Thursday, July 03, 2014

Image That

Daily News: End of the World Cup, we at the stars and stripes lost, now let us in the US media largely forget the tournament and go back to American sports that American teams win and then call our teams world champions at the end of the year. Not that it is much better here in Canada where we have articles such as a major NHL Canadian hockey player on Canada Day grabbing a male Ottawa police officer on the bottom more than once and being arrested, meanwhile the World Cup is 'next page'. Belgium has a tough match with Argentina in the next round, but it would be a serious all-time funny if Belgium could somehow win this World Cup. This would probably upset some of the people in the Netherlands as that country still needs to win its first World Cup.

USA Today-Burger Queen in some cases?
Facebook-I saw Mr. Zidane in Vancouver play in a match just after his retirement a few years ago and he scored three goals and three assists against local professionals and was outrunning men much younger than him. I was impressed with how he interacted out to the crowed in humility. All class.

Comments on the videos:

I suppose spiritually and intellectually one needs to avoid being metaphorically in a position where the lion cub is at in the video, including up your own....

In the next video, staying with the trend of strange things our cat friends do....

Added video. Classic new form of capital punishment...

NY Daily News: July 2, 2014


'McDonald’s has the worst hamburger in the country, according to new Consumer Reports study'

'The standard hamburger from McDonald's the worst fast food meal in the country, according to Consumer Reports.'

'Turns out nobody’s loving it. The standard McDonald’s hamburger — the one that claims to satisfy “billions and billions” — finished dead last in a new Consumer Reports taste test.'

 'McDonald’s said in a statement that it’s “proud to serve 27 million customers a day” — but the chain has suffered declining sales for six consecutive months. And Consumer Reports thinks it knows why.'

'Even Micky D’s fans couldn’t really defend their daily bread (and frozen patty).'

End citations

I have discussed McDonald's previously but the corporation receives so much public negative, media publicity due to food quality, food preparation, treatment of animals and wages for employees and other issues.

On the positive side the corporation are involved in some charitable practices.

I am frankly quite surprised that more has not been done over the last few decades to improve food quality and public media image.

Even though the corporation is still mega huge I still wonder if in the long run it is not in self-destruct mode, unless it does not fix itself somewhat. Of course it is such a large entity that is could self-destruct and still have many restaurants worldwide.