Tuesday, February 18, 2020


I am listing this because my good friend's nickname is Zombie, due to a sleepy nature.

I heard about this dating term 'Zombieing', Monday evening and other related terms on

Boundless: February 10 2020

and read about related here

Huff Post: Updated December 6, 2017


Zombieing What is it? Here's the first documented definition I could find: "To be zombied is to have someone you care about disappear from your life altogether only to have them bring a relationship back from the dead with an out-of-the-blue text or interaction on social media." I would add to that it doesn't have to be a text or social media contact -- that's the easiest way to dip a toe in the water, but some people go full-blown -- a phone call, an old-school letter, or showing up in person somewhere you know they'll be. The point is -- a person from your past rises from the metaphorical dead and wants back in your life.

In Christ, if mistakes were made in an initial parting of ways, and the Holy Spirit is leading us toward renewed relationship, I am for a fix; otherwise I would flee from the Zombie!!!