Sunday, June 10, 2012

Philosophical & Theological Reflections On Satirical Images

Windows Image

Quick Update

I have two recent lectures on the Nicene Creed that I have posted in text form on my other blog which can be viewed here:

Dr. Russell Norman Murray

I am caregiving along with professional assistance for my disabled Mother at present while still looking for work within my field. I have looked within academia, publishing and media. I am also now looking at online teaching and will consider Europe more closely for teaching possibilities.

As far as blogging is concerned I once again would like to express my thank you for the pageviews, comments, followers and links. God willing I plan to keep writing satire and theology and Dr. Russell Norman Murray as long as I live but the more support I receive in the areas noted means I receive more motivation to write and prepare more posts.

Blogger's new and improved statistical information also allows me access to greater knowledge in regard to the type of posts I write that my readers prefer most.

Not that popularity is my primary goal, but I would like to within God's will market my blogs reasonably well in the difficult genres of theology and philosophy of religion.

Philosophical & Theological Reflections On Satirical Images

Images below assumed to be available for public domain from

Very Demotivational

I posted this image on the Lochness Monster post in the archives, but I will add some new commentary. Philosophically when I see people that are tanned like this it is almost as if spray tan and tanning booths have created a new race of persons which are a hybrid from Caucasian and spray tan and/or a tanning booth. Perhaps they should be called 'Tanasian'.

The late twentieth century and twenty-first century brought about the rise of the Tanasian race, history books could state.

I reason some Christian fundamentalists would be in agreement. Those that espouse the Satan Claus theory...

Of course in a fictional world the laws of reality are altered and so things may occur in that fictional reality which may not actually occur in non-fictional reality. However, in many modern religious movements including aspects of radical liberal Christianity many want to see core apsects of many different religions and philosophies as correct.

But, Jesus Christ reminds us in John 14:6 from the English Standard Version:

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Not politically correct, but Biblical and the Gospel message none the less.

There is another thought I have had recently as I struggle with practical problems of evil in life and having studied the problem of evil with MPhil and PhD theses. If Biblical Christianity is abandoned because of suffering and evil as if God is disappointing facing much scrutiny, which he often does, any world view/philosophy which Christianity is replaced with should also be very much scrutinized.

My conclusion after writing MPhil and PhD theses is that Christianity still handles the problem of evil and theodicy the best, particularly from a Reformed perspective. Much of this discussion can be viewed on the Dr. Russell Norman Murray blog.

This was posted by a Facebook friend. What struck me about it was quite obviously the celebrities are probably not related with different surnames, but at least from these six photos do look alike. It seems that with young females in particular to make it as a celebrity in the twenty-first century there is a certain look that one needs to succeed in a major way. I am not stating these women do have talent and skill but indeed they do look alike.

If one was a young very gifted 200 pound female singer would she be able to make a commercial album? Possibly, but not likely.

Not in my case...I even have a PhD.

Now my years of blogging has shown me that most bloggers are young women. I reason none of my readers, followers or links are like that young lady. I pray...

Typical. I do like a cat's attitude though.

No, seaside property for sale. Reduced price.

Regardless of one's philosophical position on tattoos/tats and I do not have a Biblical position against them, this satirical poster does demonstrate that there still is a significant negative social attitude to what would be considered excessive tattoos such as facial tattoos. The wise approach economically would seem to be to have no tattoos or one to a few well-placed tattoos that can be hidden by clothing at the needed times.

I think this person was victim of more than a bad career choice.

My cousin in Edinburgh drove one of those quite fast and very well. Edinburgh is in Scotland and perhaps in a satirical James Bond like movie there would be land bridge between Scotland and the South Pole.

Occasionally during the year I walk downstairs and watch an old film with Mom from the 1940-1970s. I think often the written dialogue is much better than modern films. I also think there is a wealth of older films worth watching. However, for a film like the Avengers the newer computer generated technology of the 2010s is needed and therefore the 1970s era Avengers just looks lame.