Sunday, October 14, 2007

thekingpin68 in tuxedo at cousin buff's wedding

I was a groomsman at 'Cousin Buff's' wedding on the Saturday. I looked like a doorman as well, of course.;) What I am going to do for fun is check Facebook and other sites for all decent photos from this wedding which feature me, even if in the background, and then post them in this article. How egotistical, I know, but what the heck. I state decent photos, because for the second time, and after the third surgery on my eyelid, I have a temporary blood clot that will be surgically removed, or it shall force itself out, as the previous one did. My eyelid is therefore swollen and combined with my flash sensitive eyes makes getting a nice photo a challenge. My eyelid has reacted negatively, for the second time, to donor tissue from a deceased person. And yes, I realize that my eyelid does not look very noticeable normally, but only when there is a photo!

I have been a friend of Bobby Buff for 18 years and have known his cousin, Cousin Buff for several as well. They are great guys, but Bobby used to take the body-building thing so far to overlook his friends at times and so I started teasing him. Cousin Buff, unfairly and for fun, gets lumped in with Bobby since they work out together and are cousins. Cous Buff gets quite a laugh about this...

Please keep checking this article for additional photos, and send me some if you have any. Comments appreciated.



I should add that there was a 'rumour' among the groomsmen that Bobby Buff wanted his tuxedo painted on in order to highlight his two time all-natural body-building competition body, but at the last minute, Cousin Buff nixed the idea. If I am thrown a PhD graduation party in 2008, I have heard that there is a chance that the Buff twins shall attend with painted on tuxedos.


From Ann Ceniza

From Ann Ceniza

From Ann Ceniza

From Fritz Santos
A real beauty of me pulling up pants, looks like!

From Lysia Murphy

From Lysia Murphy
A good photo of me, but too bad I could not keep my eyes open!;)

This is a Facebook Graffiti drawing done with the mouse. Someone asked me on Facebook if the tree was on fire, or if it was just fall. Take your pick, I am a theologian, not an artist...obviously.:) Just imagine that this is where wedding photos could have been taken during the day and it is now night time outside of the reception hall.