Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Grandma then Grandpa

Mark Morrey photo
In 2018, I wrote: Second day @the new residence of the Boss. The nurse stated: 'Are you here to see your Grandma?' 'Then...'You look so young.' I love it when that happens... More premises in my favour, thank God.

In 2019, yesterday, I was out at the store with my Dad for Canadian Thanksgiving, shopping.


Dad to clerk: Yes, I took my grandkids out for lunch. They are from Arizona.

Clerk to me: Your first time here (In British Columbia)?

(Grandpa??? No, mine have passed away thank you.)

Tuesday Bullets: People like this help keep the medical profession busy?


This posting, edited and repaired, February 21, 2022. The original lead video from 2019, has been deleted by Facebook. I have replaced the lead video with a rather appropriate image, seems to me.

Bottom image

Better to risk a serious life-changing accident than investing in an actual weed trimmer/wacker?

People like this help keep the medical profession busy?

A friend on Facebook posted an interesting article...

Daily Caller April 24 2019


Driving A Tesla Results In More CO2 Than A Mercedes Diesel Car, Study Finds


A Tesla Model 3 is touted as a zero-emissions car by government regulators, but it actually results in more carbon dioxide than a comparable diesel-powered car, according to a recent study. When the CO2 emissions from battery production is included, electric cars, like Teslas, are “in the best case, slightly higher than those of a diesel engine, and are otherwise much higher,” reads a release from the German think tank IFO. 

Predictably within minutes I could find an online counter article...

EU fact check May 2 2019




We can conclude that the claim: ‘Electric cars generate higher emissions than diesel cars’ is mostly false. The German investigators have only compared two models: an electric Tesla Model 3 and a Mercedes C220d diesel car. Secondly, Buchal and his coworkers did an investigation in Germany and then generalized their claim. More than a third of the electricity in Germany is produced from lignite and charcoal, which are by far the largest emitters of CO2 among electricity producers. Finally, in the last few years, the electric cars have greatly evolved and so has the production of their batteries. The investigation of the German researchers is interesting but the information is not representative on a large scale and is also a bit obsolete. Therefore, this claim is mostly false. 

• I am not a trained scientist, but I am a trained academic. A bible of science from Oxford explains that which is empirical, and science that is empirical, is 'Denoting a result that is obtained by experiment or observation rather than from theory.' Oxford (287: 2010).

• In regard to climate science there is a noted consensus by many scientist and observers, but there is also room for terms such a 'mostly', 'interesting', 'bit obsolete', etcetera. In other words, there are philosophies of science and there is room for evolution within. There is room for intellectual, academic tension. Indeed there are theories, based on various empirical results.

Oxford Dictionary of Science, (2010), Sixth Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press. 
