Thursday, May 02, 2019

This new political ad makes me laugh

This funny advertisement has hit the air in Canada during this year's pretty lame, Stanley Cup Playoffs

Job's friends and critics

I would not claim to be a specific scholar in regard to the book of Job, but I did reference this text in my scholarly British (MPhil-PhD theses) research on theodicy, the problem of evil the nature of God and humanity, free will/determinism.

This satire has merit as the biblical critics of Job showed similar theological and philosophical naivety as would many (but not all) first-year bible school and/or seminary students.

A key is to have a reasonable, correct, biblical understanding of God's nature and human nature, and the Reformed tradition is useful here...

On a personal note, for me, it is usually the acquaintances and/or casual friends that provide the worst advice as they know me less well than good friends.
The landfill also features lesser valued recycling...Facebook