Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Dodging thrown McDonald's advertising boards while driving

Heading south west, this morning I was driving to a local pastoral prayer meeting, for work. I was driving down Dewdney Trunk Road in Maple Ridge past the McDonald's when an apparently enraged man was outside the restaurant and grabbed an advertising board, similar to in the photo and threw it (impressively for distance as enraged and two-handed) the width of the road from sidewalk to sidewalk. The first board was well in front of my SUV. I then dodged, by speeding up, the second thrown board which landed just behind my vehicle and then dodged the third thrown advertising board that hit the sidewalk to my right with a large bang, as I slowed down my SUV to just avoid being hit. The man then quickly disappeared, running away, to what I reason would soon be a target of the RCMP. I was amazed that no other vehicle, it appeared, was attempting to avoid these advertising boards! Vehicles just drove by as usual...