Monday, December 11, 2017

Mysterious Blue Alarm

Mysterious Blue Alarm

I stated on October 21

My 'newish' Nissan SUV has a 'blue light' alarm (Satanic?) that will go off unless the truck is opened by the fob and closed by the fob.

If someone tries to break in or some 'fool' tries to open the SUV door normally with the key (Apparently both have already occurred), the alarm takes over. The mechanic told me it was a high-end, after-market alarm and work keeping.

According to the mechanic, if the alarm is set-off, some Kingpin has to sit in detention in the truck for fifteen minutes plus, with engine running, while the alarm goes on and off. This can both entertain and irritate the public. The alarm may then resume normal programming, but one must open and close the truck with fob only and one must never, ever, ever, let the battery in the fob die or else Kingpin will be back in detention.

Obey the blue light...Actual product not shown.

I thought the worst was over...

After leaving the TriCity Church on Sunday afternoon, I headed out to the parking lot. I heard what sounded like a loud vehicle alarm. But it sounded different than my blue alarm that I have heard, now several times. There were two or so vehicles left on the lot and as I headed toward my truck it was sounding as if my Nissan, American, SUV had another type of alarm sound. As I came within a few feet of the truck, the alarm stopped.

This was troubling.

Does the vehicle alarm have another type of alarm sound? I was wondering if someone had touched the vehicle or like.

Is there a 'break in' alarm sound and an inappropriate touch alarm sound?

I headed home, incident free.

That evening I washed the vehicle in the building garage. After I locked it up and set the alarm, I decided to go back and (against what I have done for years) take a towel and dry off the glass of a vehicle, as too many water stains were remaining after a wash, and I do a lot of driving with my vehicle.

All was going well until I moved the mirror and then the blue light went flashing and the alarm went off. But this was the regular alarm sound.

I am still not sure what the alarm sound I heard in the TriCity parking lot means. I was handling the mirror...

Does the alarm sound alternate after awhile?

By the way, when the fob battery runs out (I think), it plays a loud tune.

On the bright side, in agreement with my mechanic, my vehicle is pretty secure.

On the dark side, I am never really sure when the alarm is going to act up and what it is going to demand...