Friday, August 05, 2016

Friday philosophy, phonies & funnies

The extended Facebook search 'See all results for (letter)' application has morally decayed the last few months. This renders the application even more socially useless than Google+.

The regular search of, for example, the letter 'R', yields the usual 'as the self-obsessed' Russ Murray and Russell Norman Murray are on top.

The next six or so people are usually Facebook friends and spies for the CIA (Christian Intelligence Agency).

If I click on 'See all results for 'R', which I view as extended search, I am not always the first profile listed and there is the combination of friends and spies. After the first few profiles; this is where the ethical decay occurs and I am barraged with balloons and mountains.

If I wanted to see balloons, I would throw a party, hire a clown or have a water fight.

If I wanted to see mountains, I would simply go outside, this is British Columbia.

These profiles are a sign of the sarcasm and lack of sincerity that often takes place online.

These are the Facebook phonies (not a reference to any local friend).

I have also lately been receiving more friend requests from some type of professionals that are younger women that upon a little research, for some reason, like to collect mainly male friends that are seemingly biologically older.

I had one of these professionals from Google+ actually try to call me on my mobile. I ignored.

These 'connections' do not last long...

I now pay little attention to my main Facebook page, Russ Murray and focus on Russell Norman Murray @drrnm.

Interesting view from Geek


The Babylon Bee August 5 '

'Tim Keller Releases New ‘Sweatin’ To The Hymnal’ Line Of Workout Videos'

It seems to me that according to many of the evangelical pastors I have heard preach sermons, Tim Keller and C.S. Lewis are the main extra-biblical authorities.

Should I place my order for this video? I will not accept icons of veneration, however!

The Babylon Bee August 4

'New Journaling Bible To Eliminate Scriptural Text Entirely'

How do you feel about this?

The Babylon Bee August 3

'Pentecostal Teen Finally Receives Gift Of Faking Tongues'

At least practicing rolling around on the floor may save the janitor some work...(saw that 'manifestation' in England).

The Babylon Bee August 3

'Woman Returns From Conference Deeply Convicted Of How Awesome She Is'

 Who needs Romans, Galatians, Ephesians when there is a motivation presentation?

 Well, back to other work. Happy Weekend