Saturday, April 02, 2022

Beware of the hot water tank Inquisition


Image: Capture, NPR, Halton Archive Getty Images, the first Inquisition 


An illustration shows heretics being tortured and nailed to wooden posts during the first Inquisition. 

Those are nails on the right hands of those 'offenders', also known as heretics, to the powers that were.

(Inquisition, established circa 1184)


The Inquisition has its origins in the early organized persecution of non-Catholic Christian religions in Europe. In 1184 Pope Lucius III sent bishops to southern France to track down heretics called Catharists. These efforts continued into the 14th Century. 

NPR continued


Clerics were given authority to use torture in a document issued by the pope in 1252. They were also given advice manuals with instructions for interrogating suspected heretics. Murphy says he was astonished by the similarities between the Inquisitor advice manual and modern-day guides for intelligence agencies and police departments.

If our church was like that, I would have to have my martial arts weaponry with me while attending, just in case. 

Beware of the hot water tank Inquisition

Today, two very kind members of our strata council, knocked on my door three times with surprise visits. There is some type of hot water leak in the building. But it has been determined it is not from the hot water tank in my storage room, which is also my academic library. Regardless, even with no visible leaking, the hot water tank is showing some new rust and God-willing will be replaced next week, as I have already left a message with a local heating company.