Friday, May 05, 2017

Deeaan, Mr. Rogers, Trump



Cited from Facebook

'100+ days in office and its definitely been a mixed bag from Trump. Still, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with his action against Syria. A month on and the world did not descend into WW III. In fact, that region has probably edged closer to peace since. Irony abounds - this was perhaps Obama's greatest foreign policy failure. Obama's dithering encouraged a despotic, ruthless ruler locally and strengthened emperor Putin globally. This one action now, while not a solution in itself, seems to have stopped chemical attacks in their tracks. The reality is often peace doesn't happen unless war costs both sides. Added irony is that this is precisely the type of policy Hillary would have pursued and what Trump warned against doing in the past. Not to say that i'm a fan of Trump's wealth care, protectionism, anti-immigration etc. But I'm happy to accept this silver lining at least, even if it may have been partially intended to deflect attention from domestic woes. Perhaps there's more consistency here than many Trump supporters appreciate. Its the failure to stand up to Assad's murderous rule that has caused the waves of refugees that Trump is seeking to stem. After 6 years of this madness it was refreshing to see Assad finally pay a price.'

Mr. Rogers states

Yer fi'ed Deeaaan! More seriously, I watch CNN. Fox and other independent online news. I wish I had enough time to intellectually parse all the real issues but I have to deal with all the partisan political bull**** and I am a busy man....Blessings to you and family. On the way to tutor your neighbour...signed Mr. Rogers.

A satirical, secular take on weird cults

This You Tube presentation is from December 5, 2015. As disclaimer, I do not make any claims about the reliability of the research this source provided. It is satirical and deals with the issue of false religion.

However, the discussion of cults as false religion, highlights the need for historically documented religion.

Encountering The New Testament Greek Manuscripts

Part or All of the New Testament. Page 10. Papyri Cataloged 127 Uncial Mss. Cataloged 318 Minuscule Mss. Cataloged 2, 880 Lectionaries Cataloged 2, 436 Total 5, 761 (Numbers in all categories inch up periodically with new discoveries) German numbers from 1994 and 2011 are accessed.

The Encountering texts states that transition was not perfect, but it was more than reliable enough for us to have little doubt in what the New Testament writers first wrote. (12). There are no grounds for any serious theological doubts. (12). The New Testament is internally consistent. It is near 100% certainty of accuracy. (12). This would not allow for any reasonable conspiracy theory of a corruption in original theology. Revisionist theology for modern times, that contradicts biblical theology is not a reasonable approach within a biblical worldview.

In the same way, although older manuscripts, the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament: '...became a cannon, authoritative collection of documents. (8). These writings were accepted as Scripture by Jesus Christ, his Apostles and disciples. (8). The Hebrew Bible as older will also not provide perfect copies of originals, but it still provides accurate historical religious history.

ELWELL, WALTER AND YARBROUGH, ROBERT W., Third Edition (2013) Encountering The New Testament, Grand Rapids, Baker Academic.