Friday, May 03, 2019

Bullet Friday: May 3-Cut the fat

Facebook; I like the art...

• As I deduced, the New York Islanders cannot score enough. Defence only takes you so far...

• Thank you to my newish good friend Ricardo for letting me know that 'the football', as in UEFA, will be off Canadian television next season. I am signed up with DAZN online, which is reasonably priced

• Adapt or be left behind (that relates to UEFA football as well).

• Sorry, MLS is largely a bore (Dad agrees).

• Now to attempt to cut the fat off my Shaw Cable package...

• DAZN works while with both my Toshiba and Panasonic televisions.

• Dad agrees with me that at 25 teams to 7 (United States to Canada), the National Hockey League wants the Stanley Cup to be won by America yearly. Combine that with that fact that Toronto and Montreal want territorial monopolies and Canada is therefore missing some larger clubs (not including small Quebec City) that could help the Canadian cause.

• With my latest template upgrade, Facebook no longer works well pageview wise with Blogger when I post; however, both websites are up in pageviews.

Nuclear weapons and mutual survival

Certainly, the West should maintain sovereign democracies, but the Tsar Bomb and like nuclear weapons are examples why pragmatically for mutual survival, Russia is a nuclear threat and peace should be sought.

Same with China, although they have a smaller nuclear arsenal than Russia.