Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekend At Surrey

Surrey, BC-trekearth

What a wonderful world, via Google+
Northern Lights, Norway-Google+

Incident photos courtesy Dean H. I showed a couple of these pictures last post, but I have 'new information'...

According to Dean this is via a police car chase outside of his Estate. On a serious note the driver of the car in a sense was likely provided with a form of 'instant justice'. Rather than obeying the State in the context of living within law and order, including driving laws, as the New Testament states in general theological terms in Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2, this driver likely breaking law and laws found quick and decisive judgement. On the other hand, not that I am by any means a perfect example; I was the evening prior to the birthday party stopped at a RCMP road check: The officer asks if I had anything to drink, sees my corp. security jacket, pants and tie and is dismissing me and walking away while I am stating "Just worked eight hours at ....' I figured it may pay to keep the tie on,.
Just to be very clear, there is no truth to the rumour, started by Dean at Bulgarian Princess Srs' birthday party, that this was her Highness having just received a learner's license for her birthday...
My personal deduction is that the police and street crasher were playing 'Dukes of Hazzard'.
Almost looks like that city employee is 'curling'. That is one big 'rock'.
Yes, Surrey is the second most populated city in British Columbia and would be a more profitable National Hockey League franchise with a larger fan base than would be Seattle, or Las Vegas. But of course no billionaire or trillionaire is going to build a 15, 000 to 20, 000 thousand seat arena in Surrey when it would be a white elephant (perhaps wearing a turban).

From the birthday party...

This Bulgarian dog takes affection to the maximum. She is extremely extroverted and has no respect whatsoever for personal space. Especially a cat's personal space...
This 'priceless and valuable' Bulgarian, Persian cat, (perhaps worth millions?) according to the Princess, is demonstrating her disgust with the evening's dog dominated proceedings...

Florida police and their new police 'gator' on duty. Facebook
Newest mall security idea at closing hours. Malls are built to contain water and then Guard Sharks are hired...Facebook
Dog in need of assistance from the Fire Department? No actually it is a canine CIA operative that was seen trying to leave a dwelling where he had been eating and then eliminating sensitive documents. He was busted by a 911 call from a elderly couple with nothing better to do that day than spy on neighbours...Facebook
I would hope, for his employment status that he becomes a trained tattoo artist...It looks like he has a built-in pen/pencil holder. I will give him credit for that...
My major philosophical question is...Would that now famous, socially groundbreaking rooster consider an executive position at KFC? If he did, would his motives be palatable to most? Or chicken, whatever.