's sovereignty.