Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quick Questions & Answers

Buchenberg, Germany-trekearth

The Questions

Very non-exhaustive short answers.

I have been editing and attempting to load the videos for hours! My apologies.

I am going to take the suggestion of Darren, Richard and Leroy and try You Tube, turn those comments off and link and paste it to my blogs.

Mr. Trevor Hipp

Q. What is art?

Q. It is ethical/moral for people to drive slowly in the left lane?

Mr. Matt

Q. What's a spurious argument within Calvinism.

Q. If the Vatican contained an article stating Jesus was gay, would this make it true?-On second video

Note: I understand that God the Son, Jesus Christ, chose to be celibate. His mission was to be the atonement for humanity and provide resurrection, as the King of the Kingdom of God, not to procreate or be involved sexually.
My comments represent human nature.

Uncle Chuck

Q. The church has tried to survive by watering down its theology, to the point where many respected theologians (e.g. Hick) do not support the exclusivity of Christ as the only way to God. What do you see as the effects of this?

Q. Why did God make dogs and cats so egotistical?