Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Audio Sites I Listen To


I originally wrote a blog post on this topic on my other original blog June 9, 2006


I do not necessarily recommend each site or everything stated on each site. As I have stated previously, I can learn from sources where I do not necessarily agree with all content although I may agree with a basic Christian worldview, or I can learn from sources where I do not agree with much content and a non-Christian worldview.

In a similar way I learned from some atheistic and critical scholars within my MPhil/PhD work without ceasing being a Christian.

Most controversial sources first perhaps?

R.Don Steele

A few years ago I found Mr. Steele's information on various sites which are from a secular perspective. Even though I eventually requested to be taken off his mailing list twice because of continual crudeness, since I was not removed I considered the continued emails and sound files as an opportunity to learn what I could from the information sent.

I have to admit, I have learned a fair amount about the workings of the world as far as romantic relationships by listening to his audio clips, although I would never consider implementing his worldview and do not desire his lifestyle.


Mr Steele has psychological training and calm, pleasant speaking tone.

He has definite knowledge on the psychology of being a man over 35 years old in the Western world and what kind of young women, that being intellectual, artistic types, would be interested in that kind of man.

He has knowledge of the secular dating scene. He suggests one must be slim and trim, so therefore physical exercise is essential.

One must dress for success.

The bar scene is basically a waste of time.


Secular, evolutionary views on marriage in contrast to Biblical views. He attributes much of the actions within human nature to evolution, which Biblically would be attributed to fallen human nature (Romans).

Romans 3:9-18 Romans 3:9-18 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

9 What then? [a]Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin; 10 as it is written, “There is none righteous, not even one; 11 There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God; 12 All have turned aside, together they have become useless; There is none who does good, There is not even one.” 13 “Their throat is an open grave, With their tongues they keep deceiving,” “The poison of asps is under their lips”; 14 “Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness”; 15 “Their feet are swift to shed blood, 16 Destruction and misery are in their paths, 17 And the path of peace they have not known.” 18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Footnotes: Romans 3:9 Or Are we worse

By beginning in his program one starts at the top of the age scale, basically attempting to date 40 year old women and the bottom of the beauty scale (this is not my terminology but his paraphrased to be clear!). By gaining dating experience a man can supposedly over time date younger and younger women that are better and better looking by gaining quote 'dating and mating' experience. The younger women supposedly see this 35 plus year old man dating and compete for him in some kind of evolutionary model.

This may work in some secular circles. It supposedly worked for Mr. Steele.

But in a Christian worldview, it would not work.

And satirically, does this really work? Maybe in Southern California where Mr. Steele is from but seems to me middle-aged persons dating each other in no way leads to a younger woman thinking she needs to date that older man, at least not typically.

Do I hear 'Yuk' or something like?

I have never seen this, but I have seen three relationships with older theologians married to much younger women. Basically academic interest leading to something else I gather.

If one was to date women in their 40s, at about that age, it would be expected in the Christian community to date and eventually marry one of them, or stop stating. Dating and mating in a fornicating manner (Exodus 20, Matthew 5) is not a Biblical option in Christian culture, and would not attract younger women.

But Mr. Steele's system is not very interested in marriage and family.

Many, including myself, have interest in younger women because of a desire for marriage and family.

Incidentally, in my position I have counted and estimated 70% of females that I have been in contact with online are under 35 years old, so I think a focus on women in their 40s+ for someone that is looking for marriage and children of their own would be wrongly-focused.

Albert Mohler: The Briefing

Dr. Mohler is the President of the Southern Baptist Theology Seminary. I appreciate his social and political analysis of current affairs which provides me education from a Christian perspective. Dr. Mohler is an evangelical, Baptist, Reformed theologian. I respect the accurate research and analysis he provides and he attempts to provide various perspectives then contrasted with evangelical Christianity.

Dr. Mohler focuses much on same-sex marriage and abortion, issues I basically agree with him on, but my ministry focus is the nature of God and the problem of evil.  Not on social issues.

There is a cultural difference as I detect the notion of trying to save America still from many evangelicals in the United States, whereas from as long as I can remember living in Canada, it was always secular and it will not be saved for Christianity, presently. Rather we are here to witness.

Gary Habermas.com

Dr. Habermas is considered one of the foremost experts in the world on the resurrection of Jesus Christ and on Near Death Experiences. He is a Christian philosopher and theologian. I find his audio presentations extremely helpful and quite relatable to my academic approach, although he told me in person at Northview Community Church that he was not Reformed.

I also, on a personal level, appreciate his advice to me career wise.

Jon Courson

I have listened to Searchlight Ministries occasionally since the late 1980s, but lately have listened more regularly. I very much respect his knowledge of Scripture and his devotion to accuracy of interpretation. Because of this I can learn much.

He is not Reformed and I reason tends to be plain literal and fundamentalist in interpretation. He also advises more Bible reading to become more Christ-like to counter much suffering. However, being one that has dealt with the problem of evil for many years I am not convinced that more Bible reading and study, although this is always beneficial, is necessarily a solution. Sometimes suffering is God's will and if there is a solution to a problem, problem A is solved by solution B, not by a spiritualized answer.

Friday, September 26, 2014

What Does God Mind?

Stanley Park-Facebook

Daily Mail September 25, 2014


'Swinging towards God! Body-building Christian couple spread the word about religion via their WIFE-SWAPPING network'

'They say God 'wouldn't mind' what they do because it's all for a good cause'

Wife-swapping and body-building, a deadly, satirical combination which instantly gained my attention.

And what 'good cause' would have God allow for adultery which is against his word? (Exodus 20, Matthew 5).

Quoting  Chucky on Facebook

Yikes. Signs of the times?


'The couple, both of whom are devoted Christians, have even set up a website called FitnessSwingers.com which enables them to meet couples who, like them, are both religious and fans of keeping fit. But not everyone who asks to meet them is Christian and so the undecided and atheist are given a gentle lesson in faith along with a good time between the sheets.' ''I don't think God would be mad at what we are doing,' smiles Mrs Parave, 44. 'At first I was conflicted but the more we looked at it the more it makes sense to us.' 

''Dean and I are both in agreement with this lifestyle, so we're not committing adultery. God put people on the earth to breed and enjoy each other - I feel God is always with me and he has put us here for a reason.''

I read this line at work to a Christian co-worker from Uganda and we both laughed in amazement.

I pointed out that the commandment not to commit adultery comes from God through the Biblical writer in Exodus 2: 14, the concept repeated again in the New Testament context, notably in Matthew 5, therefore it is theologically irrelevant whether or not these two persons are in agreement or not as they are disobeying God's Biblical command.


'Two years ago they set up their website and now travel around the US, meeting people within the swinging community.

'Both our parents know about it and they are happy for us,' adds Mrs Parave. 'When we told Brittany she was not surprised, she knows we enjoy sex a lot.

'Rose knows about the website but we are yet to sit her down and tell her what we do.' 'I turned my life around, began bodybuilding and now I try to live pure,' adds Mr Parave.

'God has put me here to spread his word and our lifestyle community is a great place to do it. 'You can't get closer to someone than having sex with them.'

Which word is being spread?

Where in either the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament is the swinger lifestyle condoned and evangelized?

This story is another example in the present 21st century of Biblical ignorance from so called Christians in regard to doctrine, including sexuality. In Western society there is often little understanding of Biblical teaching and theology on sexuality and little desire to learn about it. 

Again, as I noted previously on my blogs, I am not claiming sexually perfection for myself, but am at least seeking God for it. 

So, this story would represent an extreme liberal position.

There are also very conservative positions which may be Biblical at least technically in the sense of attempting to avoid fornication and adultery for Biblical marriage.

But in a sense they may place God in a box, in reality fueled by cultural and social expectations. That being cookie-cutter approaches to marriage and relationships which may be devoid at times of a real strong guidance from the Holy Spirit. 

I reason there needs to be mutual spiritual, intellectual, and romantic attraction, but how much of this is based on social, societal, and family pressures?

For example, would one consider dating or marrying a blind or disabled person in Christ for which there was spiritual, intellectual and romantic attraction?

If this was a person one was being guided by God to consider, even if not by human standards a prime consideration?

I would never suggest it take place without mutual attraction...

Or in reality would this not be acceptable because that would not make a very photogenic new relationship photo on Facebook pleasing to family, friends and observers?

As a Christian that is supposed to seek the guidance of God I do seriously wonder about openness and preference in my observations of many relationships viewed. 

I cannot judge persons, or self in any entirety, as that belongs to God (Revelation 20, 2 Corinthians 5) but I do seriously ponder on the issue...

Daily Mail September 26, 2014

Daily Mail-Dog Lion

Daily Mail-Dog Lion

Daily Mail September 24, 2014

Daily Mail-Tapeworms via sushi...(neither of which I willingly eat).

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Autumn-Travel and Leisure/Facebook

National Post September 21, 2014


'ISIS urges jihadists to attack Canadians: ‘You will not feel secure in your bedrooms’'

Bedrooms? Good thing I am stocked up...

I have military knives, as well as bats and clubs that I workout with for martial arts.

This is scare tactics from ISIS/IS/ISIL. 

But the Lord stated

Matthew 10:28 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

28 Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in [a]hell.

Footnotes: Matthew 10:28 Gr Gehenna

Luke 12:4-5 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

4 “I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will [a]warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into [b]hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!

Footnotes: Luke 12:5 Or show Luke 12:5 Gr Gehenna

Reasonable steps should be taken by those in the Canadian public, the Western public and worldwide to avoid terrorists threats. 

Reasonable steps, far more complex should be taken by governments and security forces to avoid terrorist threats and to counter them.

But from a Christian, Biblical perspective, the truest and strongest fear at least, acknowledging in our fallen state that we virtually all fear suffering and death, should be of a fear of almighty God, that has the power of judgment and hell (Revelation 20).

'The spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham called for attacks on Canadians on Sunday in an apparent attempt to deter members of the military alliance that has formed to challenge the terrorist group.'

Yes, fear as motivation.

'“Rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be. Do not ask for anyone’s advice and do not seek anyone’s verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling,” he said.'

Satirically what kind of asinine missionary approach is this?

Killing the disbeliever? This will create enemies, not true converts, especially when opposing the modern 21st century Western mindset of democracy and individualism.

'Canadian Muslim organizations publicly condemned the ISIS missive on Monday for being at odds with Islamic teaching. “ISIS is NOT Muslim,” reads a statement from the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada and the Muslims Against Terrorism. “They are the imposters who have killed thousands of Muslims in Syria and Iraq.”'

I reason many moderate Muslims do oppose radical Islam. On the other hand as I documented in recent posts on my other Dr. Russell Norman Murray blog, see A Radical Problem In Brief II and A Radical Problem In Brief; historical, documented Islam does support the concept of 'holy war'. 

Lewis M. Hopfe admits that one of the most controversial aspects of Islam is 'Jihad' (Holy War). Hopfe (1987: 419). Pagans he writes may have been forced to convert but Jews and Christians and others were free to worship and they chose, Hopfe (1987: 419). It is admitted by Hopfe that there is a Muslim doctrine that one must do battle for God. Hopfe (1987: 419).

S.A. Nigosian states the goal of Jihad is not so much conversion but for Islam to gain 'political control over societies'. Nigosian (1994: 448). This is done in order to rule them under Islam. Nigosian (1994: 448).


The National Council of Canadian Muslims called the invitation to attack Canadians “un-Islamic and deeply repulsive,” and stressed that Muslims have an Islamic obligation to report any plan to cause “hurt or harm.” 

HOPFE, LEWIS M. (1991) Religions of the World, New York, Macmillan Publishing Company. 

NIGOSIAN, S.A. (1994) World Faiths, New York, St. Martin’s Press.


News.com.au September 22, 2014


'Jasmine Tridevil: The woman with three breasts'

'A WOMAN has spent $20,000 on surgery to get a third breast and her dream is to become a celebrity.

The Florida massage therapist, who calls herself Jasmine Tridevil, said she had the surgery a few months ago.

“It was really hard finding someone that would do it, too, because they’re breaking the code of ethics,” Tridevil told Real Radio 104.1.

“I called like 50 or 60 doctors, nobody wanted to do it.”'

'She has been filmed telling her parents about the third boob and they were not happy. “My mum ran out the door. She won’t talk to me. She won’t let my sister talk to me. My dad ... he really isn’t happy ... he is kind of ashamed of me but he accepted it,” she said.'

Another sign of the times...



September 23, 2014

'Sorry to break it to everyone but the woman who claims to have surgically implanted third breast is a self-proclaimed HOAXER'



Sunday, September 21, 2014

Let The Spirit Lead?

The window screen is still out on the quite slanted roof and maintenance has not yet recovered. Another view: today.

I viewed this clip on Facebook today in a shorter version. Here is an extended version from You Tube. I reason that this preacher needs a helmet.

Two of my Facebook friends mentioned the possibility of demon possession and one compared the preacher's movements to that of a witch doctor. I have no strong opinion in regard to a possible demonic nature and influence or not, but I do believe that the preacher's actions lack professionalism.

Is he preaching a Biblical, gospel message?

Whether he is or not, he lacks professionalism.

Within a Christian Church context

1 Corinthians 12-14 comes to mind.

From the New American Standard Version, tongues and prophecy are being discussed in the context of conduct in the Church.

1 Corinthians 14:39-40 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 39 Therefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues. 40 But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.

Orderly conduct applies not only to prophesy and tongues, supernatural gifts noted within the New Testament and New Testament era, but the concept would certainly apply to preaching and all things that take place with the Church.

Does this preacher, that is perhaps a registered Reverend, perhaps an overseer, appear to be acting in a orderly manner?

I think not.

Even as perhaps an unordained minister, is he acting in a orderly manner?

I think not.

Therefore the Scripture is not being followed. The spirit of the Scripture is not being followed.

Further, from 1 Timothy 3: 2 an overseer must be temperate (moderate) and respectable. Even if this preacher is not technically an overseer it can be reasoned the person speaking should be temperate and respectable.

It would make no sense to have a temperate, respectable overseer preach regularly by Biblical standards and then have wild, unbalanced, ordained or not preachers speak.

Arguments stating that one should let the Holy Spirit lead and therefore the Holy Spirit can perhaps lead one preaching to this kind of outrageous behaviour are hyper-charismatic and countered by the New Testament text and theological common sense.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Another Sign Of The Times: 'Hammered'

From the fire on the weekend after soccer
I came across this article Tuesday from email. Basically I think the post lacks much. I noted on Facebook that I would comment on it after work if I could.



'Instead of teaching girls how to not get raped ("don't wear this," "don't ever drink," etc.), what if we went to the root of the problem and raised boys to know the ins and outs of consent?*'

It would be a good idea to raise young women to avoid sexual assault, as much as humanly possible.

I would teach, if I had the family and opportunity, my wife, sister, daughter, niece, etc., knowledge of how the male mind works and as well some martial arts techniques and basic weapons defenses.

It would be a good idea to raise young men to respect young women.

I have discussed consent philosophically previously on my blogs and how it is a tricky philosophical concept.

One reason, for example, is that something consensual does not necessarily equate to something moral or ethical.

It does not seem reasonable to expect either underage teenage boys or underage teenage girls to necessarily know the laws of consent in their legal jurisdiction.

Obviously, morally, ethically and philosophically abstaining from questionable sexual activity is what makes sense here.


 'Here’s how you can rule out sleeping with someone:'

'1. She’s hammered.'

I have concerns with making 'she's hammered' the first reason to avoid potentially sleeping with someone and potentially committing rape.

This philosophically, morally and ethically risks playing games and playing word games.

What is hammered? Perhaps someone has had a few drinks but is not necessarily hammered? Is this really a good standard to suggest for young men in attempting to avoid rape?

Perhaps someone has been smoking marijuana? Perhaps one has taken another illegal drug or mind-altering substance?

Instead I would strongly suggest...

Rape is morally and ethically wrong.

A violation against another person, and also to oneself, in a sense.

One should avoid any possibility of this taking place to another as victim or self as violator.

Biblically it is sinful (Deuteronomy 22: 25-27).

Even in the modern Western World where there is great intelligence in certain areas today, but not much knowledge and wisdom with philosophy and theology, I reason young men need to be taught basic sexual morality, ethics and respect for others, including respect in regard to women which would obviously prohibit rape and any kind of sexual assault.

This would be the same for any adults, myself included.

With flirtations from young women at work. I certainly would not in any way either by corporate ethical standards, or of course my Biblical ones even consider sexual activity based on whether or not a woman was 'hammered'.


If someone is anywhere near not fully conscious sexual activity after work in a social context should not even be a consideration. The fact that this even needs to be discussed in today's society with young men is definitely a sign of the times.

Dark moral, ethical and philosophical times.

From a Biblical perspective, sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage is sinful (Exodus 20, 1 Corinthians 6-7, Matthew 5).

Of course this is my model and position.


'2. She seems unsure if she wants to (you should never have to talk anyone into it).'

Then obviously the answer would be no.

Cited '

3. She’s passed out.'

Do I even need to comment here? I suppose I do, quite sadly.

To love your neighbour as self (Matthew 22, Mark 22) is to respect their sexuality, and that includes when they are passed out.

A man should not be looking when to take advantage of a woman.


'4. It seems like there’s any other reason she might regret it in the morning. (Even if it’s not rape, do you really want to be someone’s morning-after regret, when instead they can remember you as a total gentleman?)'

A total gentleman if romantically interested is interested in true love, marriage, family and a long-term commitment, not just quick sex.

That is true of an adult in an adult setting as well.


'P.S. My he/she conventions here are in no way an attempt to shut out gay men from the conversation -- these are notes to my son (who happens to be heterosexual) and other heterosexual sons. To gay sons out there, just pretend I said he, because this goes for you, too!'

Another sign of the times...

Dr. Laura-Facebook

Friday, September 12, 2014

A Philosophy of Exercise: Six Pack?

Matin Serain, France-trekearth

A good friend of mine has stated that I look a bit like 'The Thing' from the Fantastic Four. Well, looking at my recent photos, is there a supposed resemblance? I am pretty certain he is meaning I look like The Thing based on muscular body shape...

Not because I look like a monster, made of rock. Except maybe to toddler friends. Since as long I can remember I have always exercised/worked out regularly; back when I was four when we lived in Port Coquitlam my brother would take us out to play ball hockey.

I played ball hockey for many years and was a better than average scorer. A good but not spectacular player on forward and defence.

Now in order to do something different but similar, I play soccer with a friend and his family. I am not, because of only average pace, particularly good at scoring, although my shot is getting heavier. I am good at defending because 'The Thing' can simply get in the way.

I have never been a particularly fast runner.

I have discovered that I am quite good a playing 'football' goalkeeper, that is at least with ball hockey nets being used on the outdoor grass. That is the nets formerly used for playing ball hockey which are many times smaller in dimension than the tradition soccer/football nets.

I state this humbly, very humbly, but in our small group, I have never played organized soccer/football, but whether I play primarily with the 'younger guys' with the speed, or with the 'older guys' with the muscle whichever teams I play in goal for usually has won the match. And this has been for a two to three year period now. And I give up few goals.

And yes I am playing against Mr. Bobby Buff that has played organized soccer and kicks the ball at me close to full force; getting dangerously close to my head from Mr. Buff and his brother-in-law that last few times. But that is sport.

Philosophically, I am a decent goalkeeper because I studied goaltending mentally watching years of National Hockey League games and to a less extent years of UEFA European football matches.

I put the mental knowledge to use and as well my fairly fast hand and leg reflexes from working at martial arts for decades and martial arts weapons since after the Manchester, England bottle incident/attack in 2000 seem to kick in and assist me as a goalkeeper to stop fast and quick shots often.

Even though I am not a classic by North American standards 'cute six pack', when I see my MD my blood pressure is excellent as are my statistics.

The point here?

At work I see so many of the workout techniques with the workout classes taking place and I can very much see why persons would be very unmotivated to perform such stressful and unnatural acts for a prolonged period.

Such an approach has never interested me whatsoever.

Not to mention to have to associate in a gym that smells of body odor, chemical cleaner and leather combined with no open window ventilation for security reasons.

Almost as bad as working out in a washroom.

I think philosophically and practically that people that are hesitant about exercising or working out should find something that they like to do that will burn sufficient calories, not digesting too many daily calories.

If one likes to dance, dance. Or perform ballet or whatever. To pick up boulders and rearrange them whatever.

I reason a person needs to really enjoy the exercise and workout routine to continue with it for years and years and for it to not become quickly a tedious and boring routine.

Perhaps there is so much pressure in Western society to have a 'near perfect' like body that exercise systems are developed to tone all the muscle groups, but these types of workouts are in my mind often unnatural, tedious and boring.

Perhaps in many cases such systems do not provide a person with a motivation to continue for years and years?

This is why I play soccer.

I walk, while I no longer do this as workout  because I walk approximately fifty miles a week at work.

I workout with martial arts with weapons and dumbbells. There is some light running.

My MD has basically told me that I will not have a six pack body anyway.  I realized this on my own.

In other words I am too muscular, and the facts are quite simply that many if not most people in Western society will not ever have the supposed near perfect body either and so persons should have effective exercise systems that burn significant, sufficient calories that provide continued motivation for years.

Not ones they might be part of a cookie-cutter six pack exercise program.

Even acknowledging while a six pack look might often be more ascetically pleasing, it may not be practical for each person.
The Thing: Marvel

Having second thoughts?

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Be Careful What You Post...


I posted on this topic today on my Facebook 'Blog' and there have been the most reaches by far of any post for my new page and so I therefore post on Blogger as well.

Thank you to Alieux for posting the story originally.

I hope this is helpful. Not something I would usually post on.

Time: September 8, 2014


'Pastor Mark Driscoll Called Women ‘Penis Homes’


'This article originally appeared on Patheos.

Things have been getting worse and worse for Mark Driscoll in recent weeks. But what I want to point out for a moment is one of Driscoll’s posts from 2001, when he was posting to a church message board under the name William Wallace II. I have rarely seen an evangelical man assert male superiority and prominence this directly.'



'The first thing to know about your penis is, that despite the way it may see, it is not your penis. Ultimately, God created you and it is his penis. You are simply borrowing it for a while. While His penis is on loan you must admit that it is sort of just hanging out there very lonely as if it needed a home, sort of like a man wondering the streets looking for a house to live in. Knowing that His penis would need a home, God created a woman to be your wife and when you marry her and look down you will notice that your wife is shaped differently than you and makes a very nice home.'


Yes, really. Men’s penises are on loan from God, and women were created to be “homes” for men’s penises. So much for any claims of men and women being “equal before God.” No, men were created by God and loaned penises. Women were then created by God to be penis homes.


'Therefore, if you are single you must remember that your penis is homeless and needs a home. But, though you may believe your hand is shaped like a home, it is not. And, though women other than your wife may look like a home, to rest there would be breaking into another man’s home. And, if you look at a man it is quite obvious that what a homeless man does not need is another man without a home.'


'Notice that all women are portrayed as another man’s penis home, whether or not they are married. This squares with what I was taught—every woman is some man’s future wife, and that man owns her body even before they meet.'


'In a sense, Driscoll’s downfall was only a matter of time.

 Libby Anne is a blogger for Patheos.' From the article

Alieux posted

The Raw Story: September 8, 2014


 'Wash. state megachurch closes branches after founder is caught calling women ‘penis homes’ By David Edwards Monday, September 8, 2014 10:37 EDT'


'Washington megachurch Mars Hill announced that it is closing several branches, and has dismissed a pastor after he recently called for the resignation of founder Mark Driscoll, who had created controversy with his anti-LGBT and anti-woman views.'


On Monday, “Love, Joe, Feminism” blogger Libby Anne pointed out one of the more disturbing notions from Driscoll’s Internet trolling days. “Ultimately, God created you and it is his penis. You are simply borrowing it for a while,” Driscoll wrote under the name William Wallace II in 2001. “Knowing that His penis would need a home, God created a woman to be your wife and when you marry her and look down you will notice that your wife is shaped differently than you and makes a very nice home.”

“Therefore, if you are single you must remember that your penis is homeless and needs a home,” he continued. “But, though you may believe your hand is shaped like a home, it is not…

And, if you look at a man it is quite obvious that what a homeless man does not need is another man without a home.” Anne observed that she had “rarely seen an evangelical man assert male superiority and prominence this directly.”

“In Driscoll’s treatment, women are no more than penis homes,” she wrote. “Women were created to satisfy men. There is nothing uplifting or honored in that.” Over the weekend, Mars Hill said that “negative media attention” had caused financial difficulties, and announced that it would consolidate several branches and lay off employees.

End citations

I stated on my Facebook page

To me this secular article is another lesson that Christian leaders need to be wise and careful in what is stated publicly. I am not famous obviously but am online with Blogger and Facebook and edit myself regularly. Even so, I am controversial at points. I have not read much of Pastor Driscoll, but was never a fan. It seems a stupid comment, especially to let it get out and knowing how the secular media will spin it.

I have tried to be very respectful to women in my writing.

End from Facebook Page

Further from my Facebook comments the following is an example of the type of misunderstanding that can take place from certain comments from Christian leaders.

From Libby Anne

'Yes, really. Men’s penises are on loan from God, and women were created to be “homes” for men’s penises. So much for any claims of men and women being “equal before God.” No, men were created by God and loaned penises. Women were then created by God to be penis homes.'

Driscoll's comments are misunderstood in a feminist context to therefore mean that women are not equal with men.

However Biblically, right from the beginning in Genesis 1: 27 both male and female were created in God's image, indicating that male and female in humanity were equal, both made in the image of God. Both representing his nature, although finite to God's infinite nature.

Further Biblical structures in regard to how male and female work, within marriage for example, did not cancel out this equality of nature.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Naturalism, First Cause & Consciousness

Naturalism, First Cause & Consciousness

Surrey, British Columbia, today with first photo with my new Samsung Galaxy S4. 

The Village Church, a fairly new multi-site mega church in Surrey, British Columbia.

'The Great Debate Series' began today and Naturalism was the first topic with a focus on Oxford Professor, Richard Dawkins.


Naturalism assumes that nature is viewed as the fundamental and original source for all that exists, and therefore all reality needs to be explained in terms of nature. Dubray (1911)(2007: 1). All events find an adequate explanation within nature itself. Dubray (1911)(2007: 1).

Simon Blackburn defines naturalism as generally a view that nothing resists explanation from methods of natural sciences. A naturalist will therefore be opposed to the concept of mind-body since it allows for the possible explanation of human mental capacity outside of science. Blackburn (1996: 255).

The pastor explained in today's sermon that naturalism has a difficulty explaining 'first cause' within a Darwinian model of origins and existence. Some naturalists postulate that the universe is the first cause, therefore its own first cause, but he correctly noted the universe is expanding according to present scientific data and knowledge. He stated that according to the big bang theory the universe began approximately 15 billion years ago.

To state that the apparently, according to data, finite universe caused itself would be philosophically problematic.

I would state that this causes a vicious regress.

In the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Simon Blackburn discusses ‘infinite regress’ and mentions that this occurs in a vicious way whenever a problem tries to solve itself and yet remains with the same problem it had previously. A vicious regress is an infinite regress that does not solve its own problem, while a benign regress is an infinite regress that does not fail to solve its own problem (numbers in mathematics). Blackburn writes that there is frequently room for debate on what is a vicious regress or benign regress.

The theist and Christian view by having God as the non-caused infinite, first cause does not fall to vicious regress.

God is and always was and always will be.

God as infinite.

The pastor also raised the difficulty of consciousness within naturalism.

Sir John Houghton defines consciousness as ‘a quality possessed by human beings’ and the extent that it may be possessed by higher animals is the subject of debate. Houghton (1995: 219).

Although the human brain is sometimes compared to a computer, the human brain seems different as it thinks, feels, and demonstrates the property of self-awareness and consciousness. Houghton (1995: 92). 

Rocco J. Gennaro of Indiana State University documents grammatically that the main term under review, 'consciousness' is derived from the Latin con (with) and scire (know). Gennaro (2006: 1).

Michael Winkelman of the American Anthropological Association writes that common understanding of a model of consciousness includes attention-awareness, phenomenal experiences, self-referencing, learning and the use of information, interpreting meanings, having goals, and systems of social reference. It is suggested that consciousness manifests itself through the physical properties of the brain. Winkelman (2004: 1). 

Biologist Alfred Gierer from Tubingen suggests that consciousness appears as ‘a system’s feature of our brain with neural processes strictly following the laws of physics’. Gierer (2003: 1). Gierer explains that there is not however, a general and exhaustive theory of human consciousness. Gierer (2003: 1).

Houghton admits it is difficult for many observers to accept that consciousness can be defined in a meaningful way or to describe it in terms of other things. Houghton (1995: 92-93).

The theist and Christian would see room here for a discussion of human intellect and consciousness being connected to an immaterial soul/spirit. The pastor correctly noting God as spirit from John 4:24 and that understanding God's nature could not be understood empirically. Humanity is created with soul/spirit according to Genesis 2:7.

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

DUBRAY, C.A. (1911)(2007) ‘Naturalism’ in New Advent: Catholic Encyclopedia, New York, Robert Appleton Company.

GENNARO, ROCCO, J. (2006) ‘Consciousness’, in The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Martin, Tennessee, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

GIERER, ALFRED (2003) ‘Brain, mind, and limitations of a scientific theory of human consciousness’, Preprint of a contribution to the symposium: Proteus im Spiegel-Kritische Theorie des Subjekts im 20, Tubingen, Max-Planck-Institute Biology, Tubingen.

HOUGHTON, JOHN (1995) The Search for God, Can Science Help?, Lion Publishing, Oxford. 

WINKELMAN, MICHAEL (2004) ‘Understanding Consciousness Using Systems Approaches and Lexical Universal’, American Anthropological Association, Arlington, Virginia, American Anthropological Association.

LA Dodgers Fan 

Los Angeles Dodgers: Has he given up on any attempt on being fit and now thinks 'I might as well flaunt it? '

I am a large man, and I have a lot of muscle from years of exercise mostly, but I really am not one that favours publicly flaunting obesity from those that have no intention of working out. All  this fan needs is some 'tats' to draw more attention. Notice he sort of cleared his section. 

Thursday, September 04, 2014

A Facebook Versus Blogger Dilemma

Lake Como, Italy-Travel+Leisure, Facebook
Maui-Travel+Leisure, Facebook

Originally when I viewed the Food Network's 'Cutthroat Kitchen' promotional ads last year, I thought that in particular with the chef with his mouth taped shut, that the program looked as stupid and ridiculous as anything I had ever seen on television.

A total and complete waste of time, basically.

However, viewing a few episodes now after work at home while having late night dinner; I admit the program is entertaining. It is actually a good wind down program that I look forward to after a stressful work day.

Once again a philosophical life lesson in being open-minded.

A Facebook Versus Blogger Dilemma

I have written two other main posts on the topic of Facebook and Blogger which can be found in my Blogger archives. I wrote a post on this blog April 1, 2009 and on my Dr. Russell Norman Murray blog, August 28, 2012.

Recently web searching on Google my full name, my new Facebook blog created to promote my Blogger blogs has been listed as high as first on the list. I do not write articles for the Facebook blog itself although I do post some comments original to the Facebook blog.

On the Google search the page is competing with the ten year old year academic Blogger blog with my full name and lists ahead of both of my Google+ pages which were also created in order to promote the Goggle/Blogger blogs.

Now of course we are not talking super-stardom here on any account...

Not even stardom.

This is promoting Theology, Philosophy of Religion and Biblical Studies and I do not pretend to have Ernest Angely like abilities, Joel Olsteen like charm or theology, thankfully, or easy read, easy fix theology for the public; although Satire And Theology would be slightly easier to read than my main academic blog.

And since I do not get up on stage and 'sing a ding' some worship songs, or preach 'fire and brimstone', or preach positive thinking or the neighbourhood of make-believe, I do not have a huge following and so finding new official followers is difficult, although I still have 15, 000 to 25, 000 readers a month.

21, 000 in August according to Blogger statistics.

I reason I must gain new readers.

Being single and with my reasoning within theology, philosophy and Bible, and with my martial arts regiment there may be from some segments irrational fears of attempts by me at marriage online as well, but I do not have an online marriage licence....

And how is a blood test done virtually? (I know that is old school).


Here is a recent link and example from my main Facebook page, not the blog, of the type of online interaction I could receive as far as comments on Facebook in comparison to Blogger.


Facebook friends, even if they are following in some format a Blogger blog are often more willing to comment on the far more social Facebook than the far more lonely desert of Blogger.

Facebook is a social hub.

Blogger is a social...dud?

Blogger is not a social hub, at least typically, although it can be a fine place for intellectual expression and interaction.

With Facebook comments they are from online friends and are non-spam or non-email, unlike many of my Blogger comments used for satirical and educational purposes.

However, Facebook and to a less extent Google+ is a social network for meeting people. I am not interested in turning either social networking site into a blogging forum with the potential very negative ramifications, some of which were demonstrated in the above link from Facebook.

I prefer to have my most potentially negative published material and my most potentially controversially material published on my Blogger blogs and to leave my social networks, especially Facebook, primarily for socializing.

This is a dilemma because potentially blogging full-time on Facebook would provide more human interaction with comments.

But it could also provide because of more human interaction on controversial subjects and material much more overall negativity.

It could potentially damage other social attempts. Employment prospects included.

I should also add that I like the more personalized Blogger templates for blogging as opposed to the standard Facebook page.

Therefore, the dilemma remains...

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

More Genius From The National Hockey League?

Quebec City-trekearth

Uh, oh yes, definitely needed. I get them confused all the time...
Nucksmisconduct.com-I think he has been sort of lucky at times. Lucky not to be fired.

si.com: August 26-27, 2014


'Apparently Las Vegas isn't the only city on the National Hockey League's expansion team radar: Seattle, Toronto and Quebec City will add franchises as well with a target date of 2017, according to a tweet from SportsBusinessNews' Howard Bloom.

Bloom said the four-fold expansion, which would increase the number of NHL teams to 34 and the number of Canadian team to nine, could raise $1.4 billion in expansion fees.'

fivethirtyeight: Auguest 28, 2014


'Half Of The NHL’s Rumored Expansion Cities Don’t Make Sense'


'In our study, Toronto easily had the largest number of avid NHL fans; with a shade over 5 million, their total was double that of any other metro area in North America. Even if the new Toronto franchise lures just 20 percent of the area’s hockey enthusiasts away from the Maple Leafs, the expansion club would instantly have about as many devotees as the Chicago Blackhawks, Los Angeles Kings or Calgary Flames. It’s clear that Toronto has the fan base to support a second NHL franchise.'

The same can be said of Quebec City, albeit to a lesser extent. Our research found that an NHL club’s operating income (as estimated by Forbes) is closely correlated to the number of avid NHL followers in its media market, and that the break-even level of local fandom for a profitable franchise was about 300,000 to 400,000 fans. According to our estimates, Quebec City, the former home of the Nordiques, has about 530,000 NHL fans. So, a good comparison for Quebec City would be Winnipeg — another Canadian market that lost an NHL franchise in the 1990s, only to see the league return in recent years. Winnipeg has roughly 560,000 NHL fans, and despite the area’s relatively minuscule population, the franchise has turned a profit in each of the past two years (per Forbes’s data).'


'Teams in markets with fewer than 300,000 hockey fans, however, have tended to lose money, and that’s where the wisdom of adding franchises in Seattle and (especially) Las Vegas gets iffy. We estimated that Seattle contains about 240,000 NHL fans — fewer than that of Phoenix and Florida’s Tampa Bay, home to two franchises that have struggled to turn a profit for many years. And if Seattle is an enigmatic choice by this metric, Las Vegas would be a disaster. According to our estimates, there are only 91,000 hockey fans in the Vegas media market, which is nearly 40 percent fewer than even Nashville, Tennessee, the least-avid current NHL city, has.'


'As the reports stand, though, the NHL is instead sticking with what we originally argued was a suboptimal distribution of teams.'

End citations

Well stated, I like that...

Again, and as I have noted on both blogs, this is a philosophical example of a religious like, cultish like idea of growing the National Hockey League in non-traditional markets; when in reality more new avid fans and more money would be made growing the brand in traditional markets without a club or by adding a second club or third club, for example, in Southern Ontario.

Sad to state, I have come to the philosophical conclusion that much of this, and I am definitively and definitely not anti-American, is that the League has 23 US teams and 7 Canadian teams and simply wants to grow the game in the predominant country where most of its franchises and owners are located, and has since the 1960's, regardless of much of the financial reason involved.

Good or bad, financial reasons.

It is a form of philosophical blindness.

The 'growing the game' and 'financial gain' arguments in the United States at the expense of stronger Canadian markets, or stronger traditional American markets, do not stand.

The predominant country being the United States of America and this is why in my mind most of the emphasis is on American expansion and franchise relocation.

The idea of making it a national sport, when in reality it is primarily regional.

Toronto and Quebec City make sense as markets for making money and for franchise values, Seattle is a decent market and I think will likely receive good fan support, but will be down the list of sports, after the National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association and the NCAA.

Therefore, I reason, Seattle would be like Saint Louis which receives good fan support, but struggles financially according to Forbes values and I question how profitable the team would be.

I also reject outright, the recent attempt over the last few years, largely I deduce by Vancouver hockey fans that want to travel down to Seattle to see Vancouver play road games, the argument that the 'Pacific Northwest' is a huge and great hockey market.

One, Vancouver is not part of the Pacific Northwest, but is part of the Lower Mainland.

Two, Washington State and the Seattle area has a vastly different sports culture and history than does British Columbia and the Vancouver area. It is not a fluke the Seattle has not been involved in the NHL since 1917. It is because it is not a particularly strong hockey market. 

Las Vegas is very questionable because of lack of fan support.

One must also consider the anti-Eastern bias against Ontario and Quebec by people in the Vancouver area that may blindly favour franchises in Seattle and Las Vegas over ones in Eastern Canada for those reasons.

Yes, I do not like how the Canadian Broadcast Corporation dominates its Hockey Night In Canada coverage with the Leafs and Canadiens at the expense of the other Canadian clubs at times, but at the same time, I still reason the better markets should have clubs.

Same for the other national networks.

But let's not be blinded by Canadian bigotry....

Where is a second Toronto team supposed play? New arena? The potential arena is Markham appears a dead deal.

Media speculation is that perhaps Rogers (Sportsnet) and Bell (TSN) could end their ownership partnership with the Toronto Maple Leafs and one of these corporations could own the new second team in Toronto and also play at the Air Canada Centre.

If the rumour from this article is basically true, I will give the NHL this much, at least there will finally be nine teams in Canada which there should be and under a reasonable and good financial system for them thanks largely through the television deals from Rogers and TSN.

Frankly, I would rather see Hamilton receive a team and the return of the Montreal Maroons than two more mediocre American markets. But as always there needs to be suitable arenas.

These teams would be far more valuable financially than Seattle and Las Vegas.

There is also the possibility of transferring weaker American franchises to Canada.

For balance, I will state that I think Brooklyn, should the New York Islanders land there, as it looks like they will, is a fine upgrade from Long Island. An American city, as in New York, with a proven hockey history and a very large population.

The Star.com

April 2, 2016

In light of reading and listening, I provide this additional perspective as well:

I still reason the hockey business favours hockey markets, but reading and listening to more on building ownership I will add the following: Basically it seems, if a sports team has a good stadium ownership or lease deal, it can stay in place even with a mediocre club and/or mediocre market for that sport. This allows a sports league to place teams in markets that are mainly theoretically good image wise markets (large population, large television market, corporate support), even if not very successful entities in the sport. Bad news if you are in locale or country that is not considered good image, even while a potentially profitable market. So with the NHL, Quebec City is considered by most observers a more profitable hockey market than Las Vegas, but I could see the reasonable possibility that Las Vegas being a major city for travel would have the more profitable arena. I would rather own the arena in Las Vegas than in Quebec City.