Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Demon Angeles (According to Gmail translate)

Fascinating: On Facebook this is documented as
Granville Street, Vancouver 1901!

A reminder of how forested many of

North America's major roads, used to be.
• Innocently, as innocent as I can be as a satirical writer of sorts, I was writing to Chucky (The Red Skull) and Zombie (Frankenzombie) on Gmail, yesterday. I typed in that we would be attending Dean and Anjela's, New Year's Eve party, as a second event, later tonight.

 • Again, nothing to do with me, and I would NEVER think of this combination, but Gmail audio translated the name of this lovely couple, with apparent 3/4 family, Broadway superstar, grasp that brass ring, aspirations (girl, youth or in your 40's to 50's, whatever) as Demon Angeles...