Saturday, June 18, 2022

Short Saturday Bullets: Liberals, Church, Science

• I received this message (image) on my 4th Gmail account this week.
• I am not a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. 

• But, last election they contacted me on email, and asked me to participate in some surveys, so I was a 'good citizen' and did.

 They do have good graphics...

• When the Conservative Party of Canada calls me, it sounds like the same robotic voice that always only takes three no's, before he/it gives up. 

• Not good.

• Our particular, church home group (bible study) is having the first in-person meeting at the host's home in over two years. 

• A barbecue. 

• The hosts have enough baby girls and a crazy dog, the show should be entertaining. 

• Good, loyal, friends.

• Online this week, a good friend was (paraphrased) questioning science as portrayed in the media. 

• I opined (paraphrased comments) that science has become too politicized from both the left and the right. 

• As an academic, non-scientist, I advised my friend to buy an academic source, like I have, for example, the Oxford Dictionary of Science.

 Oxford Dictionary of Science, (2010), Sixth Edition, Oxford, Oxford University.

• I suggested to my friend that within that text, it is a significantly, non-political, data, presentation.

• Which is how science, generally at least, should be presented and considered.

• I am not, however, opposed to philosophy of science.

• The information and data provided in that Oxford text, does not necessarily support current political and politically correct, views, claiming to be scientific, of the left. 

• Or of the right.