Saturday, June 25, 2022

Like Mjolnir?

I was thinking the brush was like Mjolnir, before I saw the You Tube comment, I included. Bob Ross has the chain and chest hair like re: Tom Jones.

Don't apply at Old Trafford, etcetera

Photo 1: Old Trafford, Manchester United, May 12, 2021

Sunday, June 19, 2022

I meant this as encouragement, but based on a person that liked it, I am thinking this is philosophical too

I meant this as encouragement on Facebook for a good friend, but based on a person that liked it, I am thinking this ended up being philosophical too (shocking). 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Short Saturday Bullets: Liberals, Church, Science

• I received this message (image) on my 4th Gmail account this week.
• I am not a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. 

• But, last election they contacted me on email, and asked me to participate in some surveys, so I was a 'good citizen' and did.

 They do have good graphics...

• When the Conservative Party of Canada calls me, it sounds like the same robotic voice that always only takes three no's, before he/it gives up. 

• Not good.

• Our particular, church home group (bible study) is having the first in-person meeting at the host's home in over two years. 

• A barbecue. 

• The hosts have enough baby girls and a crazy dog, the show should be entertaining. 

• Good, loyal, friends.

• Online this week, a good friend was (paraphrased) questioning science as portrayed in the media. 

• I opined (paraphrased comments) that science has become too politicized from both the left and the right. 

• As an academic, non-scientist, I advised my friend to buy an academic source, like I have, for example, the Oxford Dictionary of Science.

 Oxford Dictionary of Science, (2010), Sixth Edition, Oxford, Oxford University.

• I suggested to my friend that within that text, it is a significantly, non-political, data, presentation.

• Which is how science, generally at least, should be presented and considered.

• I am not, however, opposed to philosophy of science.

• The information and data provided in that Oxford text, does not necessarily support current political and politically correct, views, claiming to be scientific, of the left. 

• Or of the right.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Boring, annoying, predictable messages hit my LinkedIn

Boring, annoying, predictable messages hit my LinkedIn

Photo: Windows

That is it. I need a keyboard with a red 'Delete' key.

I suppose like most of the males I know of, online, I receive the connection requests from 'strange' women. In general, for a description, Proverbs 2: 16 seems to fit the context, quite often.

Proverbs 2: 16 New American Standard Version Bible (NASB) 16 To rescue you from the strange woman, From the foreign woman who flatters with her words...

Being finite, I cannot always know if someone is 'strange' immediately, so sometimes I will humour someone for maybe five minutes. There was just such a case, but this time, surprisingly on LinkedIn, which is the website for professionals. I certainly expect this kind of nonsense on TikTok, Twitter and Facebook, but not usually LinkedIn.

I immediately tune out and lose interest, because with each of these online social media, platforms, my location is provided, but I am almost always first asked where I am from. It is boring, annoying and predictable to be continually asked questions for which the answers are listed.

Then of course, before I delete them or ignore them, I am often asked if I am single or a related question. Sigh...

One would think 'scammers' could do a little bit more research, but I suppose that is wishful thinking. 

In the rare instances that I do write an online message to a female, that is almost always an intellectual type; I take the online, professional advice and try not to be boring, annoying and predictable in my messages. Gasp, maybe even thoughtful, respectful, humour is used. Oh know, that means that my messaging cannot all be cookie-cutter. That is work...

I am not the best person, socially, in crowds, I do not like interrupting conversations. I do not like lining up to talk with someone. I am in process. But, when I do socialize, I prefer a good in-person talk to online messaging in general. 

With a new career developing, separate from academic writing, I am not going to be on these websites as much...

But I will still, God-willing, prioritize my academic writing, when I can.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Quote: There is no such thing as a calm PhD

Photo: University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter-Campus 19.09.2019 official 

Late this afternoon, a paraphrased coffee, conversation with my undergrad, internship, mentor. 

Me: Yes, as an undergrad, I was always motivated to achieve the best grades possible, towards being accepted for a PhD program and then gaining a PhD. 

Me: In hindsight, I could have been less aggressive, but I did not have the PhD yet.

Mentor: There is no such thing as a calm PhD.