Sunday, February 10, 2019

Renovations Four: Taken To The Cleaners?

I just finished the final clean-up and now every renovated room is basically ready for reasonable living and reasonable hosting of human beings.

The sunroom, the only non-renovated room is also cleaned up. This photo is my new academic library in the storage room instead of my loft.  It has new flooring. I have now with much help, created  two rather open living areas with television as in the upstairs loft and the downstairs living room.

By the way, Folex (Oregon) works very well in cleaning coffee grinds off of new carpeting on stairs, as I knew it would. I was prepared having stocked up. There was items (mostly from the Boss) everywhere and accidents happen, but with Folex you are laughing.

So, with my virtually new place that now just needs some paint and some cover up, I have taken my place to the cleaners and now I need to continue to be prayerfully, theologically and philosophically, careful with the ladies, Christian Singles and (Lord forbid, says some) the Christian Young Adults, because if I do get married one day, I want a committed wife that will not eventually divorce me.

That will not take me to the cleaners and try to take my place...

Expect that sort of angle, this is a satire website.

I will try to post some bright photos tomorrow.