Monday, December 19, 2016

Facebook page v Twitter v Immigrants

VanDusen Botanical Garden: You Tube, 2016: I drove by there, Friday night.

Merry Christmas!

I decided to turn the comments option back on for my two theology, philosophy, Blogger websites. However, even with various setting changes, comments do not appear as an option. This may be the case with Dynamic templates.

Satire Und Theology

Dr. Russell Norman Murray

A person can comment on my Facebook page where the Blogger entries are promoted. If you would care to follow me, even if we do not always agree, I would personally prefer a Facebook page following as opposed to a Google + following.

Based on my own websites and work websites, a Facebook friend page seems to typically receive far more traffic than does a business page. But I do not want to keep my friend page for social interaction and I reason a Facebook business page still has more potential for traffic than does a Google+ page.

About 15-20% of my Facebook page followers are completely anonymous. The number of followers is likely correct, but when I count it is much less. Therefore, some are hidden.

Russell Norman Murray



Twitter, for me, offers the most follower growth. More than Facebook or Google+. I will follow for follow. Twitter offers more traffic and follower potential than does a Facebook page, but the Twitter followings are not anonymous.

Russell N Murray

Fake Trump tweet