Monday, October 22, 2018

Anonymous Weekend Bizarre

Maple Ridge: Last week

This last weekend

(Paraphrased) We are late night dining with a group.

Dr. Russ: So, (friend), how many times a week do you go out for a meal?

Anonymous: About five times.

Anonymous: For years it used to be about fifteen times a week, but I have now cut back for health concerns.

Recently similar paraphrased conversations with this Anonymous and another Anonymous, repeated several times.

Paraphrased 2 Anonymous: Why don't you lock down (friend) for dating and marriage.

Dr. Russ: There is a long (fatal) list...

I do not have significant romantic attraction to her.

She is ageist.

She is in obsessively in love with a friend.

She thinks she is in a looks class above me.

(Something I and the 2 Anonymous deny)

She is anti-Reformed theology, not just non-Reformed theology, on several key points.

She mainly calls me for information in regard to our mutual friend that she is obsessively in love with.

She is liberal and I am a moderate conservative.

There are many other women I would prefer.

Paraphrased 2 Anonymous: Well, don't close the door.

Dr. Russ: The door has never been opened or slammed shut. It is shut.

Dr. Russ: These are fatal problems. I am interested in someone that actually has a spiritual, intellectual, physical mutual attraction with me and prayerfully considers and ponders on it.

Dr. Russ: Say you 2 Anonymous, why do you not pursue her?

2 Anonymous: (Both state similar reasons as me)

Vancouver, Saturday

Walter Thomas Franklin: (In the recent mayoral election)

I voted for all the male candidates, just as (wife) told me to.