Friday, May 30, 2014

Privation and Pornography in Brief

Vancouver, trekearth

This is my seventeenth post of the month of May. I, God willing, will stay committed to working as a theologian and philosopher even while working in corporate security and justice full-time and while homecaring for my elderly Mother. I remain able to take a part or full-time ministry position at a Christian or in a sense, secular institution if the right opportunity arises.

Mail Online: May 29, 2014


'Viewing porn shrinks the brain:

Researchers find first possible link between viewing pornography and physical harm

Study showed striatum was smaller the more porn someone had viewed

The striatum is a brain region linked with motivation and reward response

This is the first direct link between pornography and a lack of motivation

Researchers said it is not clear whether watching porn leads to brain changes or whether people born with certain brain types watch more porn'

End Citations

I am not presenting any firm comments on a scientific studies because this is a Mail Online article on one particular scientific study and some studies may somewhat agree with this one and some may disagree. 

I am interested in theological and philosophical concepts.


'Men who watch pornography may be shrinking their brains and dulling their responses to sexual stimulation, a study has found. It is the first time researchers have found a possible link between regular viewing of pornography and physical harm.

However, an alternative explanation is that people who spend more time looking at pornography are born with a certain type of brain.'

End Citations

Even in this short article there is an alternative explanation, therefore room for scientific and philosophical caution. 

There is theory that the difference in the brain, if there is one, may be more genetic than developed. 


'Men who watch pornography may be shrinking their brains and dulling their responses to sexual stimulation, a study has found. It is the first time researchers have found a possible link between regular viewing of pornography and physical harm.

However, an alternative explanation is that people who spend more time looking at pornography are born with a certain type of brain.

Dr Simone Kühn, the study’s lead author from the Max Planck Institute in Berlin, said it was the first evidence for a link between porn consumption and reductions in brain size and brain activity in response to sexual stimuli. But the study can’t prove porn-watching causes changes to the brain, she said.

People who already have a smaller ‘striatum’ – the reward part of the brain – may be more likely to use pornography. ‘It’s not clear, for example, whether watching porn leads to brain changes or whether people born with certain brain types watch more porn’ she said.'

I have readily admitted in person, offline and online that I struggle with sexual sin, and I also reason nearly everyone from a Biblical perspective does.

This is why, as a single adult man, unmarried, I list Biblical Chapters such as 1 Corinthians 7 where it stats that because of sexual immorality (2) a man should marry and if not gifted with with self-control as in contentment as a celibate from God (6) (should marry). The Apostle Paul (6) wishes in the New Testament Church context that all were like this, but admits they are not, and surely most persons are not.

As I have also noted on my blogs, Matthew 5 states to deal with lust in an aggressive manner. 

Is pornography a privation of sexuality?

I have quoted Augustine on the subject of privation in my Doctorate and online:

Augustine’s view of the corruption and privation of created matter and nature was that they were good things as created originally by God, but had become less than they were originally intended through rebellion against God. Augustine (388-395)(1964: 116-117). Augustine reasons that every nature, and by that he means substance that was finite (limited as angels and humans beings are) could be corrupted. Augustine (388-395)(1964: 116). The term substance, particularly in regard to God, is not necessarily physical substance but, instead, is the very core of a being. Augustine (388-395)(1964: 117). Each nature and substance that could become less good would still be good, and every nature would become less good when it was corrupted. Augustine (388-395)(1964: 116-117). With this view both physical matter and spiritual inner being could become corrupt.

Rowan Greer indicates Augustine viewed privation as meaning that evil has no ontological status (meaning evil does not exist on its own). Greer (1996: 482). But from his writings Augustine does not necessarily state that as his view. Augustine dealt primarily with the idea of evil as negation, and I doubt he would fail to see that after corruption had taken place in creation that living, existing, beings committed evil acts, and in a sense evil beings existed. Augustine reasons that every human being that exists is good, but is evil where it is defective. Augustine (421)(1998: Chapter 13: 7).

Although privation seems true in a negative sense, a problem with the concept in creatures is that corruption and the resulting evil in creatures is not merely an absence of something good, but consists of its own positive, destructive quality, as private creatures not only lack the will to do what is good, but will to do evil. John Hick reasons that Augustine’s idea of privation fails to deal with the fact that corrupted persons do not always tend to disintegrate and cease to exist in will and personality. Hick (1970: 62). This would seem correct as a corrupted and evil entity can grow in intelligence and power, so a mere corruption of a being from original perfection does not appear to weaken it to that status of non-existence. Something is considered evil because it can be seen to have a diminished degree of goodness. This appears reasonable; however, the diminished goodness in a creature is not replaced by non-existence, but by an actual corrupted nature within the person.

It should be noted that Augustine is quite difficult to read and understand and it is not surprising that he is interpreted in varying ways. His writing style makes interpretations difficult as well, in my opinion, from the English translations.

AUGUSTINE (388-395)(1964) On Free Choice of the Will, Translated by Anna S.Benjamin and L.H. Hackstaff, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.

AUGUSTINE (421)(1998) Enchiridion, Translated by J.F. Shaw, Denver, The Catholic Encyclopedia. 

GREER, ROWAN A. (1996) ‘Augustine’s Transformation of The Free Will Defence’, Faith and Philosophy, Volume 13, Number 4, October, pp. 471-486. Wilmore, Kentucky, Asbury College. 

HICK, JOHN (1970) Evil and The God of Love, London, The Fontana Library.

Pornographic sexuality is less sexuality. When a woman is viewed by a man, for example, in a pornographic context this is lacking levels of mutual deep commitment,  mutual deep devoted love, as well as lacking a reasonable Biblical marriage and family focus and is replaced with commercialization of sex, lust and mutual using.

I admit lust is at times pleasurable, but in the end it is empty and not something to rely on for peace and joy, as it is not of God and abundant life, therefore leading to death via sin. 

The struggle for Christian marriage made all the more difficult by the decline of Christianity in the West and secular ideas influencing the Church in regard to marriage.


Hmm, as noted in blog comments I am becoming pretty skeptical in regard to 'Facebook Search' the last few days.

All of a sudden the rows 1 to 8 are changing more than usual as far as leaders, especially 1 to 4, letters A to Z. As much as I would like to be kool with the single ladies and new Facebook friends and honestly believe that so many worldwide are reading my posts and profile, in reality one word is coming to mind...


And Random=Useless

Thanks, Facebook

Now if I am wrong, I am creating a worldwide 'silent stir'...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fattest (Growing) Nations

Santorini, Greece, Travel+Leisure, Facebook

Florence, Italy, Facebook
Vancouver, May 23, 2014

Fattest Nations

From 2013/07/05. Cited: 'Bloomberg ranked countries based on the weight of an average adult, which is the gender ratio-weighted aggregate of male and female adults. Methodology Weights were calculated by adapting the standard BMI formula: BMI = (weight in pounds / (height in inches x height in inches)) x 703. BMI is an index of weight-to-height used to classify underweight, overweight and obese adults. Average adult BMI data were collected from the World Health Organization.'

End citations. Guess which nation was the fattest? Click to see...

From September 16, 2010


University Herald: July 10, 2013


'Mexico Is the Fattest Country in the World, Study'

'Mexico has now become the world's fattest country with a 32.8 percent adult obesity rate, surpassing United States' 31.8 obesity rate, according to a study released, June by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). About 70 percent of Mexican adults are considered to be overweight.' 2013


'How Mexico Became the World’s Fattest Country'

'Perhaps you read or saw the news two weeks ago that Mexico had surpassed the United States to become the fattest nation on earth, with an obesity rate of 32.8 percent, topping our rate by a full percentage point. News reports cranked up the story with tabloid-worthy headlines and sub-heads. A sample: “70 percent of Mexican adults are now classified as overweight!”'

Weight Loss Organizer: May 9, 2014

Oxford states gluttony is 'habitual greed or excess in eating'. Oxford (1995: 578).

Browning writes that gluttony is not a sin characteristic of the Jews, nor is it condemned much in the New Testament, although he states it can lead to unbelief as in Philippians 3:19.

Philippians 3:17-20

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

17 Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us. 18 For many walk, of whom I often told you, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ, 19 whose end is destruction, whose god is their [a]appetite, and whose glory is in their shame, who set their minds on earthly things. 20 For our [b]citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;


Philippians 3:19 Lit belly

Philippians 3:20 Lit commonwealth


I will admit, in openness not to being thin. I am not a 'pretty boy' type and never will be.

I am your man if you want Christian philosopher/teddy bear/grizzly bear...

I have a muscular, stocky build and was heavier than I should have been medically when my sleep apnea was not treated properly by the medical community. However, after two major surgeries and medications, I am virtually sleep apnea free according to tests and practical evidences. I do not claim to be completely cured but practically most of the symptoms are largely diminished.

At the Documan-Docuwoman, English wedding of 2004, I was the best man, usher and security. While asking everyone to please go home in the morning hours, one slightly drunk man basically stated that he would not disobey me...once he saw the size of the back on that *)()()*)).

I have a muscular build for 5 foot 10, no doubt.

My conscience has always been clear with my weight because since I was four years old I have always been significantly physically active with ball hockey, martial arts, walking, light running and weights. Today, I workout probably more than ever and a large aspect of my work in corporate security is walking many miles a week.

I have also never been a glutton, and have never been a glutton with food. I reason this is a Biblical approach.

As funny and humourous as these fat rankings can be at times, and sometimes fat humour is very funny, I personally have taken food in moderation, and therefore although I certainly struggle with sin, gluttony is not a significant struggle.

It would be spiritually and physically wise for a person to avoid becoming one who makes a god of appetite or belly. A form of self worship instead of worshiping the true Biblical God.

BROWNING, W.R.F. (1997) Dictionary of the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Ninth Edition 1995, Oxford.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Geeks Versus Nerds

Edinburgh, Spotlight

A couple of weeks ago while visiting with Dean and Anjela and family at Village Church in Surrey, Dean mentioned a Geeks versus Nerds article, and that the two groupings were significantly different...

Mail Online: October 3, 2013


'Software engineer Burr Settles studied the words used in 2.6 million tweets

He also sampled tweets that matched the query terms 'geek' and 'nerd'

By comparing tweets in each query Settles devised an equation to discover the words most used by geeks and nerds

These words were plotted on a chart along a geeky and nerdy scale'

'The debate about the differences between geeks and nerds has been raging for years but a scientist believes he has come up with a mathematical equation that may finally put the argument to rest.

Software engineer Burr Settles from Pittsburgh studied the language used in 2.6 million tweets, and also sampled tweets that appeared when he searched for the terms 'geek' and 'nerd'.

By comparing tweets in each query, Settles devised a mathematical equation that established the probability of a particular word appearing in a geeky tweet, or a nerdy one.'


'The debate about the differences between geeks and nerds has been raging for years'


But more often than debate the terms were likely used synonymously.

Add the term 'dork' into that mix.


'Put more simply, Settles worked out which words were used and associated most by geeks or nerds, and what the differences in subjects and topics were. These words were then plotted on a graph; the further along the horizontal, or x-axis, a word appeared, the more nerdy it was. The higher a word appeared on the vertical, y-axis, the more it was associated with being a geek, and geek-related.

For example, the most nerdy subjects revolved around the words 'cellist', 'neuroscience', 'goths' and 'gamer.'

On the geekier end of the scale, words included 'culture', 'shiny' 'trendy' and 'webcomic'.'


Cellists and goths grouped together. Questionable.

Cellists and those involved in the classical musical scene, I tend to classify in more of a conservative, establishment setting, as they often play publicly for an audience.

Goths I would tend to classify in a more liberal, perhaps anti-establishment setting.

Although seen in public, goths looks different than the vast majority of public.

Also I would associate culture with those involved with the arts, such as classical music, and here 'culture' is associated with geeks.

From the start this reasoning with the terms chosen seems quite questionable.


'Commenting on his findings, Settles said: 'In broad strokes, it seems to me that geeky words are more about stuff, while nerdy words are more about ideas. 'Geeks are fans, and fans collect stuff; nerds are practitioners, and practitioners play with ideas. Of course, geeks can collect ideas and nerds play with stuff, too.' 


Hmm, I am not convinced...


'The similarities and subtle differences between the traits were also highlighted by the fact words such as 'intelligence' were shown as geeky, but 'education' and 'intellectual' were found to be nerdy. Similarly, books are nerdy, according to the graph, but 'ebooks' fall on the geeky end of the scale.'


Intelligence is geeky?

Intellectual is nerdy?

Certainly many persons, including myself and readers have intelligence and are intellectual.


'According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of the word geek is someone who is 'unfashionable or socially inept'. It goes on to describe geeks as knowledgeable and obsessive enthusiasts, or 'computer geeks.' The word 'geek' comes from German dialect for geck, which means fool or freak. In Robert Heinlein's short story The Year of the Jackpot (1952), the word is used to describe a science, math, or technology enthusiast.

A nerd is described as 'a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.' 'A single-minded expert in a particular technical field' and 'a computer nerd.' The first known use of the word nerd is quoted as the name of a creature in Dr. Seuss's book If I Ran the Zoo from 1950. The narrator Gerald McGrew claims he would collect 'a Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker too' for his imaginary zoo. The slang meaning dates back to 1951 when Newsweek magazine used it as a synonym for 'drip' or 'square'. At some point, the word became associated with bookishness and social ineptitude.'


The terms can be used synonymously...

Even as not identical words, obviously.

Personally, I have never accepted either term for self. Or the term 'dork'.

Uncle Einer awhile back stated I was a 'geek' as a kid and by this I think he meant geek-nerd-dork because I was very introverted and not very social with strangers.

I am now still introverted but with more extroverted traits than previously. I also am more social and more confident having accomplishment much more in life.

I have rejected the geek-nerd-dork labels for self.

Sorry, but I just remember the guys in high school that wreaked of BO and thought I am not like that and do not want to be like that. On the other hand I was not exactly very social as I found secondary school too worldly and based in unreasonable social structures.

I also did not start using a computer until my late teens.

I would view myself not as anti-establishment but as non-conformist. One definition of this provided by Oxford which fits me somewhat is 'a person that does not conform to a prevailing principle'. Oxford (1995: 925).

This would be me at times when deemed intellectually, philosophically and theologically required.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Ninth Edition 1995, Oxford.

Romans 12:2

English Standard Version (ESV)

2 Do not be conformed to this world,[a] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

[b] Footnotes: Romans 12:2 Greek age Romans 12:2 Or what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God

This reads like something goofy and ridiculous the classic, geek-nerd-dork might enjoy.  House of Mystery 157
No surprise this joker never made it big like Iron Man, Spider-Man, Superman and Batman.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Meanwhile Too...

Lake Como, Italy, Travel+Leisure, Facebook

My weekend off...things to do people to see. However a kind soul from Stumpleupon passed this site along, I reason based on the previous 'Meanwhile...' post.

Therefore here is 'Meanwhile Too...'.

This may end up working...

I appreciate the support.

Meanwhile on Facebook.... Biblical Christianity states from New American Standard Bible, 1 Timothy 2:9-10: Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, [a]modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, 10 but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. Footnotes: 1 Timothy 2:9 Lit with modesty. The goal is modesty but not a covering up which nearly completely makes female appearance publicly irrelevant. If female appearance is nearly publicly irrelevant it is questionable how a female could be a full-fledged participant in culture and society. As male and female are both created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27) both are to be involved fully in human culture and society. Here is a very good example,of having a reasonable contextual and theological understanding of Scripture applied as opposed to allowing traditional societal regulations to govern activity.

Facebook-This does not bother me, but pulling vehicles over during rush hour does. Yes someone may be technically speeding, after being bumper to bumper...

I think it is very kind how people from Alaska play 'tag' with the wildlife. The Polar Bears must have some real advantages with the natural camouflage.
Okay, this photo was featured some time ago on this blog. I have been on thousands of blogs and many of then run by females. Here is a tip from a kind but realistic Christian 'man of the world' as my Dad states. If you tan so much that you start looking like you are from another ethnic background, another race, or another should consider another hobby other than tanning. Please note, this message also applies for 'tats'.

This may become an Olympic event where the competitor is also judged on riding and texting abilities.
Well, I have read some conservative Christian posts claiming that opening up Western marriage laws would lead to all kinds of new possibilities...Is this a couple at a barbecue? Just wondering.
Is it not interesting that with the size of him with the equipment that he makes himself so small that a beach ball actually appears to fit in the net? He plays in Florida now...really, no joke.
I have to be honest, this likely looks like Maple Ridge on Friday and Saturday night.
I think I knew a Claude Morin once...
A military clone with enhanced human abilities?
Weekend family lunch in Georgia?
Based on photos from my 'Icelandic fan club', I reason this is an Icelandic car wash to raise funds for a trip to the Continent, or London. Here Cinderellas and Barbies will appear in massive group photos. 
Indian UPS...
'Hey, I thought we were mates'.
That would be much more 'kool' if he was riding a 'Gator'. So is that a Florida DUI?
Walmart drive in?
No food for me...I think I would find an exit ASAP.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Get Image

1. I have no interest working at store security. 2. It looks like I also specifically have no interest in working at store security in the United States... 3. I walk 25 to 50 miles a week at work and this gentlemen probably eats Burger King while on 'patrol'.
And here ladies and gentlemen is the store security guard at lunch break...
One thing I respect about the United States is the dedication to women's sports...
On the bright side, perhaps these two young boys have interest in McDonalds' store security as a future potential career.
This man could hook a few more of those 'vehicles' on the back like a train and host for money with 'Alabama Tours'.
This is where the Roman Empire was centred? I will be honest, the 'best' guard at the large corporate site where I work is the black dog on a parkade floors in an area divided from my search area by metal fence. If the dog could only sit behind the monitors/computers at the security desk and bark out orders, we would be better off. The dog scares the heck out many guards growling and barking at some, but I try and sweet talk him with kissy noises, similar to what I would use on toddlers and babies. Seems to work as the dog usually just chills.
Yes, might as well be ready, as I reason no other nation is going to intervene on behalf of Ukraine if Russia further invades. Things have gone to pot...
The power of propaganda and hyper-nationalism?
From Very demoitivational: Yes, for you Americans and people native to the Manchester, England area, I should state that as a toddler we had moose riding races...
One facing these would both be in fear and secretly laughing inside...
With everything being upside down in Australia is this why some of the persons there speak English as if chewing on nails? Hold on, wait a minute, some persons in Manchester sound like that, especially early on a weekend morning after they have had a few. It must have nothing to do with being upside down. I apologize to Australia. And for you Americans that is not 'Austria' in Europe where Adolf Hitler was from...
Heading to work Monday, I saw an incident at Boundary Road and 12th Avenue. A man pulled over by the RCMP was on foot away from his transportation, pointing at, and yelling at the RCMP officer that was sitting in his patrol car. The man that was pulled over then got back into his horse and buggy and rode off, of course.... Apologies to you radical downtown street ministry 'fundis' out there as I did not jump out of my car to 'minister' to the man yelling at the RCMP officer to let him know that I Peter informs readers to submit to authorities 2: 13-15. However, the advice probably would have been useful, although I do not know the context of the conversation, I admit. And thanks for slowing up my already long trip to work. Genius...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Serious & Satirical Sunday: Greek Princess?

California, Travel+Leisure, Facebook

Happy Mother's Day

I thought I would provide Sofy with prime time.

Princess Sofy Loren Panathinaikos, Greek Princess and heir to a massive shipping fortune and several blueberry farms in Surrey, British Columbia. Mother Anjela (Anjee) has stated it is good that I am in security as Sofy will need a body guard. Although she does need shades here. Realize this type of sunny weather is rare here, therefore we are caught in a state of shock...

Okay, actually Deaan thought she should be online and I am a loved 'Skuncle'. Sofy waved and yelled goodbye to me as the car was leaving this afternoon. And by the way, I am sure Mother Bulgarian Princess Anjela would like the world to know that she passed her academic teaching with A+ in every course. Now of course with both Anjela and Dean working I expect that delicious homemade chocolate, (coffee) cake every visit, like you promised, Anjela. I am driving out from Maple Ditch you know. Dean stated I ate half of it the first time, well if that is true that is because a certain Princess was favouring her big bro, with my big dog charms...


'...Rapper who 'used a steak knife for botched DIY vasectomy before jumping off balcony' speaks out' 

'Goes by the name Christ Bearer or C.B. as part of rap duo Northstar, founded by Wu-Tang Johnson was reported to be under the influence of dangerous dissociative drug PCP at the time

Speaking for the first time he said it was depression that drove him to do it

He is not allowed to see his two daughters

Admitted to have smoked weed earlier in the night'

'But the 40-year-old, also known as C.B., has now told TMZ that he was smoking weed and reading a book about monks and vasectomies right before the self-castration.'

'PCP is a 'dissociative drug' meaning that it distorts perceptions of sight and sound and produces feelings of detachment from the environment and self. First introduced as a street drug in the 1960s, PCP - which comes in crystal form but is often smoked with a herb like mint or marijuana - quickly gained a reputation as a drug that could cause bad reactions and was not worth the risk. However, some abusers continue to use PCP due to the feelings of strength, power, and invulnerability as well as a numbing effect on the mind that PCP can induce.'

'While he claims he will be able to regain full functionality, having more children will likely not be possible. The incident occurred at an apartment compex about 1am on Wednesday April 16.'

End citations

'Christ Bearer'?

Well, you know how it is stated at times that some person's are not suited for ministry work?

This is someone that I reason 'probably', 'somehow' qualifies in that category. Just from a few documented cumulative points...

I just doubt he would make the cut.

Mail Online: May 10, 2014


'Satanic inmate suing Nevada jail for religious discrimination... which includes his right to ICE CREAM

Alex Snelson claims he can eat only 'whole foods' without byproducts or processing additives

He listed ice cream as one of those foods on a handwritten legal complaint'


'A Satanic inmate has filed a federal lawsuit accusing his Nevada jailers of violating his constitutional rights by denying him meals adhering to his strict pagan diet.

Alex C. Snelson, 33, argues in the lawsuit that denying him meals without byproducts and processing additives force him to either starve or go against his religion. He lists ice cream as being one of those foods.

Snelson made the accusations in a hand-written complaint filed to the U.S. District Court in Reno, and insisted ice cream is one of the 'whole foods' his religion permits him to eat.'


Snelson said he is a member of the Church of Light in Chino Hills, California.

There is no readily available record of such a church existing

A leader of a leading international Satanic organization also questioned Snelson's claims.

The Church of Satan, founded in San Francisco in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey, allows its members 'to choose whatever diet is pleasing to them,' said Magus Peter H. Gilmore, a high priest at the church. The church website says it is the 'original Church of Satan' dedicated to the 'acceptance of man's nature as an animal living in a cosmos that is indifferent to his existence.'

It adds that Satanism is 'not Devil worship. There is no belief in God, Satan, the soul, the supernatural or in any form of afterlife.' Devotees are permitted to enjoy ice cream.'

End citations

Is his stated religious organization an actual church or actual religious movement in which religious rights, in particular, within a Western democratic context, in this case United States law and constitution, should provide specific food related rights connected to religious worship?

'Snelson said he is a member of the Church of Light in Chino Hills, California.

There is no readily available record of such a church existing'

If in this case a person is not least significantly connected to a publicly known religious organization the issue seems to be more in regard to supposed individual rights to whole foods, as opposed to supposed religious rights to whole foods.

If these type of individualistic religious rights were granted based on private religion, it could create organizational problems in public places both public and private sensor. Many inmates could claim a personal religion that is supposedly affiliated with a known religious organization, such as Satanism in this case, but in reality just follow a personal, suppsoedly 'ethical', religious system to suit self.

Each person entitled to their own diet, there own menu.

This could take on other public levels as well, such as corporate.

A waste of public money and time, which is money.

Romans 13 Biblically allows the state, in whatever form that may be, not necessarily nation state, to maintain law and order including through the use of the sword. Here I reason Biblically, order would include a denial of questionable religious claims in regard to rights.

My religion demands that I eat chocolate coffee cake daily and it is my legal and constitutional right to receive that at my corporate work five days a week.

As if...

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Short Post On Ecards


Rotten Ecards Card

I did not post this on Facebook because I would state it as is, or that I reason it is an exhaustive and extremely accurate philosophical statement.

No, I would not, but to some extent I agreed with what I viewed and view as the spirit of the message.

One should not preach to someone, without love or at the expense of love.

My Facebook comments edited:

Messages like this have limited context and are not exhaustive.

They (messages like this one) need to be read as such. It is not an all-encompassing philosophical text. It is just a point.

I reason the second (point) is more important than the first and that is what it likely meant. But it is exaggerated for point.

It is not worded how I would word it, but the spirit of it has merit.

It is like stating to me 'God does not care if you have a PhD, but that you love others'. God does care that I have a PhD, but loving others is more important. But such a statement could be stated to make a point.

In certain contexts, my PhD would not matter much, but loving others always would...etc..

I think with both examples (from the ecard and mine) it is always love others and do not use knowledge the wrong in stating verses without love, PhD knowledge or not.

It is not stating to do not memorize. At least how I deduce and read it.

Knowledge is always a necessity in Christ and there are different levels and types, but must be in love.

It is just stated in a way with an agenda and not exhaustive, to make a point.

Funny idea, although of course unrealistic in this age. There is not exhaustive philosophical context and so this ecard can too be criticized.

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Financially Based Religious Accommodation?

Stanley Park, Travel+Leisure, Facebook

Financially Based Religious Accommodation?

Female segregation

Teen felt ‘degraded’ after teacher backed aikido student’s request to avoid touching females on religious grounds


'A Nova Scotia high school student is asserting she was reduced to “second-class citizenship” after her Halifax aikido school followed provincial human rights law and accommodated a male student’s religious request not to touch his female classmates.'

'Ms. Power, a resident of the Halifax suburb of Upper Tantallon, NS, had been a student at East Coast Yoshinkan since the age of six. In the spring of 2012, Ms. Power, then 15, was just on the verge of earning her aikido black belt when she said a man enrolled at the school and told its owner that, for reasons of his Islamic faith, he was not allowed physical contact with women.'

'The request would not have been noticed in a pottery class or a fencing course, but Aikido — like any martial art — is uniquely physical. The ultimate effect, said Ms. Power, was that sessions were suddenly being divvied up by sex.'

'Steve Nickerson, a fifth degree black belt and the owner and sensei of East Coast Yoshinkan Aikido, wrote in an email to the National Post that although he met the student’s request to avoid physical contact with women, the student “interacted, without physical contact, with women in my classes each week as part of our regular program.”

“There was never any segregation,” he wrote.'

'As for the bowing, Mr. Nickerson said the request was made respectfully and was “very easy to accommodate.” “I believe every person should have an equal opportunity to participate in recreational activities and I would not deny this student access to my classes,” he wrote, noting that he made the accommodation with the confidence that it would not be “disadvantaging any other person’s participation in my classes.” The decision, he said, was supported by both the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission and the Halifax Recreation Administration, which operates Lakeside Community Centre.'

'‘Why would someone’s religion — something that they choose to follow — trump my gender, which is something that I was born with?’'

'Amir Hussain is a theology professor at Los Angeles’ Loyola Marymount University and wrote his thesis on Toronto Muslim communities. Speaking to the National Post, he called the student’s requests an unusual interpretation of mainstream North American Islam, but said “it could well be that this person feels that this is what their religion is demanding.” Said Mr. Hussain, “in Islam, you’re supposed to respect your teachers. You’re not supposed to bow down to other gods, but the sensei isn’t your god.”'

End citations

The two links appear to take a different angle of the story. The Sun News video takes a stronger view that segregation took place.

In Canada, the federal government handles immigration and provincial and territorial governments attempt to bring in new immigrants for business purposes.

The first link, the Sun News video states that many sought after immigrants in Canada are from Northern African countries that are Islamic.

Therefore the primary reason governments and related agencies would make at times these special religious accommodations for Muslims is not because state agencies are choosing religious rights over women's rights, which would seem the opposite of what would likely occur in Canada, but for the sake of being attractive and to appease current North African Muslim immigrants with money to invest in Canada and for potential immigrants to view Canada as a good place to immigrate to and invest money.

Personally, I would not support accommodation in the context of a public martial arts class for religious reasons as it is not a clear religious context as would be a mosque or men's prayer breakfast or women's lunch within a Christian cultural context in a church where natural rules of separation would apply.

Christian Tingle?

In a previous post on my other blog I noted an interaction with a professional writer and businessman that deals issues of psychology.

Divinity Student

Cited with edits:

'Two, he stated I needed to change the type of people that I wished to associate with in certain ways. He claimed that I should avoid certain relationships with fundamentalist Christians, in content/context seemingly as if all Bible-believing Christians were stereotypical American fundamentalists. Within the context he wrote, he labelled the fundamentalists as being naive in certain aspects. He did not state I was a fundamentalist.

Now, I can admit, certainly some fundamentalists will be naive in certain ways, as will some non-fundamentalists, but the red flag came up in basically labeling all Bible-believing Christians as stereotypical fundamentalists.'

Well, my main disagreement with him was his claiming I was a divinity student and his refusing, seemingly to be corrected, even as I obviously had the greater knowledge at point.

Clearly, I have never been a divinity student, never interested at all in becoming a Reverend or Pastor, but was a theology, religious studies and philosophy of religion student at a secular European level.

Therefore the archived post.

But I digress...

He was stating in the context of potential romantic relationships that fundamentalist Christians, and he meant Bible-believing Christians, evangelicals included, were naive and immature in regard to romantic love.

Now with a few more years of online listening and reading, I can state that this type of view of Biblical Christians is probably pretty commonly held by secularists in psychology related fields.

Interesting indeed as almost none of these experts I have studied, I reason, have been happily married for several years. Many are divorced.

And yet they often state that they have the exclusive best answers and advice.

Few of them have religious views that I would find challenging to debate.

Not well-reasoned out.

There goes my skeptical, intellectual nature again, but in whatever fields one studies whether theology, philosophy and various psychology related, one has to think and pray hard to cut through the falsehoods and find some truth.

However, the clip below makes me ponder again on his view in regard to naive fundamentalists....


Just viewed via a Facebook friend:


Prison eyes, 99,3 The Fox, Facebook:  Looking for a job in corrections?