Monday, October 08, 2018

22 commandments?

Fox News October 8 2018


Girlfriend's 'controlling' list of 22 rules for boyfriend goes viral: 'She sounds crazy'

By Michelle Gant | Fox News

Thank you to Mr. James Lee (no relation to Geddy) for posting this article.


The list was first shared on Twitter by a guy who found it in a used car he had purchased, but he then deleted it because people thought it was his own girlfriend who had made it and she was being harassed, according to The Daily Mirror.


"She sounds crazy but it also sounds like he cheated and she took him back,” someone commented.

Okay, well, my readers will realize I hold to biblical standards of loving neighbor as I love myself (Matthew 22, Mark 12); to show a purposed love to all persons, and to love both male and female in Jesus Christ, in the Gospel within the Christian Church (Gospel of John, I John).

Examples of the 22 commandments

If I say jump you say “how high princess” 

You are to make sure you tell me you love me once a day at least so I know you’re not messing around 

You are to NEVER take longer than 10 mins to text me back.


I righteously, by the grace of God, complain about the ageism within the Christian Church, toward older, youthful men that are capable of procreation and the younger women that may have potential mutual attraction, that by social default, shun them. I complain this risks these younger women being within God's permissible will and not God's perfect will...

But is this case, deducing this is a young woman that is significantly younger than me, if we ever met, I would appreciate it if she just looked right through me as if I did not exist!

Not stating the man is any prize, either...(for those inclined that way).