Monday, March 14, 2022

Fake fighting exposed

A TikTok video. The account seems to feature random events, so there is not much of a description for this video. I am not sure; perhaps these two are actors in films. Anyway, her 'dream' sequence shows the fake, phony, Hollywood or film, television, fighting where a much smaller person easily takes down a much larger person. He probably allows himself to be taken down. He assists. In the street scene, which is still theatrical, but more realistic, the man probably braces himself and holds his opponent in a way to take the fancy move away as an option.

In a non-theatrical 'street', real life situation, a much smaller person, as in this case, should consider the use of a legal weapon within his/her legal jurisdiction, and/or do fast defensive strikes to target areas that would stun the larger opponent. This would actually be an attacker (not just acting rude). Then leave immediately, if possible.