Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Career options?

On a serious note, I will add this man to my prayer list... 


• Philosophically, the difference between a tattoo or tattoos being a non-moral, non-ethical issue, and a tattoo or tattoos, marring, is a tricky one, admittedly. 

• The issue of aesthetics is often more subjective than objective reality.

• Perhaps, when a tattoo complements (tattoos complement) the natural work of the creator, it is morally and ethically acceptable. 

• Perhaps, when a tattoo, or tattoos takes away from the natural work of the creator, it can be considered a marring of the body.

I consider this marring...and not just 'tats' in this case.

I support individual, rights, freedoms and liberties, within law and order, in western democracy.