Monday, April 05, 2021

Thought provoking statement 8: You are a very brave man

Thought provoking statement 8

Photo: British Columbia, 2018

John Stott 2001: Speaker 'You are a very brave man'. (In regards to writing my PhD on the problem of evil) I was advised not to cite him in my PhD as he was not considered academic enough at Wales. 

Questionable, but I followed directions.

At the very end of the book 'Basic Christianity' Stott explains that a Christian should follow Christ wholly and unreservedly in service. Stott (1958)(2009: 156). I will not claim that for myself in a perfect sense, but I will state that I did serve the Lord in a sacrificial sense in England/Wales and in my academic career. I have attempted to continue to do this with my website work by grace through faith (Ephesians 2).

STOTT, JOHN, R.W. (1958)(2009) Basic Christianity, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids.