Monday, April 27, 2020

My suggestion

New York Post: April 26, 2020


North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is either dead, brain-dead or just fine, depending on which Asian media report you believe.


A Hong Kong broadcast network claimed Saturday that Kim died, citing a “very solid source.” A Japanese magazine, meanwhile, reported late Friday that he is in “a vegetative state.” On Kim’s home turf, the North Korean media has acted as if everything is perfectly normal.

Satirically, 'a way' to make much sense of these three reports is to assume...

a) The Hong Kong broadcast is correct, Kim is dead.

b) The Japanese magazine is correct, Kim is in a vegetative state.

c) The North Korean media is correct, Kim is perfectly normal.

My suggestion

Kim Jong Un is now a zombie...

(That can pass as 'normal' in a communist state if the state-controlled media states it is so)